Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare

I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
"They don't perform"? What do you mean by that?
You are right about less then 30 insurance companies administering Medicare/Medicaid... and they are losing money doing so!
I know a whole lot more about Medicare then you do I am sure as on a daily basis thousands of times a day providers use a service I set up to find out if they will be PAID by Medicare so I know as I said more then you regarding these they are called "Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)"...
25% of Medicare beneficiaries use Medicare Advantage plans which ARE managed by insurance companies....BUT because they make a profit Obama wants to dissolve them!
So if MACs are losing money why are they bidding on the contracts? Prestige but they make money from commercial insurance WHICH pays the bills for the administration of Medicare/Medicaid!
But Obama's ilk don't like profits. So any MAC that stays in business is doing so because of commercial insurance!
Please get some facts about how BAD insurance companies are though before spouting off!
For example you still believe I am sure there are 46 million people that are uninsured that want to be insured right???
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
42 million bogus number of the 46 million!
If you are an honest person following the above links and see how totally inept Obamacare is as an administrative example...i.e. KNOW the people you serve!
A) Obviously Obama now ACA passed agrees 10 million are not citizens... BUT he used that number 46 million to get ACA passed...now says 36 million!
B) Obviously Obama's inept CMS can't find 14 million people that were qualified BEFORE ACA for Medicaid i.e. all need do is register with Medicaid!
C) Obviously Obama thinks NO one should have the right to refuse health insurance as 18 million under 34 making over $50k/year choose!!!

Do you understand? This whole Obamacare bogus program was sold to idiots with exaggerated by 1,000% numbers! NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured
that wanted insurance, were legal and KNEW they were covered by Medicaid! Never!
Yet people bought into that number along with the gross fallacy regarding health insurance companies!
I am constantly amazed at how grossly ignorant most Obamacare supporters are of the FACTS!
PBS- Healthcare Crisis The Uninsured

But NOT one of these contributors mentioned as I've ASKED YOU to do:
VISIT these web sites and then tell me how they add up to 46 million???
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
The 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) identified 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured in 2003.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified
by the Census Bureau, which found:
Nearly one-third 14.7 million were reachable through public programs, such as Medicaid and the SCHIP program for children


DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? MEDICAID FAILED to get them enrolled!!! All before ACA!!! WHY??? Ineptness by the same people NOW charged with

Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

NOT ONE of the people in the PBS segment mentioned 18 million of their "40 million uninsured" DIDN"T WANT or NEED health insurance!
Don't people like you understand???
18 million under 34... have no need. 18 million make over $50k and could afford their EMPLOYERS' Plans but CHOSE not to enroll!

So why was it necessary to lie there were 46 million "uninsured"... when 10 million not citizens..14 million already eligible for Medicaid 18 million didn't want?
4 million. That is what the true number is of people that WANT and are LEGAL and for reasons need health insurance!!!
LIES by PBS in NOT investigating the true number!
hmmm, Uwe Reinhart or HCMyths? Hmmmmmmm, I'm going with Uwe on this. LOL

Yep, Uwe has been the expert for decades.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
"They don't perform"? What do you mean by that?
You are right about less then 30 insurance companies administering Medicare/Medicaid... and they are losing money doing so!
I know a whole lot more about Medicare then you do I am sure as on a daily basis thousands of times a day providers use a service I set up to find out if they will be PAID by Medicare so I know as I said more then you regarding these they are called "Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)"...
25% of Medicare beneficiaries use Medicare Advantage plans which ARE managed by insurance companies....BUT because they make a profit Obama wants to dissolve them!
So if MACs are losing money why are they bidding on the contracts? Prestige but they make money from commercial insurance WHICH pays the bills for the administration of Medicare/Medicaid!
But Obama's ilk don't like profits. So any MAC that stays in business is doing so because of commercial insurance!
Please get some facts about how BAD insurance companies are though before spouting off!
For example you still believe I am sure there are 46 million people that are uninsured that want to be insured right???
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
42 million bogus number of the 46 million!
If you are an honest person following the above links and see how totally inept Obamacare is as an administrative example...i.e. KNOW the people you serve!
A) Obviously Obama now ACA passed agrees 10 million are not citizens... BUT he used that number 46 million to get ACA passed...now says 36 million!
B) Obviously Obama's inept CMS can't find 14 million people that were qualified BEFORE ACA for Medicaid i.e. all need do is register with Medicaid!
C) Obviously Obama thinks NO one should have the right to refuse health insurance as 18 million under 34 making over $50k/year choose!!!

