Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran


Yeah, we know their nuclear ambitions began decades ago.

We also know that it took Obama to help them achieve those ambitions.
And yet, Obama's plan is to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. Go figure?

So whats the plan?
The plan is to get Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention with the U.S. if it's detected that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

What's the Republican plan to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons?

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.

Russia and China?????


You must have some really good dope where you live!
And yet, Obama's plan is to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. Go figure?

So whats the plan?
The plan is to get Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention with the U.S. if it's detected that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

What's the Republican plan to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons?

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??
Obama has said over and over, just as recently as last week, that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.

This echoes exactly what every American President has said for as long as it has been a topic.

Except that the other Presidents meant it, and Obama is just telling Americans another lie--for their own good, because we are stupid, and he knows better whats best for us.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, because then, bat-shit crazy mullahs will have their finger on the nuclear trigger. Its that simple. It has to do with the union of religion and psychopathology. A Russian can truly understand "mutually assured destruction". A mullah can wake up any given morning and decide its a good idea.

It seems that everybody knows this but Obama and his team.

And, as scary as the mullahs are, this team of Obama's terrify me.

Obama has proven he will lie to Americans (for their own good of course); Susan Rice is a proven liar---See Benghazi and Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction"; Valerie Jarrett was raised in Iran and needs to move back there; John Kerry is a fool and a pompous ass whose most important accomplishment was to marry a Heinz Ketchup Heiress so she could buy him some offices.

This group of people, who together, present a coruncopia of personality disorders, are reversing years of American policy in secret if they can and, with lies where they can't.

The whole country ought to be up in arms.
Susan Rice is a proven liar? There have been 7 investigations into Benghazi so far which have concluded. Kindly show me which one indicated she lied? Here, I'll even spot you one ...

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days AFTER Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

-- emphasis added

The lying bitch picked out the bullshit being put out by other Obama servants...the bits and pieces that suited the Administration...and ignored the other info which turned out to be the truth...and then went out an sold the Administration Line as if it was uncontested established fact....that's a liar.

And, I guess you believe Bergdahl served with "Honor and Distinction".
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Obama has said over and over, just as recently as last week, that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.

This echoes exactly what every American President has said for as long as it has been a topic.

Except that the other Presidents meant it, and Obama is just telling Americans another lie--for their own good, because we are stupid, and he knows better whats best for us.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, because then, bat-shit crazy mullahs will have their finger on the nuclear trigger. Its that simple. It has to do with the union of religion and psychopathology. A Russian can truly understand "mutually assured destruction". A mullah can wake up any given morning and decide its a good idea.

It seems that everybody knows this but Obama and his team.

And, as scary as the mullahs are, this team of Obama's terrify me.

Obama has proven he will lie to Americans (for their own good of course); Susan Rice is a proven liar---See Benghazi and Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction"; Valerie Jarrett was raised in Iran and needs to move back there; John Kerry is a fool and a pompous ass whose most important accomplishment was to marry a Heinz Ketchup Heiress so she could buy him some offices.

This group of people, who together, present a coruncopia of personality disorders, are reversing years of American policy in secret if they can and, with lies where they can't.

The whole country ought to be up in arms.
Susan Rice is a proven liar? There have been 7 investigations into Benghazi so far which have concluded. Kindly show me which one indicated she lied? Here, I'll even spot you one ...

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days AFTER Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

-- emphasis added

The lying bitch picked out the bullshit being put out by other Obama servants...the bits and pieces that suited the Administration...and ignored the other info which turned out to be the truth...and then went out an sold the Administration Line as if it was uncontested established fact....that's a liar.

And, I guess you believe Bergdahl served with "Honor and Distinction".
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:
Obama has said over and over, just as recently as last week, that Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon.

This echoes exactly what every American President has said for as long as it has been a topic.

Except that the other Presidents meant it, and Obama is just telling Americans another lie--for their own good, because we are stupid, and he knows better whats best for us.

Iran can't have a nuclear weapon, because then, bat-shit crazy mullahs will have their finger on the nuclear trigger. Its that simple. It has to do with the union of religion and psychopathology. A Russian can truly understand "mutually assured destruction". A mullah can wake up any given morning and decide its a good idea.

It seems that everybody knows this but Obama and his team.

