Obama kind of okay with legalizing weed, says it's no more dangerous -Video

If your drug ends up in my lungs without my consent then I am a victim.

So you don't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes

I don't care what people do in their own homes. If you could find a way to keep the smoke off my property or out of public areas then have it. I'm not trying to keep people from doing what they want. I just don't want any of the smoke in my lungs.

If I had my way it would be illegal, but not really enforced. If caught it would amount to nothing more than a traffic ticket. This way people can do what they want. But on the other hand if I'm at the beach or park with my family you won't have anyone sitting down next to us lighting one up. Or my neighbor won't be sitting on his patio getting high while I'm playing with my kids on my patio. He'll have to go inside and close the windows.
In states where recreation use of marijuana is legal, you're not allowed to smoke in public places, so you should have no reason to object.
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So you don't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes

I don't care what people do in their own homes. If you could find a way to keep the smoke off my property or out of public areas then have it. I'm not trying to keep people from doing what they want. I just don't want any of the smoke in my lungs.

If I had my way it would be illegal, but not really enforced. If caught it would amount to nothing more than a traffic ticket. This way people can do what they want. But on the other hand if I'm at the beach or park with my family you won't have anyone sitting down next to us lighting one up. Or my neighbor won't be sitting on his patio getting high while I'm playing with my kids on my patio. He'll have to go inside and close the windows.
In states where recreation use of marijuana is legal, you're not allowed to smoke in public places, so you should have no reason to object.

No, we should not have laws that we do not intend to enforce. If we do not enforce a law, then it will not be considered a law by the public and just as well not be on the books. In effect, the police would be overriding the legislative arm of government. Selective enforcement is recognized as a sign of tyranny, and an abuse of power, because it violates the rule of law.

I actually agree with you on enforcing laws. But selective enforcement is common place right now in our government from driving over the speed limit to illegal aliens. So it is possible without really changing anything.
I don't think there is any question that marijuana will become legal in every state. It's just a question of when. Usage by older Americans over 50 is very small compared to younger Americans. As the population ages, resistance will fall and since over half the population supports repealing the law, it's probably not going to be that long.

Laws that aren't supported by the people will not be enforced and having such laws makes a mockery of the whole judicial system.

I have a feeling this is where it's headed also. But I also think it will come full circle. Cigarette users are losing rights seems like every year. The same will happen with marijuana users.
We discriminate against smokers because there is strong evidence that the smoke damages the lungs and coronary system. A 20 year study finds that is not the case with marijuana.

If your drug ends up in my lungs without my consent then I am a victim.

So you don't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes

I don't care what people do in their own homes. If you could find a way to keep the smoke off my property or out of public areas then have it. I'm not trying to keep people from doing what they want. I just don't want any of the smoke in my lungs.

If I had my way it would be illegal, but not really enforced. If caught it would amount to nothing more than a traffic ticket. This way people can do what they want. But on the other hand if I'm at the beach or park with my family you won't have anyone sitting down next to us lighting one up. Or my neighbor won't be sitting on his patio getting high while I'm playing with my kids on my patio. He'll have to go inside and close the windows.

I'm OK with that

I am not sure I want to go full Monty like Colorado, but would like to see it decriminalized. Leave you alone on your own property, confiscate it if you are smoking in public
I don't think there is any question that marijuana will become legal in every state. It's just a question of when. Usage by older Americans over 50 is very small compared to younger Americans. As the population ages, resistance will fall and since over half the population supports repealing the law, it's probably not going to be that long.

Laws that aren't supported by the people will not be enforced and having such laws makes a mockery of the whole judicial system.

I have a feeling this is where it's headed also. But I also think it will come full circle. Cigarette users are losing rights seems like every year. The same will happen with marijuana users.
We discriminate against smokers because there is strong evidence that the smoke damages the lungs and coronary system. A 20 year study finds that is not the case with marijuana.

Is smoking marijuana bad for your lungs? - CBS News

It doesn't matter to me. I just don't want someone else's marijuana smoke in my lungs. I find it more annoying when people try and bring up the "it won't hurt you argument". Sticking a dildo up my ass technically won't hurt my health. But I don't want that either.
If your drug ends up in my lungs without my consent then I am a victim.

So you don't object to people smoking in the privacy of their own homes

I don't care what people do in their own homes. If you could find a way to keep the smoke off my property or out of public areas then have it. I'm not trying to keep people from doing what they want. I just don't want any of the smoke in my lungs.

If I had my way it would be illegal, but not really enforced. If caught it would amount to nothing more than a traffic ticket. This way people can do what they want. But on the other hand if I'm at the beach or park with my family you won't have anyone sitting down next to us lighting one up. Or my neighbor won't be sitting on his patio getting high while I'm playing with my kids on my patio. He'll have to go inside and close the windows.

The perfect party pooper. Go inside and close the windows? Don't harsh my mellow, dude.
I have a feeling this is where it's headed also. But I also think it will come full circle. Cigarette users are losing rights seems like every year. The same will happen with marijuana users.
We discriminate against smokers because there is strong evidence that the smoke damages the lungs and coronary system. A 20 year study finds that is not the case with marijuana.

Is smoking marijuana bad for your lungs? - CBS News

It doesn't matter to me. I just don't want someone else's marijuana smoke in my lungs. I find it more annoying when people try and bring up the "it won't hurt you argument". Sticking a dildo up my ass technically won't hurt my health. But I don't want that either.

Rich fantasy life?
New research from Harvard Medical School, in a comparison between families with a history of schizophrenia and those without, finds little support for marijuana use as a cause of schizophrenia.

Harvard: Marijuana Doesn?t Cause Schizophrenia | Psych Central News

Violence resulting from pot is buried, deep and no one should ever bring it up.

A man has been jailed indefinitely to protect the public after committing an "horrifically violent" attack on a wealthy businesswoman while suffering mental illness brought on by cannabis.

Peter Thomas, 21, left Lisa Voice, the mother of his girlfriend, with devastating facial injuries after punching her in the face and then jumping on her head in an unprovoked assault caused by his schizophrenia.

The illness was said to have been "precipitated and exacerbated" by his five-year dependency on the class C drug.

Judge Roger Chapple said he accepted that Thomas was ill but felt he was such a risk that he should be subject to an indeterminate public protection order, with a provision that he serve at least three years

She had multiple fractures to her face and was put into intensive care. She has since had 11 operations to rebuild her head, including the insertion of metal plates to hold her cheeks together.
Thomas pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Passing sentence, Judge Chapple said: "What you did caused devastating injury to Mrs Voice, your girlfriend's mother. She is in constant pain and her life has forever changed.
"I accept that you had a mental disorder which may have been precipitated by - and was in the opinion of Dr Duncan Anderson (a forensic psychiatrist) exacerbated by - your dependence on cannabis."

So much for the mellowed out pothead. Fellow potheads will make endless excuses on why this could not happen, or it was someone else's fault or something else's fault.
Just because it isn't worse doesn't mean that it should legalized too and that right there should be the reason why it isn't legalized. Enough dangerous things already are legal. Why add more to such a mountain and what good will come of this type of thing being legalized anyways? What does weed bring to a person's picture exactly?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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