Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare

You may be right.

When asked if they wanted ACA, the low information faux dupes said yes but when asked if they wanted ObamaCare, they said no.

Its a good start and is helping millions but people are still very ignorant about it. We still see people here who believe that ObamaCare is a product.

RWs are lying about ebola, mixing and stirring and Republicans have yet another wasteful repeal vote planned for after the election.

It is the revised "death panels" lie. That low information GOP FOX audience will tell every lie they can to stop progress or keep poor people from getting help. Then the "Christians" will go to church on Sunday and pray for the unfortunate poor they have been trying to screw over all week. That is NOT Christianity. That is Hypocrisy!
Except tje death panels are no lie. Ever similar scheme ends up rationing care and inevitably deciding who will live and who will die.

To ultimate rationing is when people can't get insurance, like we had before Obamacare.
That was barely literate.
Yeah,. before Obamacare no one had insurance. No one.
You're dismissed.

Lots of folks could not get insurance. Quit reading by pointing at each word. It will improve comprehension.
"Lots of folks"???
In his decision, U.S. District Judge Ronald White concluded Tuesday that the IRS rule altering the Obamacare law and providing billions in subsidies is "arbitrary, capricious and abuse of discretion":
"The Obama administration created this problem and rather than having an agency like the IRS rewrite a law it didn't like, the administration should have done the right thing and worked with Congress to amend the law. Oklahoma was the first to challenge the administration's actions and today's ruling vindicates what we recognized early on and that is the administration can't rewrite the Affordable Care Act by executive fiat."

He said the victory is just the beginning, because he fully expects the case to, ultimately, be decided by the Supreme Court:
Judge IRS Obamacare Rule Is Arbitrary Capricious and Abuse of Discretion CNS News

Also... if Obamacare is SO successful why the following polls show otherwise?
Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 4.38.45 PM.png
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...
When the Soviet Union was in their heyday in the 50's and 60's, they had these '5-Year Plans.' They were these grandiose plans set by the beaurocrats in Moscow that set goals for manufacturing and agricultural output. The end of the plans always predicted the Soviet Union becoming incredibly self-sufficient agriculturally and surpassing the United States in the output of manufacturing. Of course, the reality was that it NEVER happened. As a matter of fact, due to droughts and weather conditions (something that you can never predict), their agricultural output actually fell at the end of some of these plans. And of course, we all know now that the workers in these huge plants did everything they could to not produce, because regardless of what they did, they got paid and their product was crap.

Now comes Obamacare which is the EXACT same thing: Central Planning. If you would talk to some doctors you would find that 80% of them believe it is crap and they know that it is going to diminish the health care in this country, which it is already doing. Course, like the Soviet Unions 5-year plans, there are those that sing the praises of this central planning, despite its obvious, blatant failures. Listening to them talk about how wonderful Obamacare is and is going to be, is like watching one of those videos of the beauty queen answering the dumbest questions with such babble, it doesn't make any sense. You just want to turn them off, shake your head and walk away. Have we really become this stupid as a nation?


"Central Planning?" LMAO. You mean, like the military, our transportation system, our communication system, our agricultural system, etc.

We clearly need more central planning in our health system.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.
Obstruction?? O care is 100 dem and dem only,

It hasn't been fully implemented yet its a brilliant success??!!

Anyone with half a brain,would see the problem with a bill,that should be for all people,was only voted for exclusively by the authoring party,not one vote from the other side .
It's Ebola, stupid.

It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Yes, they called Rick Perry direct from the hospital and Perry consulted every Texan before sending him home.
Remind me what Obama is doing about this impending disaster? I mean besides scheduling another fundraiser.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.
And rightly so. Congratulations Mr. President on a job well done.

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare - Yahoo Finance

President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act and improvements in the economy overall, during in a major speech on the economy Thursday at Northwestern University in Illinois.

He had to fight against a lot of myopic folks and right wing obstructionists. Took a lot of guts. The legislation could have been even better without the obstruction and ignorance.
Obstruction?? O care is 100 dem and dem only,

It hasn't been fully implemented yet its a brilliant success??!!

Anyone with half a brain,would see the problem with a bill,that should be for all people,was only voted for exclusively by the authoring party,not one vote from the other side .

Actually, it is closer to plans promoted by Heritage Foundation and Romneycare in Massachusetts. But don't let facts sway you.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.
It is not highly coordinated or efficient. It's also over 50 years old and the result of a GOP president.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.

