Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran

We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?

GREAT idea.....!!!! Nuke wars are the equivalent of a suicide bomber's mentality.....on a much bigger scale, of course.
So you agree tht some nations should have nukes and others shouldnt. Good. Now tell me why Israel should not have nukes but Iran should.
Why would Obama release this information now? It clearly is proof of his petulant and vindictive nature.
He didn't. A Federal Judge did, responding to a lawsuit and FOIA request by a journalist. Obama had nothing to do with it.
Sorry, not so.

The only people who can declassify a report like this, are the agencies who classified it in the first place. Here that would include DCI - the head of the CIA. Who works directly for Obama, is aware of the gag order, and would do nothing unless specifically ordered to.

Nice try. But this report was specifically ordered declassified by Barack Obama. If he hadn't ordered it, it wouldn't have been.
Jeez, show these guys a judge ordered this and has nothing to do with Obama and the intelligent response is: Yeah right!
We spy on allies.
We bomb ships
We get involved in other people's internal politics.
Maybe we shouldnt have nukes either?

GREAT idea.....!!!! Nuke wars are the equivalent of a suicide bomber's mentality.....on a much bigger scale, of course.
So you agree tht some nations should have nukes and others shouldnt. Good. Now tell me why Israel should not have nukes but Iran should.

Never said that....Want to tell me WHY only Israel should have nukes in that region??? Is it because they speak better English? Or because they have a better lobby in congress?
Obama should be tried for treason, kicked out of office for being a danger to US and the rest of the world

Home » CNSNews TV
In 2009, Obama Said Iran’s Underground Facility ‘Inconsistent With a Peaceful Program’

all of it here:
In 2009 Obama Said Iran s Underground Facility Inconsistent With a Peaceful Program CNS News

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
Obama should be tried for treason, kicked out of office for being a danger to US and the rest of the world

Home » CNSNews TV
In 2009, Obama Said Iran’s Underground Facility ‘Inconsistent With a Peaceful Program’

all of it here:
In 2009 Obama Said Iran s Underground Facility Inconsistent With a Peaceful Program CNS News

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)
don't be silly
bama should be tried for treason, kicked out of office for being a danger to US and the rest of the world

Well, heck, why not just lynch him while you're wearing your cute white pointed hood?

you go lynch him . your stupid dramatics shows you're not an adult. or you are one and that should scare us all that you vote for our lives.... grow the hell up
Obama has said over and over, just as recently as last week, that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.

This echoes exactly what every American President has said for as long as it has been a topic.

Except that the other Presidents meant it, and Obama is just telling Americans another lie--for their own good, because we are stupid, and he knows better whats best for us.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, because then, bat-shit crazy mullahs will have their finger on the nuclear trigger. Its that simple. It has to do with the union of religion and psychopathology. A Russian can truly understand "mutually assured destruction". A mullah can wake up any given morning and decide its a good idea.

It seems that everybody knows this but Obama and his team.

And, as scary as the mullahs are, this team of Obama's terrify me.

Obama has proven he will lie to Americans (for their own good of course); Susan Rice is a proven liar---See Benghazi and Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction"; Valerie Jarrett was raised in Iran and needs to move back there; John Kerry is a fool and a pompous ass whose most important accomplishment was to marry a Heinz Ketchup Heiress so she could buy him some offices.

This group of people, who together, present a coruncopia of personality disorders, are reversing years of American policy in secret if they can and, with lies where they can't.

The whole country ought to be up in arms.
We should all be panicking in this country

Obama’s Middle Eastern Flameout Has Dems, Media Starting to Panic
Alas, we are all prisoners of L'il Barry's coming of age.

Michael Walsh

Don’t take it from me, take it from one of the major Democrat Party house organs, Politico:

Barack Obama faces a slew of Middle East crises that some call the worst in a generation, as new chaos from Yemen to Iraq — along with deteriorating U.S.-Israeli relations — is confounding the president’s efforts to stabilize the region and strike a nuclear deal with Iran. The meltdown has Obama officials defending their management of a region that some call impossible to control, even as critics say U.S. policies there are partly to blame for the spreading anarchy.

“If there’s one lesson this administration has learned, from President Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech through the Arab Spring, it’s that when it comes to this region, nothing happens in a linear way — and precious little is actually about us, which is a hard reality to accept,” said a senior State Department official.

I imagine it is hard for the Barry Hussein administration to understand that not everything is about Barry Hussein. But wait — it gets worse:

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015/03/27/obamas-middle-eastern-flameout-has-dems-media-starting-to-panic/#ixzz3VbEohZTu
I imagine it is hard for the Barry Hussein administration to understand that not everything is about Barry Hussein. But wait — it gets worse:

Sure, anybody that write "Barry Hussein" twice in the same sentence is always a credible source.

