Obama knew it was Traitor for Terrorists


How about NBC as a source? Can you live with that?

Pelosi going to Syria despite objections - politics NBC News

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will visit Syria, a country President Bush has shunned as a sponsor of terrorism, despite being asked by the administration not to go

"In our view, it is not the right time to have these sort of high-profile visitors to Syria," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters Friday.

How about NBC as a source? Can you live with that?

Pelosi going to Syria despite objections - politics NBC News

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will visit Syria, a country President Bush has shunned as a sponsor of terrorism, despite being asked by the administration not to go

"In our view, it is not the right time to have these sort of high-profile visitors to Syria," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters Friday.
Thanks for the link. I asked you if the State Dept. gave official approval for the visit. It would appear that they not only gave the Senator official permission to travel to Syria, but gave her a full briefing.

Here's the link for Pelosi"s trip to Syria
Pelosi Travels Controversially To Syria - CBS News
I'm not seeing the part where it tells us how the State Dept. didn't give official approval.
The State Department takes orders from the President.
I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?

Here's the link for Pelosi"s trip to Syria
Pelosi Travels Controversially To Syria - CBS News
I'm not seeing the part where it tells us how the State Dept. didn't give official approval.
The State Department takes orders from the President.
I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?
You apparently have no idea how government works. The State Dept. approves all official US government travel to foreign countries.

Here's the link for Pelosi"s trip to Syria
Pelosi Travels Controversially To Syria - CBS News
I'm not seeing the part where it tells us how the State Dept. didn't give official approval.
The State Department takes orders from the President.
I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?
You apparently have no idea how government works. The State Dept. approves all official US government travel to foreign countries.
So true......

Thank you for admitting Pelosi and those other Democrats violated U S Law (the Logan Act) by admitting that they went over there without approval, meaning they did it all on their own..... AND THEY TRIED TO PASS SOMETHING OFF AS BEING "OFFICIAL" WHEN IT WAS NOT, MEANING THAT THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!
I'm not seeing the part where it tells us how the State Dept. didn't give official approval.
The State Department takes orders from the President.
I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?
You apparently have no idea how government works. The State Dept. approves all official US government travel to foreign countries.
So true......

Thank you for admitting Pelosi and those other Democrats violated U S Law (the Logan Act) by admitting that they went over there without approval, meaning they did it all on their own..... AND THEY TRIED TO PASS SOMETHING OFF AS BEING "OFFICIAL" WHEN IT WAS NOT, MEANING THAT THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!
You are still incorrect, the two situations are nothing alike.
The State Department takes orders from the President.
I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?
You apparently have no idea how government works. The State Dept. approves all official US government travel to foreign countries.
So true......

Thank you for admitting Pelosi and those other Democrats violated U S Law (the Logan Act) by admitting that they went over there without approval, meaning they did it all on their own..... AND THEY TRIED TO PASS SOMETHING OFF AS BEING "OFFICIAL" WHEN IT WAS NOT, MEANING THAT THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!
You are still incorrect, the two situations are nothing alike.
What two situations are you talking about? The President and State Department asked them not to go, and they went anyway. That's one situation. But the President really couldn't stop them, unless he placed them under arrest. Just think of it as your mother telling you NO, but you did it anyway....

Unless you're trying to make a reference to Congress sending that letter to Iran. In that case, I have to admit those two situations were nothing alike, since the letter to Iran was merely advising Iran how our system works, not an attempt to hold talks.
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I wonder why they simply didn't just deny the Senator permission to travel to Syria?
Because the President or his cabinet can't order Congress TO DO OR NOT DO ANYTHING......

Obozo is learning that lesson now, isn't he?
You apparently have no idea how government works. The State Dept. approves all official US government travel to foreign countries.
So true......

Thank you for admitting Pelosi and those other Democrats violated U S Law (the Logan Act) by admitting that they went over there without approval, meaning they did it all on their own..... AND THEY TRIED TO PASS SOMETHING OFF AS BEING "OFFICIAL" WHEN IT WAS NOT, MEANING THAT THEY LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!
You are still incorrect, the two situations are nothing alike.
What two situations are you talking about? The President and State Department asked them not to go, and they went anyway. That's one situation. But the President really couldn't stop them, unless he placed them under arrest. Just think of it as your mother telling you NO, but you did it anyway....

Unless you're trying to make a reference to Congress sending that letter to Iran. In that case, I have to admit those two situations were nothing alike, since the letter to Iran was merely advising Iran how our system works, not an attempt to hold talks.

Merely advising Iran how our system works, sort of a public service. That really was considerate of them. Good to know they weren't trying to derail negotiations or anything.

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