*Obama Knew This Guys Background*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. He will pardon the soldier before he leaves office, and then that SOB will attack USA.
2. FUCK OBAMA!!!:evil:

what???? OBama knows what he's doing

I mean Michael Moore and half the democrats in congress, said the whole war on terror is made up.

I mean look at all the international love we got from having him as President, oh wait.......pretty much everyone hates us.
I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.
I doubt if he'll be charged with anything but if he is, Obama will pardon him, for sure.
I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.

He already has been. Rice even said he served with honor and distinction on her Sunday morning talk show circuit.

President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, said on ABC that Bowe Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction" and that "Sergeant Bergdahl wasn't simply a hostage; he was an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield."


And more LIES
The Nazis in this administration have already began trashing the members of his platoon, calling the "swift boaters". Unbelievable. Susan Rice, I have one thing to say to you, from one black man to one black woman....

******, please...... :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. I thank you all for posting some really great comments!
2. The left side wingers have not piped in yet, they have not fully understood their side of the talking points yet, need more time.
3. The truth will come out on this guy, proof will be brought forth, evidence given, and this creepy soldier will get a spot light shinned on him, and it will reveal Obama knew and still traded evil muslims for this one evil muslim.
4. When will Americans take back this Nation?
5. When will the senate and congress get up off their fucking asses and do their fucking job?

I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.

He already has been. Rice even said he served with honor and distinction on her Sunday morning talk show circuit.

President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, said on ABC that Bowe Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction" and that "Sergeant Bergdahl wasn't simply a hostage; he was an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield."


And more LIES

Susan Rice throws around the phrase "with honor and distinction" and does not back it up with specifics. Further, ABC does not ask her for specifics. This is the same person who believes the 9-11 attack on the US in Benghazi was a spontaneous eruption over tensions from some goddamn Youtube video. Members of Bergdal's platoon come forth and site actions of abandoning post to go seek and join the enemy.

Who is one to believe?
Abdullah Bergdahl was a bomb maker for the Taliban. He believes he is a warrior for allah. What do you think he's going to do first chance he gets?
I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.


I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.

The clowns on MSNBC fully support the claim that these guys are heroes.

The deserter who deserted his fellow soldiers and the deserter who deserted the country that once was the United States of America.
This is some fucked up shit.

Our Nation has bottomed out. And the hole just keeps getting deeper.

The guy has one mission and about 2 1/2 years to do it.....provoke his political enemies to the point of pushback thus enabling him to paint anybody who doesn't agree with him as an enemy of the state. He doesn't give a flying shit about legacy or anything conventional........the executive orders will continue to come fast and furious. The rest of his term will be an imperial presidency and nobody is going to do dick to stop it because he is black. And he knows it too........:D
I promise you this. This traitor (Bergdal) will be hailed as a hero by this administration before all is said and done. Mark that down.

I have seen his platoon members repeatedly state that he is a deserter. Obama will have none of it. The Nazi left in this country will defend this trash to the bitter end.

Watch and see.

That is what this clown (Obama) has done to this country. Fundamental change.
He has already been hailed as a hero by this idiotic administration.

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