Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

In psychology and logic, rationalization or rationalisation (also known as making excuses[1]) is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.[3]

Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly unconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt). People rationalize for various reasons — sometimes when we think we know ourselves better than we do. Rationalization may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behavior or feeling in question.[4][5]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationalization_%28making_excuses%29
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

ISIS has stated they want to establish an Islamic state.....
And the LIBS say ISIS nothing to do with ISLAM.....

Does this make any sense?
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

ISIS has stated they want to establish an Islamic state.....
And the LIBS say ISIS nothing to do with ISLAM.....

Does this make any sense?

Of course it doesn't!

but then

nothing the liberals say makes any sense!
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

ISIS has stated they want to establish an Islamic state.....
And the LIBS say ISIS nothing to do with ISLAM.....

Does this make any sense?

Of course it doesn't!

but then

nothing the liberals say makes any sense!

They are a strange bunch....
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

ISIS has stated they want to establish an Islamic state.....
And the LIBS say ISIS nothing to do with ISLAM.....

Does this make any sense?

Of course it doesn't!

but then

nothing the liberals say makes any sense!

They are a strange bunch....

they sure are.:rolleyes:
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic

Every time we refer to ISIS as the “Islamic State,” call its members “jihadists” or in any way grant it the religious legitimacy that it so desperately seeks, we simultaneously boost its brand, tarnish the image of Islam and further marginalize the vast majority of Muslims who are disgusted by the group’s un-Islamic actions.

Islam prohibits the extremism exhibited by ISIS. An essential part of the faith is moderation.
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic
Ok...we can now call them the "un-islamic anti islamic radical Islamic terrorists"... That should cover all bases.
And the KKK called themselves Christian.

Every religion has been used by those who would do murder. That is the crux of the message that President Obama delivered. In order to destroy ISIS we need the help of the sane Moslems. Stating shit like a lot of what we are seeing on this thread will only create a worse situation, and alienated many who are on our side. ISIS has murdered far more Moslems than Christians, and most Moslems are well aware of that.
Comparing Christianity and Islam?

Why that's absurd. That would be like comparing "stone" and "rock".
Any fool can see their invisible jealous sky pixies' names are spelled completely differently.


They have Christ in common don't you know?

Actually I think they have Jesus in common. "Christ" is a title.
Yes Pogo
All people seek God's Perfect Justice which is what Jesus represents.
The difference is whether we invoke the Retributive side of Justice and get what we give by Retribution back and forth.
Or we invoke the Restorative side of Justice and submit equally to restore good faith relations together to correct wrongs.

One is Antichrist, the other is Christ Jesus.

The Muslims who practice peace and justice can be abused
by an EXTREME form of Jihadist/Islamist militants which is Antichrist.
The Christians who practice justice with mercy can be abused
by an EXTREME form of Zionist or Armageddon/Apocalyptic cults that are Antichrist.

The Jews Christians and Muslims who follow the laws
and unite in Christ can check against abuses.
Together, they can do more to stop the violent extremists who invoke Retribution and
go against the meaning and purpose of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice,

Emily Emily Emily... :smiliehug:

Once again you're overcomplexificationalizing. I simply meant that "Christ", the English rendering of Greek Krystos, the Greek rendering of Masiach -- is a title. Christians by definition have him as a Messiah (Masiach), i.e. they give him the title -- while Jews and Muslims do not.

It's not that complicated... he occupies a role in one religion that he does not occupy in others. That's all there is to it -- simple semantics. No need to make a mountain out of it. :)

Hi Pogo
But that is the big issue for all humanity.
Whether we can all come together as one and receive the ONE Message or Messiah for all.

THAT is the whole point of these religions is to organize people so we CAN come to fruition
with our paths to peace and justice.

Religions aren't just random, they have a purpose and meaning
and these are MERGING to one big culmination of unity at the end of the road.
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic
Ok...we can now call them the "un-islamic anti islamic radical Islamic terrorists"... That should cover all bases.
deltex1 How about just "Jihadist," and recognizing the difference with people who worship "Jihad"
(clearly separate from Muslims who practice charity in peace.)
Moderate Islam,Sharia law followers,Islam....ISIS wants Islamic state.....
It's all Islam.
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic
Ok...we can now call them the "un-islamic anti islamic radical Islamic terrorists"... That should cover all bases.
OK, and we can call you just fucking stupid.