You mean the ones full of pot holes and bridges falling down,that system?
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.

You mean the ones full of pot holes and bridges falling down,that system?

Yeah, those GOP budget cuts suck, huh?
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.

You mean the ones full of pot holes and bridges falling down,that system?

Yeah, the ones that Obama requested funds to promote jobs through infrastructure improvements -- shot down because Obama proposed it.
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.

You mean the ones full of pot holes and bridges falling down,that system?

Yeah, those GOP budget cuts suck, huh?

Link?? Who has had 2/3 of the gov more how many years? Tunnel vision is helpful isn't it?
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
Can you name any instance where government intervention produced a highly coordinated/efficient system?

You travel on it every day Rabbi. It is called the federal highway system. Now go back to sleep.

You mean the ones full of pot holes and bridges falling down,that system?

Yeah, the ones that Obama requested funds to promote jobs through infrastructure improvements -- shot down because Obama proposed it.

And you have a magical link proving this,

Who was it that said shovel ready a thousand times a day at one point? Claiming that they would heal the economy if we approved the money,well they money was spent,yet where were those shovel ready projects?
"Its the Economy, Stupid..."

It's Ebola, stupid.

It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.
r, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents
It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.e latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Yes, they called Rick Perry direct from the hospital and Perry consulted every Texan before sending him home.
Remind me what Obama is doing about this impending disaster? I mean besides scheduling another fundraiser.
It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Yes, they called Rick Perry direct from the hospital and Perry consulted every Texan before sending him home.
Remind me what Obama is doing about this impending disaster? I mean besides scheduling another fundraiser.
It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Yes, they called Rick Perry direct from the hospital and Perry consulted every Texan before sending him home.
Remind me what Obama is doing about this impending disaster? I mean besides scheduling another fundraiser.
It's Texas stupid. Texas fucked up and failed miserably to protect it's citizens. Typical stupid, ignorant RED STATE!
Texas fucked up? How stupid are you, again?

Well the first ebola patient to develop symptoms in the U.S.was discovered in Texas and diagnosed in Texas. And last I heard, Texas is in the United States. Hmmm, makes one wonder why Texas? Seems those r-wing operatives will stoop to anything to pin on Obama.

Er, he traveled there from Liberia, AND LIED ON HIS TRAVEL PAPERS.

My gosh, no wonder liberals like you are so uneducated, you don't read.

Liberian authorities said Thursday they will prosecute Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan when he returns home for allegedly lying on his airport departure screening questionnaire about whether he had had contact with a person infected with the virus.

The latest Ebola outbreak has killed 3,338 in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Nigeria, the World Health Organization says, prompting several West African countries to closely monitor travelers in and out of the country.

On the form obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by a Liberian government official, Duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had cared for an Ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area affected by Ebola.


The Liberian health screening form filled out by Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan. who carried the disease to Dallas. Liberian authorities say they will prosecute him for allegedly lying about not having any contact with an infected person.(Photo: Kiichiro Sato, AP)

"He will be prosecuted" when he returns to Liberia, Binyah Kesselly, chairman of the board of directors of the Liberia Airport Authority, told reporters.

He said that people like Duncan and Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American with Ebola who traveled to Nigeria and infected people there, have brought a "stigma" upon Liberians living abroad.

Liberia says Dallas Ebola patient lied on exit documents

Then when he got to the hospital he told them he came from Liberia and they sent him home anyway. TEXAS SCREWED UP! Get it together Ricky before your next run for the White House.

Ebola case in Dallas signals health system lapse - LA Times
Yes, they called Rick Perry direct from the hospital and Perry consulted every Texan before sending him home.
Remind me what Obama is doing about this impending disaster? I mean besides scheduling another fundraiser.

