Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare

Looks like the GOP is sunk via Obamacare

Obamacare will not rally voters for more liberal policy(makers) come November.

Come on.

You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

To ultimate rationing is when people can't get insurance, like we had before Obamacare.
That was barely literate.
Yeah,. before Obamacare no one had insurance. No one.
You're dismissed.

And his followers cheered.
Back in the Spring, 54% of GOP ads were about Obamacare.

In July that had shrunk to 27%.

Now, they barely talk about it.
Why waste resources talking about something the voters already know is a failure?
Obamacare will not rally voters for more liberal policy(makers) come November.

Come on.

You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

To ultimate rationing is when people can't get insurance, like we had before Obamacare.
That was barely literate.
Yeah,. before Obamacare no one had insurance. No one.
You're dismissed.

Lots of folks could not get insurance. Quit reading by pointing at each word. It will improve comprehension.
You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

To ultimate rationing is when people can't get insurance, like we had before Obamacare.
That was barely literate.
Yeah,. before Obamacare no one had insurance. No one.
You're dismissed.

Lots of folks could not get insurance. Quit reading by pointing at each word. It will improve comprehension.
I'm only responding to what you wrote, which is that no one had health insurance. Which is obviously absurd.
Some people had trouble getting insurance. Now everyone has trouble getting insurance. Thanks a bunch!
And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.

What a load of horseshit bub. Your full of shit.

He and Dems did this one on their own with a majority.

They passed it without any Rep input at all. They did it without one Rep vote. They sure didn't have the process out there for everyone to see in the most open and transparant administration in history. Hope and change anyone.

As far as anyone standing in the way? Didn't matter. His majority of Dems passed it despite everyone tearing up the phone lines to DC to tell their representatives not to pass it.

They passed it and now we taxpayers are stuck with an 8.6 billion dollar price tag.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize while the cost of our benefits go up because of that POS the ACA.

If that sounds like a good deal to you than your a bigger idiot than I thought.

And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.

What a load of horseshit bub. Your full of shit.

He and Dems did this one on their own with a majority.

They passed it without any Rep input at all. They did it without one Rep vote. They sure didn't have the process out there for everyone to see in the most open and transparant administration in history. Hope and change anyone.

As far as anyone standing in the way? Didn't matter. His majority of Dems passed it despite everyone tearing up the phone lines to DC to tell their representatives not to pass it.

They passed it and now we taxpayers are stuck with an 8.6 billion dollar price tag.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize.

If that sounds like a good deal to you then your a bigger idiot that than I though.

And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.

What a load of horseshit bub. Your full of shit.

He and Dems did this one on their own with a majority.

They passed it without any Rep input at all. They did it without one Rep vote. They sure didn't have the process out there for everyone to see in the most open and transparant administration in history. Hope and change anyone.

As far as anyone standing in the way? Didn't matter. His majority of Dems passed it despite everyone tearing up the phone lines to DC to tell their representatives not to pass it.

They passed it and now we taxpayers are stuck with an 8.6 billion dollar price tag.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize while the cost of our benefits go up because of that POS the ACA.

If that sounds like a good deal to you than your a bigger idiot than I thought.


Gotta love callous right wingers who say the hell with everyone else as long as they have their insurance, etc.
And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.

What a load of horseshit bub. Your full of shit.

He and Dems did this one on their own with a majority.

They passed it without any Rep input at all. They did it without one Rep vote. They sure didn't have the process out there for everyone to see in the most open and transparant administration in history. Hope and change anyone.

As far as anyone standing in the way? Didn't matter. His majority of Dems passed it despite everyone tearing up the phone lines to DC to tell their representatives not to pass it.

They passed it and now we taxpayers are stuck with an 8.6 billion dollar price tag.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize while the cost of our benefits go up because of that POS the ACA.

If that sounds like a good deal to you than your a bigger idiot than I thought.


Gotta love callous right wingers who say the hell with everyone else as long as they have their insurance, etc.

Callous my ass.

Mayby you want to bankroll everyone but I sure don't. I have insurance because my company offers it and I pay into it along with my retirement.

My costs are going up by 30% this year because of the ACA.

As far as anyone elses healthcare, let em pay for their own.

Their healthcare is their responsibility. Not mine or the taxpayers of America.
Handing out deck chairs on the Titanic.

