Obama: Latinos can't be trusted with forks

Okay, quote where the story implied that Hispanics were singled out where other groups were not.

Your inability to see this "implied" is weird.

In other words, the announcement at the Latino officials’ event may have been unusual, but the removal of the silverware usually takes place without anyone realizing it’s a security measure.

Still, there are a wide variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners the president attends where diners still have the full complement of silverware as Obama speaks.

Milien declined to comment on the discrepancy. However, it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance. At some events, guests must pass through magnetometers. At others, they don’t.

it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance.

Are you being purposefully thick, or are you really a few bars short of a full charge? Remember, all I stated was that the story "implied" a racial profiling of the crowd, not that Obama purposefully targeted a Latino crowd because he considered them dangerous based on their race...In other words so that we can be done here- The story is guilty- not Obama- though his Security did a moronic job of handling it.

And? THE IMPLIED part of story was this-

In other words, the announcement at the Latino officials’ event may have been unusual, but the removal of the silverware usually takes place without anyone realizing it’s a security measure.

Still, there are a wide variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners the president attends where diners still have the full complement of silverware as Obama speaks.

Milien declined to comment on the discrepancy. However, it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance. At some events, guests must pass through magnetometers. At others, they don’t.
You so wish that you could pretend that Obama isn't responsible for SS actions. He is. Especially when they are directly representing him at his own event. That's what being a leader is about. You take responsibility for the actions of your subordinates. If Obama can't do that (and he repeatedly hasn't cough: GSA) then he needs to go. We need leadership, not excuses.

Too fucking funny--the lengths you go to to smear the President. By the way, where is your "evidence" about Obama being born in Kenya. Surely a YouTube video isn't your only piece of evidence is it?

He wasn't responsible for this; the Secret Service is and was. You're being your usual ass so I feel unencumbered to point out the various ways that others have screwed up. According to your logic, Bush was responsible for Abu Grahib then, right? The Pat Tillman scandal was his doing too? Accoring to your logic Johnson was responsible for My Lai? Was Nixon responsible for Apollo 13 too?

Man, you really hate that a black man is president.

According to liberal logic, Bush was responsible for Abu Grahib. The NYT did about 30 front page stories on it and editorialized that it was so. Are you telling me that you weren't on that bandwagon?
Actually no. I remember making the statement (don't know if it was here or not) that while it was a black eye for the US; if the prisoners didn't want to be treated like shit, they shouldn't have shot at us.

But hell, that's just something that happened half a world away without Bush's knowledge. You want to excuse something that Obama has direct control over like his own personal security detail.

And this detail is purely minuscule...unlike warfare you idiot especially when the actions of the prison guards is insulting to the religion of the country.

One time the Senior Bush forgot the guy carrying the Nuclear Football. That may rise to the level of legitimate story....not this and certainly framed in the falsified moronic BS you cloaked the "incident" in.

PS: Wheres your proof about Obama being born in Kenya. Did you lie about that too?
Your inability to see this "implied" is weird.

it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance.

Are you being purposefully thick, or are you really a few bars short of a full charge? Remember, all I stated was that the story "implied" a racial profiling of the crowd, not that Obama purposefully targeted a Latino crowd because he considered them dangerous based on their race...

And you either do not know the definition of "implied" or are incapable of common understanding of English. If actions are commonly taken, there is no profiling. Check your bars.
it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance.

Are you being purposefully thick, or are you really a few bars short of a full charge? Remember, all I stated was that the story "implied" a racial profiling of the crowd, not that Obama purposefully targeted a Latino crowd because he considered them dangerous based on their race...

In other words, the announcement at the Latino officials’ event may have been unusual, but the removal of the silverware usually takes place without anyone realizing it’s a security measure.

Still, there are a wide variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners the president attends where diners still have the full complement of silverware as Obama speaks.

Milien declined to comment on the discrepancy. However, it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance. At some events, guests must pass through magnetometers. At others, they don’t.

And you either do not know the definition of "implied" or are incapable of common understanding of English. If actions are commonly taken, there is no profiling. Check your bars.

