Obama leads all Republican challengers


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
According to recent polling, President Barack Obama leads top Republican presidential candidates, but at least in one match-up, pitting Obama against Mitt Romney, it's within the margin of error.

Real Clear Politics mashes up several national surveys, including Rasmussen, Quinnipiac, Pew Research, McClatchy, CNN and FOX News, and comes up with what it calls its RCP average. Its most recent compilation shows, among likely voters, Obama leads Romney by less than one percentage point: 45.6 percent vs. 44.7 percent.

When compared to other candidates, Obama fared much better, with a 5.7 percent advantage over Newt Gingrich, 7.7 percent over Ron Paul, 8.7 percent over Jon Huntsman, 9.6 percent over Rick Perry, 10.2 percent over Herman Cain and 14 percent over Michele Bachmann.

Obama Leads All GOP Challengers in Polls | citydesk
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Who can beat BO means more that who wins in IA, or NH or SC. I actually hope Newt hangs in a few months and then settles on a book tour. The scary part is that if the dems paint the GOP as 1%ers the dems get a lot of votes. The GOP will not win a 60 vote majority in the senate, so Harry Reid has veto power over the GOP agenda.
A few years ago when the number of idiots in this country became greater than the number of intelligent people, the Democrats started winning. You can't fix stupid so I won't be surprised at all if Obama wins re-election.
A few years ago when the number of idiots in this country became greater than the number of intelligent people, the Democrats started winning. You can't fix stupid so I won't be surprised at all if Obama wins re-election.

Who would you vote for, Newt or BO? The debates would be terrific. I prefer Mitt <I think> to either. If the GOP doesn't get 60 votes in the senate, nothing happens anyway.
Mitt would likely win PA, Mich, Va, Nh, Florida, Iowa against Obama. Newt is going to have to fight very hard to win...Anyone more conserative isn't electable.

What did your hair ball tell you these predictions???
According to recent polling, President Barack Obama leads top Republican presidential candidates, but at least in one match-up, pitting Obama against Mitt Romney, it's within the margin of error.

Real Clear Politics mashes up several national surveys, including Rasmussen, Quinnipiac, Pew Research, McClatchy, CNN and FOX News, and comes up with what it calls its RCP average. Its most recent compilation shows, among likely voters, Obama leads Romney by less than one percentage point: 45.6 percent vs. 44.7 percent.

When compared to other candidates, Obama fared much better, with a 5.7 percent advantage over Newt Gingrich, 7.7 percent over Ron Paul, 8.7 percent over Jon Huntsman, 9.6 percent over Rick Perry, 10.2 percent over Herman Cain and 14 percent over Michele Bachmann.

Obama Leads All GOP Challengers in Polls | citydesk

What does that say about the GOP candidates if they can't beat a skinny, black socialist communist with a name like Barrack Obama? :lol:
:lmao: Looks like Chris doesn't understand error. 0.5% in a poll? :lol:

Polling Data
Poll RCP Average
Date 11/2 - 11/27
Sample --
Republican (R) 43.8
Obama (D) 43.3
Spread +0.5

Just as important is what the public views - well beyond error. Well beyond.

Direction of Country
Poll RCP Average
Date 11/2 - 11/27
Right Direction 19.5
Wrong Track 73.5
Spread -54.0

Yeah, it's looking real promising for Obama. :thup:
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I'm not going to put any kind of stock into any polls that occur before the GOP is done playing "spin the candidate" and they actually have one...
Kinda' this.
When the Party settles on a candidate we'll see if the electorate will follow.
I'm not going to put any kind of stock into any polls that occur before the GOP is done playing "spin the candidate" and they actually have one...
Kinda' this.
When the Party settles on a candidate we'll see if the electorate will follow.
So far, the polls show "anyone but Obama" for about half the country.

And a huge majority do not like the direction the country is going.

Right now, that is far from promising for Obama. But, a lot can happen in a year.
According to recent polling, President Barack Obama leads top Republican presidential candidates, but at least in one match-up, pitting Obama against Mitt Romney, it's within the margin of error.