Looks like the GOP is sunk via Obamacare

Obamacare will not rally voters for more liberal policy(makers) come November.

Come on.

You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

Show us a link with Death Panels Rabbi...or shut up.
"Its the Economy, Stupid..."

It's Ebola, stupid.

It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Looks like the GOP is sunk via Obamacare

Obamacare will not rally voters for more liberal policy(makers) come November.

Come on.

You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

Show us a link with Death Panels Rabbi...or shut up.

The Truth Behind Obamacare s Death Panels - US News
Obamacare is so great, Democrats in congress forced Obamatard to go on national tv and tell the public Obamacare was his fault not theirs. lmao some of you libs are living in your own made up fantasy world. Good luck in Nov AHAHAHAHA!
And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.

What a load of horseshit bub. Your full of shit.

He and Dems did this one on their own with a majority.

They passed it without any Rep input at all. They did it without one Rep vote. They sure didn't have the process out there for everyone to see in the most open and transparant administration in history. Hope and change anyone.

As far as anyone standing in the way? Didn't matter. His majority of Dems passed it despite everyone tearing up the phone lines to DC to tell their representatives not to pass it.

They passed it and now we taxpayers are stuck with an 8.6 billion dollar price tag.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are now being forced to subsidize while the cost of our benefits go up because of that POS the ACA.

If that sounds like a good deal to you than your a bigger idiot than I thought.


Gotta love callous right wingers who say the hell with everyone else as long as they have their insurance, etc.

Callous my ass.

Mayby you want to bankroll everyone but I sure don't. I have insurance because my company offers it and I pay into it along with my retirement.

My costs are going up by 30% this year because of the ACA.

As far as anyone elses healthcare, let em pay for their own.

Their healthcare is their responsibility. Not mine or the taxpayers of America.

Look, if you can't afford a few dollars to help people too sick or poor to get health care, get a better paying job, or a second job. We live in a society where we make sure everyone has the basics. If you or a family member gets really sick, we'll keep paying taxes, higher insurance premiums, etc., to help. You can do the same. And, yes, you are a callous right winger who doesn't give a crud about anyone buy your own selfish ass. You need to improve your attitude.

I realize you are too ignorant to get it, but insurance by its very nature is socialism.

PS: If your costs are going up for insurance through your employer, your employer is screwing you, not Obamacare. Get another job rather than complaining about something that helps other people.
When the Soviet Union was in their heyday in the 50's and 60's, they had these '5-Year Plans.' They were these grandiose plans set by the beaurocrats in Moscow that set goals for manufacturing and agricultural output. The end of the plans always predicted the Soviet Union becoming incredibly self-sufficient agriculturally and surpassing the United States in the output of manufacturing. Of course, the reality was that it NEVER happened. As a matter of fact, due to droughts and weather conditions (something that you can never predict), their agricultural output actually fell at the end of some of these plans. And of course, we all know now that the workers in these huge plants did everything they could to not produce, because regardless of what they did, they got paid and their product was crap.

Now comes Obamacare which is the EXACT same thing: Central Planning. If you would talk to some doctors you would find that 80% of them believe it is crap and they know that it is going to diminish the health care in this country, which it is already doing. Course, like the Soviet Unions 5-year plans, there are those that sing the praises of this central planning, despite its obvious, blatant failures. Listening to them talk about how wonderful Obamacare is and is going to be, is like watching one of those videos of the beauty queen answering the dumbest questions with such babble, it doesn't make any sense. You just want to turn them off, shake your head and walk away. Have we really become this stupid as a nation?

The Dems are going to get their ass handed to them.

That seems likely.

The way in which Dear Leader rammed through ObamaCare is just one more example of the unilateralism and arrogance with which this Administration operates.

His Imperial Majesty has been ruling as much through Imperial Decree (Executive Order) as anything else.

People don't want an Emperor - they want their Republic back.

The November 2014 mid-terms will (1) allow the GOP to retain the House and (2) give the Senate back to the GOP.

And, if the GOP manages to get its head out of its ass long enough to field a decent Presidential candidate, they will take back the White House in 2016, as well.

The country has already had enough of Obama and want him to go.

January 20, 2017 can't get here fast enough to suit vast numbers of Americans.

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