Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved?
When was Clinton ever beloved by the Right? When they were impeaching him?

He gave them no option. The House. It was strictly legal. But Clinton is loved to this day. Do a poll.

We love him.
there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Like you all worked with the "country" under Obama? please get in the back of the line now. you aren't in control anymore
He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Then you are a fool if you believe that. I'm not trying to be nasty here. I'm making a serious political judgement call that most politicos would agree with.

Obama's legacy will be that he will be the first President ever to only govern for his electorate.


Not for the people. Only for the people that elected him.

The First. And I pray to God the last.

That was some lovely horseshit. Hope you enjoyed it. I could not disagree any more strongly with you than I do now.

there isn't one damn thing your President you put in over us all likes about YOU or your country.

You should have got that clue when he called you all bible thumping gun clingers and accused his own white grandmother of being "afraid" of anyone not the same as her


Our. Get over it. He won. Your side lost.
Twice in a row. By landslides!


52.87% to 45.60%, +7.26%, 365-173


51.01% to 47.15%, +3.86%, 332-206.

That was some monumental ass-whipping.

Yet Republicans didn't say "The American people have spoken", working WITH the country's choice. They have worked against America's choice.

Like you all worked with the "country" under Obama? please get in the back of the line now. you aren't in control anymore

That made no sense at all. Put the bong down.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Yes Christians did commit terrible acts in the name of their version of their god. Just Jews have committed terrible acts in their name of their version of their god.

Welcome to the real world.
See this? See what you posted? When a man becomes a President he is to become the President of all of his peoples.

Not just those that elected him.

The way you look at his Presidency is wrong.

He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.
I thought it was a good speech, I guess it would irritate some Christians as their past has been brought up to them, but all religions have radicals, and radical anything is bad.

How is it THEIR past of the people that are Christians today?
The same for Slavery. How is that the fault of the people LIVING today?

Obama is a hatful divider and this speech was suppose to be about UNITY not about chastising people he Represents.

but you love anything the man does so you don't care who he offends

You must have been listening to some other prayer breakfast.

A strong possibility.

BTW, Liminal - welcome to USMB.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.
He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

In 50 years, Pres. Obama will go into the history books as a very centrist Republican, based on his policies en toto.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.

However, that is not true.

Jimmy Carter is the the only President to hammer out a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, a peace treaty that is STILL in effect today.
He is. That is why I wrote "our".


Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

Oh for crying out loud. That's baby talk. Of course when they get to Washington they sell out.

That's a no brainer.

But they do sell out left or right. Get a grip.
Win. He is president of only the progressives and the left. He is yours.

Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

In 50 years, Pres. Obama will go into the history books as a very centrist Republican, based on his policies en toto.

By that time FOX News will have helped shift the political dynamic so far to the right that history books will be altered to show how Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan were actually liberals.
By the way, do you lefties know one of the reasons that the right loves him? Clinton?

Because he was the only President in our lifetime that truly sought peace between Israel and Palestine?

Because he achieved that peace but Arafat rejected it?

I will go to my grave blessing Bill Clinton for having done what no other man has done.

However, that is not true.

Jimmy Carter is the the only President to hammer out a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, a peace treaty that is STILL in effect today.

Oh that was to be. I guess I should give him some credit. I've been looking at the bigger picture all these years. I've seriously loved Clinton for engaging the bloody maniac. Arafat was insane and was continually selling his people out.
Wrong. He is OUR president. Only, butthurt Righties don't want to admit it.

Oh you are missing it. He governs only for the left.

This is not even in question. Yes you won. Yes the left won. But when you become President you are to govern all of the people.

Why do you think Clinton is so beloved? Or Reagan? Because they didn't assume the highest position of the land and go "I won you lost".

Obama said this. You mimic him. It is wrong.

No. You just want to think he only governs for the Left. Funny, that.

Obama a leftist? Hilarious. He looks like another corporate sellout to me, just like everyone else in Washington.

In 50 years, Pres. Obama will go into the history books as a very centrist Republican, based on his policies en toto.

By that time FOX News will have helped shift the political dynamic so far to the right that history books will be altered to show how Attila The Hun and Genghis Khan were actually liberals.


Right now, the RWNJ clowns in the GOP clown car (see: my avatar!) make Barry Goldwater look like a limp-wristed, lily-livered Librul!!!

I don't know how you can read that Wiki entry and come away saying he wasn't a Christian. Unless you don't consider Catholics Christians.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Raymond. The key to being a Christian is believing in Christ. Your quote said he had a general belief in a deity of some kind. That makes him as much a Muslim as a Christian since he has no specific Christian belief. Seriously, you didn't know that? You seriously think that means Christian? Conversations with liberals sure aren't intellectually stimulating...

McViegh also did it for political reasons. The proximate cause was where government murdered American citizens at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was right, but how he went about that was wrong, killing more innocent people isn't justified in any way. But whether you agree or disagree with him, he was a non-Christian who did it for clearly political reasons.

But he was white, so that means it's on Christians...
I'll ask again: Why did you interject McVeigh into this thread?

I doubt I can explain the blatantly obvious clearly enough for a liberal to comprehend it, but I'll give it one more go. You argued that the "Islamic State" isn't reflective of Muslim. Liberals are always bringing up McViegh as your first example of Christian terrorism. Seriously, you don't see the connection? Seriously?
Well, then, that's the definition of a strawman. Because I did not.

Besides that, it's a false statement. First, it's not Liberals, it's anyone making the argument that Christianity has their share of extremists. Second, the first example brought up is usually either the KKK, or the abortion nuts like Eric Rudolph.

I count 3 strikes.

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