Like the way you dropped the quotes that I put in bold...(not to worry I put them back in) you know, those snippets that showed the context of what was implied... That's a very dishonest move- but sadly not unexpected.

Yes, candy, I know what "implied" means- Apparently so do you and that's why you had to edit out the pertinent part of the article I posted.
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Just to put a different perspective on this whole thing:

Personally, I say no one should be eating while the President is speaking. Its disrespectful. Its the PRESIDENT for crying out loud. Bush, Obama or possibly Romney...the meal should be over before they begin to speak.

Plus, doesnt the President need to eat? Why should he be forced to either hurry through his meal or eat alone later on? What is he the stinky kid who no one wants to eat with?

Just to put a different perspective on this whole thing:

Personally, I say no one should be eating while the President is speaking. Its disrespectful. Its the PRESIDENT for crying out loud. Bush, Obama or possibly Romney...the meal should be over before they begin to speak.

Plus, doesnt the President need to eat? Why should he be forced to either hurry through his meal or eat alone later on? What is he the stinky kid who no one wants to eat with?


That's the height of arrogance to say it's disrespectful to eat while the president speaks. That's how society dinners function. It's for the organizer to decide whether he/she/they want to clear the tables before a president speaks.

And obviously, the president is more than capable of taking care of his own eating arrangements. He has more than enough handlers.
Republicans are actually stupid enough to think Latinos are stupid enough to believe their bullshit.
And Democrats are actually stupid enough to think women are stupid enough to believe their bullshit, for example.

Same shit, different shovelers.
Republicans are actually stupid enough to think Latinos are stupid enough to believe their bullshit.
And Democrats are actually stupid enough to think women are stupid enough to believe their bullshit, for example.

Same shit, different shovelers.

What GOP BS? I know that there are plenty of Latinos who came here legally that don't like that Democrats are purposely ignoring the laws to get votes. Why? Because they came from corrupt places and they know where that type of lawlessness leads.
I have no doubt that there are extremely partisan Latinos with chips on their shoulders and they will cry about this....but the non-partisans will merely roll their eyes.

i agree....but at the same time those Anti-Obama Latinos,and they do exist,will be spinning this as well as the pro-Illegal Activist spin their shit.....we will see how the WH responds to this.....if they dont....well then that will be on them.....
You know I like you Harry, but you're getting pretty nutty on this thread. :eusa_eh:

Why, it was racial profiling, and you know liberals would accuse republicans of the old mexican and sharp weapon jokes. I just love to mock liberals in situations like this. They start all this BS political correctness, anti profiling, blah blah and they do it too. Aint it fantastic!
Republicans are actually stupid enough to think Latinos are stupid enough to believe their bullshit.
And Democrats are actually stupid enough to think women are stupid enough to believe their bullshit, for example.

Same shit, different shovelers.

What GOP BS? I know that there are plenty of Latinos who came here legally that don't like that Democrats are purposely ignoring the laws to get votes. Why? Because they came from corrupt places and they know where that type of lawlessness leads.
What GOP BS? Really? Let's see.....fucking forks, for example.

And, on the flipside, what Dem BS? Fucking cookies, for example.

What are we doing? The 2012 season of Top Chef?

It's bullshit. All of it.
And Democrats are actually stupid enough to think women are stupid enough to believe their bullshit, for example.

Same shit, different shovelers.

What GOP BS? I know that there are plenty of Latinos who came here legally that don't like that Democrats are purposely ignoring the laws to get votes. Why? Because they came from corrupt places and they know where that type of lawlessness leads.
What GOP BS? Really? Let's see.....fucking forks, for example.

And, on the flipside, what Dem BS? Fucking cookies, for example.

What are we doing? The 2012 season of Top Chef?

It's bullshit. All of it.

I don't know what you're talking about with the cookies. I just know that if somebody told me they didn't trust me with a fork I'd have a problem with it. That's not BS. That's just a reality check. I think one poster made the point that if there is concerns then you discreetly collect the dishes before the speech. But once you announce to a group of people that they're not to be trusted with forks then thats' just f'd up.
What GOP BS? I know that there are plenty of Latinos who came here legally that don't like that Democrats are purposely ignoring the laws to get votes. Why? Because they came from corrupt places and they know where that type of lawlessness leads.
What GOP BS? Really? Let's see.....fucking forks, for example.