Do you understand? This whole Obamacare bogus program was sold to idiots with exaggerated by 1,000% numbers! NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured
that wanted insurance, were legal and KNEW they were covered by Medicaid! Never!
Yet people bought into that number along with the gross fallacy regarding health insurance companies!
I am constantly amazed at how grossly ignorant most Obamacare supporters are of the FACTS!

So what? You've developed an app based on CCI edits, a scrubber, or something similar. That hardy makes you an expert on the politics of health care.
You all still are ignoring the basic math here!
ACA/Obamacare was passed based on the supposedly "46 million uninsured". Everyone agree on that number?
My point and other intelligent people that understand the following:
1) of the 46 million counted as "uninsured".. 10 million were not American citizens and therefore can't get Medicare/commercial insurance etc. 10 million!
2) 14 million all Obama's administration needed to do was enroll them! That's it! So if Obama can't even enroll these 14 million where is there 46 million?
3) Finally 18 million CHOOSE NOT to have insurance! Since when is it a LAW they must have insurance?
They are under 34 so they don't need it. They make over $50k so they can afford their employers' plans but CHOOSE NOT to!

What is the problem here folks???
Simple arithmetic when you add 10 million that aren't legal, 14 million that all need do is enroll, and 18 million that don't... subtract from 46 million leaves
4 million that want and need!
Please why is this such a difficult concept to understand? I am baffled that you people can't do simple math!
hmmm, Uwe Reinhart or HCMyths? Hmmmmmmm, I'm going with Uwe on this. LOL
So being an ignorant fool YOU are afraid to follow the links. Being ignorant of simple math you can't seem to follow the simple facts that
1) 10 million of the 46 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million -- simply need to have been registered by this totally inept administration... so inept and yet YOU idiots think they can manage health care???
3) 18 million -- CHOOSE NOT to have insurance as they don't NEED it (under 34) can afford it (make over $50k) but don't want employers' health plans.
So why are you people so insistent then there are 46 million uninsured which was the reason we got this Obamanation of health care?
I am so grossly disappointed in how fundamentally out of touch with reality people like you are!

Seriously... when you subtract 42 million people that are either NOT legal, are already covered or don't want something from 46 million that leaves 4 million!
Is that so hard to comprehend???
hmmm, Uwe Reinhart or HCMyths? Hmmmmmmm, I'm going with Uwe on this. LOL
So being an ignorant fool YOU are afraid to follow the links. Being ignorant of simple math you can't seem to follow the simple facts that
1) 10 million of the 46 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million -- simply need to have been registered by this totally inept administration... so inept and yet YOU idiots think they can manage health care???
3) 18 million -- CHOOSE NOT to have insurance as they don't NEED it (under 34) can afford it (make over $50k) but don't want employers' health plans.
So why are you people so insistent then there are 46 million uninsured which was the reason we got this Obamanation of health care?
I am so grossly disappointed in how fundamentally out of touch with reality people like you are!

Seriously... when you subtract 42 million people that are either NOT legal, are already covered or don't want something from 46 million that leaves 4 million!
Is that so hard to comprehend???

There are more uninsured than that.

Plus, plenty of underinsured from cruddy plans. Plus, folks who lost insurance and could not replace it because of pre-existing conditions that often included common afflictions like allergies, hypertension, etc. ACA solved that. Plus, plenty of right wingers keeping their kids on their policies.

Medicaid in most states will only cover you once you are destitute. People who choose not to take health insurance, depend on the rest of us to cover them when they get sick. Unlike you, some of us care about the undocumented immigrants who have been here for years living decent lives and working hard.
No HCmyths. Having googled and following links of my own, I've concluded either your mistaken or intentionally distorting numbers to fit your agenda.

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