And, as scary as the mullahs are, this team of Obama's terrify me.

Obama has proven he will lie to Americans (for their own good of course); Susan Rice is a proven liar---See Benghazi and Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction"; Valerie Jarrett was raised in Iran and needs to move back there; John Kerry is a fool and a pompous ass whose most important accomplishment was to marry a Heinz Ketchup Heiress so she could buy him some offices.

This group of people, who together, present a coruncopia of personality disorders, are reversing years of American policy in secret if they can and, with lies where they can't.

The whole country ought to be up in arms.
Susan Rice is a proven liar? There have been 7 investigations into Benghazi so far which have concluded. Kindly show me which one indicated she lied? Here, I'll even spot you one ...

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days AFTER Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

-- emphasis added

The lying bitch picked out the bullshit being put out by other Obama servants...the bits and pieces that suited the Administration...and ignored the other info which turned out to be the truth...and then went out an sold the Administration Line as if it was uncontested established fact....that's a liar.

And, I guess you believe Bergdahl served with "Honor and Distinction".
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
So whats the plan?
The plan is to get Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention with the U.S. if it's detected that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

What's the Republican plan to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons?

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??

If obammy hadnt stopped Israel the problem would already be gone.
Susan Rice is a proven liar? There have been 7 investigations into Benghazi so far which have concluded. Kindly show me which one indicated she lied? Here, I'll even spot you one ...

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days AFTER Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

-- emphasis added

The lying bitch picked out the bullshit being put out by other Obama servants...the bits and pieces that suited the Administration...and ignored the other info which turned out to be the truth...and then went out an sold the Administration Line as if it was uncontested established fact....that's a liar.

And, I guess you believe Bergdahl served with "Honor and Distinction".
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
You have proven nothing of the kind. You made a false allegation against her which I was able to prove was a false allegation according to the conclusions reached by a House investigation.

You may remain in your house of delusions all you want, but don't expect others to be so eager to join you.
The plan is to get Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention with the U.S. if it's detected that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

What's the Republican plan to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons?

U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??

If obammy hadnt stopped Israel the problem would already be gone.
Israel has no ability to stop Iran. If they did, they would have done so by now.

The lying bitch picked out the bullshit being put out by other Obama servants...the bits and pieces that suited the Administration...and ignored the other info which turned out to be the truth...and then went out an sold the Administration Line as if it was uncontested established fact....that's a liar.

And, I guess you believe Bergdahl served with "Honor and Distinction".
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
You have proven nothing of the kind. You made a false allegation against her which I was able to prove was a false allegation according to the conclusions reached by a House investigation.

You may remain in your house of delusions all you want, but don't expect others to be so eager to join you.

Yep, looks like you are going to run like a little bitch.
U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??

If obammy hadnt stopped Israel the problem would already be gone.
Israel has no ability to stop Iran. If they did, they would have done so by now.

Yeah okay...:lmao:
No because that wasnt the cause.
The cause was Obama withdrawing from the middle east against the counsel of his chosen advisors.

Oh?? Invading Iraq was NOT the cause of Iraq falling apart and giving Iran the most precious present they could have asked for in removing Saddam? Really?....and unleashing the ME chaos?

Bottom line is that Obama ran on a platform of ending our presence in that region....he got elected on that platform by over 6 million more voters.....and he kept his word....ESPECIALLY since the very same government in Iraq that Cheney set up, wanted us OUT.
When we left Iraq the country was a relatively stable democracy that had staged two fair and free elections.
Then Obama removed all troops and all hell broke loose.
No because that wasnt the cause.
The cause was Obama withdrawing from the middle east against the counsel of his chosen advisors.

Oh?? Invading Iraq was NOT the cause of Iraq falling apart and giving Iran the most precious present they could have asked for in removing Saddam? Really?....and unleashing the ME chaos?

Bottom line is that Obama ran on a platform of ending our presence in that region....he got elected on that platform by over 6 million more voters.....and he kept his word....ESPECIALLY since the very same government in Iraq that Cheney set up, wanted us OUT.
When we left Iraq the country was a relatively stable democracy that had staged two fair and free elections.
Then Obama removed all troops and all hell broke loose.

That's a joke right?
Show me where it says any of that about Rice in the report? Looks to me like you're just making shit up.