And, on the flipside, what Dem BS? Fucking cookies, for example.

What are we doing? The 2012 season of Top Chef?

It's bullshit. All of it.

I don't know what you're talking about with the cookies. I just know that if somebody told me they didn't trust me with a fork I'd have a problem with it. That's not BS. That's just a reality check. I think one poster made the point that if there is concerns then you discreetly collect the dishes before the speech. But once you announce to a group of people that they're not to be trusted with forks then thats' just f'd up.
Yes, it is. I agree.

You know what's REALLY fucked up, though? Our POTUS sat on orders to send supplies to our boots on the ground because he couldn't make up his uninformed and inexperienced mind about what to do. That's fucked up.

Something else that's fucked up is our POTUS denied due process to a US citizen and killed the motherfucker. Why? Because he is the big cheese and rules all. Certainly not because he is some sort of "constitutional scholar", that's for sure. WTF?

And, our POTUS inherited a fucked up economy and, to the surprise of those who thought it couldn't get more fucked up than that, he managed to fuck it up even more.

What else is fucked up is our POTUS is a foreign relations buffoon, but we have to accept that he is still on his learning curve 3.5 years later.

You know what else is fucked up? Our POTUS won a peace prize for doing jack shit, but since then, we have been in an unprecedented number of different "conflicts" under him - in just 3.5 years.


Reality is usually much more dramatically tragic than fiction.

I'll worry about forks at my Aunt Ginnie's next dinner party.
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I have no doubt that there are extremely partisan Latinos with chips on their shoulders and they will cry about this....but the non-partisans will merely roll their eyes.

i agree....but at the same time those Anti-Obama Latinos,and they do exist,will be spinning this as well as the pro-Illegal Activist spin their shit.....we will see how the WH responds to this.....if they dont....well then that will be on them.....
You know I like you Harry, but you're getting pretty nutty on this thread. :eusa_eh:

maybe because i live among and work with Latinos and see and hear their reactions to shit like this Ravi......nothing like the real thing compared to what CNN or FOX news tells ya....
i agree....but at the same time those Anti-Obama Latinos,and they do exist,will be spinning this as well as the pro-Illegal Activist spin their shit.....we will see how the WH responds to this.....if they dont....well then that will be on them.....
You know I like you Harry, but you're getting pretty nutty on this thread. :eusa_eh:

maybe because i live among and work with Latinos and see and hear their reactions to shit like this Ravi......nothing like the real thing compared to what CNN or FOX news tells ya....
:rolleyes: I live in South Florida. You can't throw a cat without hitting a Latino and believe me I know bushels of them. Not one word about this idiocy has been uttered.
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

Republicans can't be trusted with thoughts.

Ding, Ding, Ding... We have a nominee for the dumbest post of the day.
Are you being purposefully thick, or are you really a few bars short of a full charge? Remember, all I stated was that the story "implied" a racial profiling of the crowd, not that Obama purposefully targeted a Latino crowd because he considered them dangerous based on their race...

In other words, the announcement at the Latino officials’ event may have been unusual, but the removal of the silverware usually takes place without anyone realizing it’s a security measure.

Still, there are a wide variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners the president attends where diners still have the full complement of silverware as Obama speaks.

Milien declined to comment on the discrepancy. However, it’s known that the Secret Service adjusts security depending on the size of the crowd and how much officials know about who’s in attendance. At some events, guests must pass through magnetometers. At others, they don’t.

And you either do not know the definition of "implied" or are incapable of common understanding of English. If actions are commonly taken, there is no profiling. Check your bars.

Like the way you dropped the quotes that I put in bold...(not to worry I put them back in) you know, those snippets that showed the context of what was implied... That's a very dishonest move- but sadly not unexpected.

Yes, candy, I know what "implied" means- Apparently so do you and that's why you had to edit out the pertinent part of the article I posted.

There was nothing to respond to in the bolded areas; they, in no way, show any impliance of racism; the word "common" is used to describe the procedure.

Stop acting stupid (I'm not sure you're acting).

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