Obama leads 253 - 170 When does Romney Panic?

Romney is already panicking, if blurting out stupidities is a symptom.

The other day in response to the jobs report he claimed that in a normal recovery we'd be getting 500,000 jobs every month.

Geez,,, Biden must be scared shitless then, calling Romney 'President Romney'!:eusa_whistle:

Biden IS a human gaffe machine. Remember when he asked a veteran to stand up and take a bow at a rally - And the vet (with no legs) was in a wheelchair?
Romney is already panicking, if blurting out stupidities is a symptom.

The other day in response to the jobs report he claimed that in a normal recovery we'd be getting 500,000 jobs every month.

Geez,,, Biden must be scared shitless then, calling Romney 'President Romney'!:eusa_whistle:

Biden IS a human gaffe machine. Remember when he asked a veteran to stand up and take a bow at a rally - And the vet (with no legs) was in a wheelchair?

The more the merrier.

We have to make this an out right stomping to make sure the right undeerstands the peoples mandate

And what is the people's mandate? The rich and middle class paying for everyone else's food housing healthcare abortions and birth control?

For the half that actually work and pay taxes, that's a pretty crappy mandate.

OMG! I cannot believe he was not roasted by his own party on that one!

Biden...oh Biden...such a disappointment.

I saw him on Bill MAher before he announced he was running for President in 2008. My wife and I were VERY impressed with what he had to say and thoguht WOW heres a guy I might support. Then he announces and his FIRST DAY on the campaign trail he says:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny - CNN

FIRST DAY OUT! And he shoots himself in the foot with a racist remark. Never have I literally facepalmed myself so hard. HAHAHA.

Biden is Obamas Quayle. I really do wish Obama would drop him this time around.
With Obama leading by 7 points or more in enough state to garner 253 eledctorial vote and Romney leading by 7 points or more in enough to get 170, when does Romney hit the panic button and what will Rpmney's panic button look like?

Obama's lead is widening - probably due in most part to the improving economy, so does Romney stick with the "the economy is not improving according to MY numbers" tact or does he try something different.

If the election were held today, then the numbers indicate that Romney wouldn't do much better than McCain did.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

But the election is not Today is it?
Uh huh. obama has an insurmountable lead. Sure. We all know that.

In Realland as opposed to obamaland, obama is losing and losing badly.

Thats just as lalaland as saying Obama has it sewn up already. neither is true. Theres a lot of real estate to cover between now and November. Mittney very well could win it all. I hope not, but its very possible.
We don't know that.

The polls in '80 were all pointing to Carter until the last 6 weeks or so.

Yeah, but what happened near the end of that election???
It broke heavily for Reagan...My guess is that the press needed to cover their asses and try to still remain relevant.

I disagree. I think it was Reagans performance in the debates. He outperformed Cater in the debate and made Carter look like a fool. Reagan was by far the more "presidential" after that.

If Mittney can pull off a coup like that, which he has shown he is capable of when he went up against Gingrich hard in the debates, then he can turn the election hard in his favor.

You know I dont want Mittney for president and it bothers the hell out of me to see people claiming "its in the bag" for either side. Its untrue no matter who we say is going to win. Whoever is going to win, will win in Novemeber, not May.

note: Its important to note that Reagan won a landslide victory with the presence of John Anderson in the race. Anderson was a moderate Republican and by all accounts SHOULD have split the right of center vote with Reagan. That just illustrates how anti carter the country became AFTER the final debate just one week before the actual election.
We don't know that.

The polls in '80 were all pointing to Carter until the last 6 weeks or so.

Yeah, but what happened near the end of that election???

In the days before the election, Carter was at 61% to Reagan at 34%.


Reagan's "Comeback"

But a review of the late 1980 polls shows that while Reagan soared over the final week (following the campaign's one and only debate on Oct. 29), the contest up until that point was tightly competitive, not trending toward the incumbent Democratic president. At the time, the Associated Press reported "new polls say the race between the two men remains too close to call."

A post-election summary of polls by then-CBS News pollster Warren Mitofsky shows that at no point over the final two weeks did Carter have a lead bigger than three percentage points. There is a published Gallup poll not included in that report showing Carter up six among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27. Whether six or the eight points cited today, Carter's advantage in Gallup polling was offset by similarly large Reagan leads in NBC-Associated Press or DMI (Reagan's pollsters) polls.
With Obama leading by 7 points or more in enough state to garner 253 eledctorial vote and Romney leading by 7 points or more in enough to get 170, when does Romney hit the panic button and what will Rpmney's panic button look like?

Obama's lead is widening - probably due in most part to the improving economy, so does Romney stick with the "the economy is not improving according to MY numbers" tact or does he try something different.

If the election were held today, then the numbers indicate that Romney wouldn't do much better than McCain did.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Battle for White House

I don't want Romney to win, but get real. the polls are narrowing at the moment.

The electoral college favors the Democrat, to be sure. But there are a lot of undecided and the economy still kind of sucks.

I think that if the economy gets better, Romney will lose bigger than McCain did. If it gets a little worse, he'llmake it close. If it gets a lot worse, he'll win, and goodbye American Middle Class.
Adding 500,000 jobs a month is reasonable with so many millions out of work.
Adding 500,000 jobs a month is reasonable with so many millions out of work.

No. It's not reasonable. It flies in the face of economic theory. Millions out of work has two effects.

1) It shrinks the consumer pool and thus lessens demand.
2) It places the employed in a situation where they move from a spending policy to a saving policy, which also lessens demand.

Without demand, there can be no increase in supply and therefore, any recovery will be slow. To create 500,000 jobs a month, we would need massive government spending to create a demand.


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Said it before, I'll say it again.....I discount any of them that have Wisconsin as anything but a toss-up.

Big turnout for Walker and Boiking loses WI.

Even Rassmussen and their 4 point GOP bias has Obama + 11.
The only bias Rassmussen has is for likely voters, where other pollsters lower the bar by counting registered voters or even just adults who may or may not even be registered.

But no matter...The vote for Walker is in June....I missed that little detail...Life goes on.
Yep that's exactly it. Voters are the ones who should be polled

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