Did this idiot "journalist" bother to mention anything about the chaos in the ME cause by our invasion of Iraq because of WMDs by Cheney and his side-kick, Bush?
I imagine it is hard for the Barry Hussein administration to understand that not everything is about Barry Hussein. But wait — it gets worse:

Sure, anybody that write "Barry Hussein" twice in the same sentence is always a credible source.

Did this idiot "journalist" bother to mention anything about the chaos in the ME cause by our invasion of Iraq because of WMDs by Cheney and his side-kick, Bush?
No because that wasnt the cause.
The cause was Obama withdrawing from the middle east against the counsel of his chosen advisors.
And now he's caved to Iran. They evidently decided that if Israel has nukes, they can too. Any Obama is giving them what they want

And the other ME countries have said they will get them if Iran does.

The nuclear arms race is on.....

Wonder how long it will be before somebody pulls the trigger and Obama's legacy becomes WWIII, with nuclear weapons ?
was reading this:

GOP Senators: Obama’s ‘Obsession’ with ‘Placating’ Iran Led to ‘Mideast on Fire’

Bridget Johnson


March 26, 2015 - 1:30 pm

Decrying that President Obama’s policies have pushed the Middle East to a “tipping point,” Republican senators accused the commander in chief of not acting against Iran’s aggression in Yemen and other places because of his “obsession” with placating the Islamic Republic during nuclear talks.

“Operation Decisive Storm,” launched at midnight Saudi Arabia time, bombarded Yemen’s Houthi rebels with the power of 100 Saudi fighters jets, 150,000 soldiers and naval units in the operation.

The United Arab Emirates pitched in 30 fighter jets, Bahrain contributed 15, Qatar sent 10, Kuwait deployed 15 and Jordan contributed six.

Even North Africa got into the game, with Sudan sending three fighter jets, Egypt supplying four warships and air support, and Morocco sending six fighter jets. Pakistan also provided naval and aerial support in the attack on the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The White House said the U.S. provided “logistical and intelligence” support.

But it was revealed today that Pentagon officials were told about the coalition operation just a few hours before the Saudis struck. The Saudi ambassador to Washington announced the attack at their embassy in D.C. shortly after the military found out.

“The reality is that countries in the region no longer have confidence in or are willing to work with the United States of America,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) somberly noted at a press conference on the Hill moments ago.

all of it here:
GOP Senators Obama s Obsession with Placating Iran Led to Mideast on Fire PJ Tatler
Obama has said over and over, just as recently as last week, that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.

This echoes exactly what every American President has said for as long as it has been a topic.

Except that the other Presidents meant it, and Obama is just telling Americans another lie--for their own good, because we are stupid, and he knows better whats best for us.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, because then, bat-shit crazy mullahs will have their finger on the nuclear trigger. Its that simple. It has to do with the union of religion and psychopathology. A Russian can truly understand "mutually assured destruction". A mullah can wake up any given morning and decide its a good idea.

It seems that everybody knows this but Obama and his team.

And, as scary as the mullahs are, this team of Obama's terrify me.

Obama has proven he will lie to Americans (for their own good of course); Susan Rice is a proven liar---See Benghazi and Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction"; Valerie Jarrett was raised in Iran and needs to move back there; John Kerry is a fool and a pompous ass whose most important accomplishment was to marry a Heinz Ketchup Heiress so she could buy him some offices.

This group of people, who together, present a coruncopia of personality disorders, are reversing years of American policy in secret if they can and, with lies where they can't.

The whole country ought to be up in arms.
Susan Rice is a proven liar? There have been 7 investigations into Benghazi so far which have concluded. Kindly show me which one indicated she lied? Here, I'll even spot you one ...

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days AFTER Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

-- emphasis added
And now he's caved to Iran. They evidently decided that if Israel has nukes, they can too. Any Obama is giving them what they want

And the other ME countries have said they will get them if Iran does.

The nuclear arms race is on.....

Wonder how long it will be before somebody pulls the trigger and Obama's legacy becomes WWIII, with nuclear weapons ?
You know Iran's nuclear ambitions started decades ago, right?
No because that wasnt the cause.
The cause was Obama withdrawing from the middle east against the counsel of his chosen advisors.

Oh?? Invading Iraq was NOT the cause of Iraq falling apart and giving Iran the most precious present they could have asked for in removing Saddam? Really?....and unleashing the ME chaos?

Bottom line is that Obama ran on a platform of ending our presence in that region....he got elected on that platform by over 6 million more voters.....and he kept his word....ESPECIALLY since the very same government in Iraq that Cheney set up, wanted us OUT.

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