Real Clear Politics mashes up several national surveys, including Rasmussen, Quinnipiac, Pew Research, McClatchy, CNN and FOX News, and comes up with what it calls its RCP average. Its most recent compilation shows, among likely voters, Obama leads Romney by less than one percentage point: 45.6 percent vs. 44.7 percent.

When compared to other candidates, Obama fared much better, with a 5.7 percent advantage over Newt Gingrich, 7.7 percent over Ron Paul, 8.7 percent over Jon Huntsman, 9.6 percent over Rick Perry, 10.2 percent over Herman Cain and 14 percent over Michele Bachmann.

Obama Leads All GOP Challengers in Polls | citydesk




Go Bama!
The tide has turned.

As the economy improves, so will Obama's numbers.

Also, Mitt and Newt have not yet faced the scrutiny of being the nominee.

Both of them have huge weaknesses.
The tide has turned.

As the economy improves, so will Obama's numbers.

Also, Mitt and Newt have not yet faced the scrutiny of being the nominee.

Both of them have huge weaknesses.

:lol: Oh the tide has turned, just not towards BO and there is no economic improvement taking place and won't be as long as this president remains in the White House with his destructive policies.

Romney and Gingrich have plenty of their own flaws, but barring some new secret scandal the public doesn't already know about, either one of them will defeat Obama next year. Keep avoiding reality if it helps you sleep better at night.
The tide has turned.

As the economy improves, so will Obama's numbers.

Also, Mitt and Newt have not yet faced the scrutiny of being the nominee.

Both of them have huge weaknesses.

:lol: Oh the tide has turned, just not towards BO and there is no economic improvement taking place and won't be as long as this president remains in the White House with his destructive policies.

Romney and Gingrich have plenty of their own flaws, but barring some new secret scandal the public doesn't already know about, either one of them will defeat Obama next year. Keep avoiding reality if it helps you sleep better at night.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt in the last few years.
We are leaving Iraq, which will save us billions.
We are leaving Afghanistan in 2014, which will save us billions.
Auto sales are up 13.9%,
Pending home sales are up 10%,
Retail sales are up 16%
Unemployment is down to 8.6%
The deficit problem has been solved with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and the automatic spending cuts in 2013.
Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead.

And it's all Obama's fault!
And it'll probably stay this way until we actually have a nominee....all the people supporting the other GOP runners will go with whoever is nominated, THEN you will see this change dramatically and Obama will be the loser. Oh, he already is a loser.....Lol!
A few years ago when the number of idiots in this country became greater than the number of intelligent people, the Democrats started winning. You can't fix stupid so I won't be surprised at all if Obama wins re-election.

Who would you vote for, Newt or BO? The debates would be terrific. I prefer Mitt <I think> to either. If the GOP doesn't get 60 votes in the senate, nothing happens anyway.

I cannot imagine a circumstance where I would vote for obama.
According to recent polling, President Barack Obama leads top Republican presidential candidates, but at least in one match-up, pitting Obama against Mitt Romney, it's within the margin of error.

Real Clear Politics mashes up several national surveys, including Rasmussen, Quinnipiac, Pew Research, McClatchy, CNN and FOX News, and comes up with what it calls its RCP average. Its most recent compilation shows, among likely voters, Obama leads Romney by less than one percentage point: 45.6 percent vs. 44.7 percent.

When compared to other candidates, Obama fared much better, with a 5.7 percent advantage over Newt Gingrich, 7.7 percent over Ron Paul, 8.7 percent over Jon Huntsman, 9.6 percent over Rick Perry, 10.2 percent over Herman Cain and 14 percent over Michele Bachmann.

Obama Leads All GOP Challengers in Polls | citydesk

What does that say about the GOP candidates if they can't beat a skinny, black socialist communist with a name like Barrack Obama? :lol:

I means that there are a whole hell of a lot of stupid people voting.

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