Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran

Somewhere it must be written that ONLY Israel may have nukes in the region.......This "trusted ally" spies on us, bombs our ship and gets involved in our internal politics.....Indeed, with friends like these who does need enemies....

Maybe Israel-lovers (aka, Obama-haters) are a bit embarrassed about a handful of new people finding out that that country has a huge stockpile of nukes.
We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?
WTF? The scum zionists told the GOP of the info they gathered from spying on the USA. The whole world knows of the zionist nuke program. The MOSSAD killed JFK for his effort to expose it.
he did not declassify U.S intel you can not commit treason on a foriegn nation

Perfect response...The O/P and cronies are so full of hatred of Obama that they can't help themselves. Sounds like they're FIRST Israeli....and then, maybe, Americans.

EVERYONE......even my dead grandmother knew that Israel (through France's help) had nukes, tested them in the desert and even tried to sell the technology to apartheid -led South Africa,
So the point of this is to build a case somehow that Iran deserves nukes.
Somewhere it must be written that ONLY Israel may have nukes in the region.......This "trusted ally" spies on us, bombs our ship and gets involved in our internal politics.....Indeed, with friends like these who does need enemies....

Maybe Israel-lovers (aka, Obama-haters) are a bit embarrassed about a handful of new people finding out that that country has a huge stockpile of nukes.
We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?
Yeah, Obama can give them to ISIS.
Somewhere it must be written that ONLY Israel may have nukes in the region.......This "trusted ally" spies on us, bombs our ship and gets involved in our internal politics.....Indeed, with friends like these who does need enemies....

Maybe Israel-lovers (aka, Obama-haters) are a bit embarrassed about a handful of new people finding out that that country has a huge stockpile of nukes.
We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?
Yeah, Obama can give them to ISIS.
Why do you think he hasnt?
was just reading this. we will pay big time for the man and his disgusting foreign policy.

Obama’s Mideast Vacuum
The Saudis invade Yemen as the Sunni-Shiite war escalates.

March 26, 2015 7:21 p.m. ET
An abiding goal of President Obama’s foreign policy has been to reduce America’s role in the Middle East, in the belief that it would lead to greater stability and serve U.S. interests. Has a policy ever been so thoroughly repudiated in so short a time?

Mr. Obama has succeeded in his retreat, but the vacuum he’s left has produced a region on fire that is becoming a broad Sunni-Shiite war.

ALL of it here:
Obama s Mideast Vacuum - WSJ
Maybe if Iran gets a nuclear bomb from the intel Obama provided to them. They can return the favor by bombing California and Washington.
Israel's biggest accusation against Iran is they aren't abiding by the NPT (nuclear proliferation treaty) rules of inspection. Which Iran signed up and agreed to decades ago.

Yet, Israel by not acknowledging that it possesses nuclear weapons has never signed the NPT.

Now my hero Pres. Obama has publicly exposed Israel's duplicity. ..... :thup:
Another butthurt conservative thread about Obama.

You guys are such losers.

American Jews have voted overwhelmingly in favor of Obama because they prefer efforts at peace instead of being constantly contemptuous of it the way Republicans are.
Another butthurt conservative thread about Obama.

You guys are such losers.

American Jews have voted overwhelmingly in favor of Obama because they prefer efforts at peace instead of being constantly contemptuous of it the way Republicans are.

ummm, the only one butthurt here is you. and nasty
you don't like the thread, leave
The scum, Jew hater Obama leaks info to the Iranian Mullahs


Officials from the Islamic Republic of Iran claim they have documents that prove the United States assisted Israel in its development of a hydrogen bomb, which they claim is a crime according to international laws, according to the Iranian news media. And there is suspicion that President Barack Obama declassified the documents and released them to a left-wing think-tank to hurt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Iranians published a copy of a 129-page memorandum they claim is one of about 100 copies distributed by the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) while under contract with the Pentagon in 1987. The Iranian press reported that Israeli nuclear facilities that were built independently were similar in structure to U.S. nuclear facilities such as Los Alamos and Oak Ridge National Laboratories which are key facilities for creating and testing nuclear weaponry, Iranian-controlled news agencies reported.

But according to Veterans Today, there are rumors in the Pentagon that President Barack Obama was the person who ordered his minions to release the documents claiming the United States had allowed Israel to conduct not only nuclear espionage and openly sell nuclear weapons technology, but they received illegal American financial aid to build the nuclear weapon. VT claims that Obama’s release of the documents was in reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. Congress in March. Not surprising is the fact that few, if any, American news media outlets covered the story.

“What we see here is a possibility that Obama and the Iranians conspired to hurt Netanyahu and Israel since they oppose a U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement.

Obama Leaks Info On Israel s Nuke Program To Iran JEWSNEWS
Thanks for posting this as it provides an excellent example of why America's right wing is sooo dumbed down. They have so run out of material on Obama tha they just make shit up now, pass it off as "news," and the faithful rightards swallow it and pass it off to others as though it's real. This is what passes for news in rightardmania....

"And there is suspicion that President Barack Obama declassified the documents and released...."
Of course everyone knows Israel has nukes. That is not the point.

Why would Obama release this information now? It clearly is proof of his petulant and vindictive nature.

He didn't. A Federal Judge did, responding to a lawsuit and FOIA request by a journalist.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

Those pesky facts destroy yet another spin job.
We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?

GREAT idea.....!!!! Nuke wars are the equivalent of a suicide bomber's mentality.....on a much bigger scale, of course.

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