Texas dropped the ball on this one folks. Own up to it!
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
"They don't perform"? What do you mean by that?
You are right about less then 30 insurance companies administering Medicare/Medicaid... and they are losing money doing so!
I know a whole lot more about Medicare then you do I am sure as on a daily basis thousands of times a day providers use a service I set up to find out if they will be PAID by Medicare so I know as I said more then you regarding these they are called "Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)"...
25% of Medicare beneficiaries use Medicare Advantage plans which ARE managed by insurance companies....BUT because they make a profit Obama wants to dissolve them!
So if MACs are losing money why are they bidding on the contracts? Prestige but they make money from commercial insurance WHICH pays the bills for the administration of Medicare/Medicaid!
But Obama's ilk don't like profits. So any MAC that stays in business is doing so because of commercial insurance!
Please get some facts about how BAD insurance companies are though before spouting off!
For example you still believe I am sure there are 46 million people that are uninsured that want to be insured right???
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
42 million bogus number of the 46 million!
If you are an honest person following the above links and see how totally inept Obamacare is as an administrative example...i.e. KNOW the people you serve!
A) Obviously Obama now ACA passed agrees 10 million are not citizens... BUT he used that number 46 million to get ACA passed...now says 36 million!
B) Obviously Obama's inept CMS can't find 14 million people that were qualified BEFORE ACA for Medicaid i.e. all need do is register with Medicaid!
C) Obviously Obama thinks NO one should have the right to refuse health insurance as 18 million under 34 making over $50k/year choose!!!

Do you understand? This whole Obamacare bogus program was sold to idiots with exaggerated by 1,000% numbers! NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured
that wanted insurance, were legal and KNEW they were covered by Medicaid! Never!
Yet people bought into that number along with the gross fallacy regarding health insurance companies!
I am constantly amazed at how grossly ignorant most Obamacare supporters are of the FACTS!
I mean you Obamacare supporters... PLEASE tell me why you ignore the fact lawyers cause the biggest waste i.e. duplicate tests,etc. as 90% of physicians attest they do so out of fear of lawsuits?
Do you think you are going to win the lottery? Do you think you will win your lawsuit?
YUP you do have a better chance of winning a health care lawsuit BUT guess what happens?
Insurance companies simply raise premiums! Why should they contest when YOU are evidently happy to have your premiums raised.
Oh and by the way.. health insurance companies spend 80% of every dollar in premium in claims, lawsuits,etc. 16% in overhead with net profit 4% which BY state laws they have to achieve or they won't get their right to sell insurance in the state if there are no reserves and reserves come from ...profits!
But idiots like most Obamacare supporters don't have one single iota of intelligence regarding insurance, premiums,etc. they simply say screw the companies when in reality they are butt f...king themselves!
Lawyers are laughing all the way with $270 billion a year in fees and you idiots are supporting them by not allowing tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!...

I support Obamacare, and am fine in the foreseeable future letting insurance companies handle transforming the healthcare system from an uncoordinated system to a highly coordinated/efficient system. Insurance companies pretty much administer Medicare and Medicaid, and would continue to do so under a single payer system.

However, it is up to insurance companies to prove they have more to contribute than just raking off a percentage off the top. If they don't perform, time to reconsider.
"They don't perform"? What do you mean by that?
You are right about less then 30 insurance companies administering Medicare/Medicaid... and they are losing money doing so!
I know a whole lot more about Medicare then you do I am sure as on a daily basis thousands of times a day providers use a service I set up to find out if they will be PAID by Medicare so I know as I said more then you regarding these they are called "Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)"...
25% of Medicare beneficiaries use Medicare Advantage plans which ARE managed by insurance companies....BUT because they make a profit Obama wants to dissolve them!
So if MACs are losing money why are they bidding on the contracts? Prestige but they make money from commercial insurance WHICH pays the bills for the administration of Medicare/Medicaid!
But Obama's ilk don't like profits. So any MAC that stays in business is doing so because of commercial insurance!
Please get some facts about how BAD insurance companies are though before spouting off!
For example you still believe I am sure there are 46 million people that are uninsured that want to be insured right???
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
42 million bogus number of the 46 million!
If you are an honest person following the above links and see how totally inept Obamacare is as an administrative example...i.e. KNOW the people you serve!
A) Obviously Obama now ACA passed agrees 10 million are not citizens... BUT he used that number 46 million to get ACA passed...now says 36 million!
B) Obviously Obama's inept CMS can't find 14 million people that were qualified BEFORE ACA for Medicaid i.e. all need do is register with Medicaid!
C) Obviously Obama thinks NO one should have the right to refuse health insurance as 18 million under 34 making over $50k/year choose!!!

Do you understand? This whole Obamacare bogus program was sold to idiots with exaggerated by 1,000% numbers! NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured
that wanted insurance, were legal and KNEW they were covered by Medicaid! Never!
Yet people bought into that number along with the gross fallacy regarding health insurance companies!
I am constantly amazed at how grossly ignorant most Obamacare supporters are of the FACTS!
PBS- Healthcare Crisis The Uninsured

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