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
You have proven nothing of the kind. You made a false allegation against her which I was able to prove was a false allegation according to the conclusions reached by a House investigation.

You may remain in your house of delusions all you want, but don't expect others to be so eager to join you.

Yep, looks like you are going to run like a little bitch.
Run from what? A confirmed liar like you? :lol:

You claimed Rice lied about Benghazi. I proved otherwise. I proved you are the liar, not Rice.
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??

If obammy hadnt stopped Israel the problem would already be gone.
Israel has no ability to stop Iran. If they did, they would have done so by now.

Yeah okay...:lmao:
Does this mean you think Israel could have bombed all of Iran's suspected 200 or so nuclear sites? If so, demonstrate how they could accomplish such a task...

Fuck you. You have my answer.

But, I am still waiting for you to say whether you believe Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction" like that lying bitch Susan Rice said he did.

If you do, you admit you are a fool...if you don't, then you admit Susan Rice is a proven liar.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
You have proven nothing of the kind. You made a false allegation against her which I was able to prove was a false allegation according to the conclusions reached by a House investigation.

You may remain in your house of delusions all you want, but don't expect others to be so eager to join you.

Yep, looks like you are going to run like a little bitch.
Run from what? A confirmed liar like you? :lol:

You claimed Rice lied about Benghazi. I proved otherwise. I proved you are the liar, not Rice.

You have made a total fool of yourself.
No because that wasnt the cause.
The cause was Obama withdrawing from the middle east against the counsel of his chosen advisors.

Oh?? Invading Iraq was NOT the cause of Iraq falling apart and giving Iran the most precious present they could have asked for in removing Saddam? Really?....and unleashing the ME chaos?

Bottom line is that Obama ran on a platform of ending our presence in that region....he got elected on that platform by over 6 million more voters.....and he kept his word....ESPECIALLY since the very same government in Iraq that Cheney set up, wanted us OUT.
When we left Iraq the country was a relatively stable democracy that had staged two fair and free elections.
Then Obama removed all troops and all hell broke loose.

That's a joke right?
What was teh casualty count when Bush left office?
Were there not two free and fair elections held?
I realize citing reality makes lib heads explode but there it is.
Translation: you made it up.

Thanks for playing! :thup:

I am satisfied that I have demonstrated that she is a proven liar.

What about her saying Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction".

Are you going to run from that like a little bitch?
You have proven nothing of the kind. You made a false allegation against her which I was able to prove was a false allegation according to the conclusions reached by a House investigation.

You may remain in your house of delusions all you want, but don't expect others to be so eager to join you.


Yep, looks like you are going to run like a little bitch.
Run from what? A confirmed liar like you? :lol:

You claimed Rice lied about Benghazi. I proved otherwise. I proved you are the liar, not Rice.

You have made a total fool of yourself.
I did that by demonstrating you lied about Rice, did I? :rolleyes:
What was teh casualty count when Bush left office?
Were there not two free and fair elections held?
I realize citing reality makes lib heads explode but there it is.

Are you serious????

During Bush's last 2 years in office (and 2007 was he bloodiest year) there we 1218 American soldiers who dies in that hell hole...That's an average of about 2 deaths PER DAY....and civilian deaths were 26,000 in 2007 and over 10,000 in 2008.....AND YOU CALL THAT LEAVING IRAQ AS A PEACEFUL PLACE???? Are you for real ????

....and weren't you one that called our own country's elections a fraud by democrats and NOW you state that Iraq had 2 "fair and free" elections????

You're a real sicko, Rabbi.....
What was teh casualty count when Bush left office?
Were there not two free and fair elections held?
I realize citing reality makes lib heads explode but there it is.

Are you serious????

During Bush's last 2 years in office (and 2007 was he bloodiest year) there we 1218 American soldiers who dies in that hell hole...That's an average of about 2 deaths PER DAY....and civilian deaths were 26,000 in 2007 and over 10,000 in 2008.....AND YOU CALL THAT LEAVING IRAQ AS A PEACEFUL PLACE???? Are you for real ????

....and weren't you one that called our own country's elections a fraud by democrats and NOW you state that Iraq had 2 "fair and free" elections????

You're a real sicko, Rabbi.....
Deflecting when confronted with facts. Sooo typical.

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