The President condemned the terrorists in no uncertain terms. He has done far more than the previous administration in combating the terrorists, hitting them no matter where they are at. And you and others have condemned him for using the drones in those nations that were giving the terrorists shelter.
Moderate Islam,Sharia law followers,Islam....ISIS wants Islamic state.....
It's all Islam.
And how many times have we seen people like you claiming that the US is a Christian Nation? When it was specifically established as a secular nation.
Here is Obama's speech:

We see sectarian war in Syria, the murder of Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, religious war in the Central African Republic, a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe, so often perpetrated in the name of religion.

That is 1000 years ago?

In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.

That is 1000 years ago?
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Because it's all he's got. He had to bring up something that happened hundreds of years ago and claim it's no different than the archaic practices of today's Muslims. They haven't advanced at all in centuries and still subscribe to the same beliefs that their ancestors did. I really disliked the part about us being on a high horse and judging terrorists. Yea, who are we to say that it's wrong to murder people because they insulted your religion? Who are we to say it wrong to treat women as possessions who have no rights? This happens in the most "moderate" of Muslim countries.

He also seemed more upset about the people who dared to insult their prophet than in the draconian mindset of the terrorists. He said they committed atrocities, but refuses to admit it has anything to do with their religion. He had no problem saying that Christians committed terrible acts and even included slavery as something they did in the name of Christianity, but still insists that terrorists are not Muslims.

Christians today like to protest and make their voices heard, but they don't kill those who insult their God. To compare the two in any way is just wrong because one is ancient history and one is today's news. And murders in the name of Allah will be tomorrow's news.

Why are there so many radicals in the Muslim world? Why doesn't Obama address that instead of trying to shame America for being so outraged at the number of Muslim terrorists? And why is it wrong to bash Muslims for treating women so horribly? I thought liberals believed in human rights across the globe, yet they won't even disagree with the typical Muslim practice of forcing women to cover themselves and refusing their rights as women and as human beings.

The few Muslim women who have dared to speak out have stated that Muslim women have no allies and will never have a voice because no one will come to their aid and say how wrong it is for them to be treated like slaves. Instead they hear the left defending Muslims and saying they are peaceful. I'm sure the women and the young girls subjected to genital mutilation don't feel they are oppressed by peace loving people. They are at the mercy of evil dictators within Islam. It seems prevalent throughout and I will not defend it. An Imam said recently, in a speech in Europe, that women must obey their men, keep the home and never deny their husbands sex. Seems that is the only reasons that Muslim women exist. I hate to think what kind of beating the women get if they don't obey. But, hey, it's just such a peaceful religion so we should never ever say a negative word or we are the bad ones. I get it. And when Muslims move to America, they should still be allowed to follow their religion that says women are lesser beings.

Islam isn't really a religion, at least not like most. Their religion is their government and the only thing they will accept. Why do they go to other countries when they don't approve of the laws and customs there? If they like Sharia law, why don't they stay in Muslim countries that already do things the way they want? Or is anyone on the left willing to admit that they have a plan to spread out and conquer places, one little step at a time? Some Muslims have stated that the goal of Muslims is to one day control the world. Nice of the left to give them a hand with that.
Last edited:
Americans are not Christians but are satanic-cultists.

Christ's church doesn't close 6 days a week and open only one day to collect money.
Don't know what church you go to, but mine is open 6 days a week. 7 if you request it.

Given the body of people is the whole church,
we are constantly in session despite constant disruptions of fellowship and group therapy going on 24/7....

Um no, this is where Christ would tell you "I do not know you."

The Early Church pledged their wealth to the church and the church operated 24/7 ministry to all the poor and actually did something for the community ALL THE TIME.

Not just 1 day a week.

Not just some "charity event" on a Tuesday that everyone agrees to go to and help out.

Who gives a shit stick to the topic:thup:
Why? The topic is idiocy.
And the KKK called themselves Christian.

Every religion has been used by those who would do murder. That is the crux of the message that President Obama delivered. In order to destroy ISIS we need the help of the sane Moslems. Stating shit like a lot of what we are seeing on this thread will only create a worse situation, and alienated many who are on our side. ISIS has murdered far more Moslems than Christians, and most Moslems are well aware of that.

Hi Old Rocks but neither do you need to alienate the Christians
because THAT causes a backlash that is better avoided.
Why keep dividing these groups more and more?

If Obama's work was another stepping stone, in bridging these gaps,
maybe the next round will get it right. This isn't fully unified yet.

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