Obama Lies About Not Knowing Hillary Was Using Private Email Account

Lying isn't immoral, dummy, but the lie may be.
No shocker there,you would think that!
Yeah, because I'm not a child and I live in the real world. Mommy doesn't spank Obama when he doesn't tell all that he knows about plans to bomb the shit out of another nation.

He not only is allowed to lie, it's in the fucking job description!

Show me what it states that lying is in the Presidents job description.

A Job Description of the President of the United States - Infographics
Oh for the love of God, stop being a child. He has a head full of secrets, so do I. When asked, we lie. That's part of the agreement we signed.
You can keep your plan if you like it,is way different then letting out state secrets,pumping up the hysteria meter!!,for the love of god,can you be more of a child,projecting absurd shit,like your last post.Realty escapes you.
People that lie and ones that support such behavior,are exactly why we are were we are as a nation.
If we lied better we'd be getting some shit done...
No shocker there,you would think that!
Yeah, because I'm not a child and I live in the real world. Mommy doesn't spank Obama when he doesn't tell all that he knows about plans to bomb the shit out of another nation.

He not only is allowed to lie, it's in the fucking job description!

Show me what it states that lying is in the Presidents job description.

A Job Description of the President of the United States - Infographics
Oh for the love of God, stop being a child. He has a head full of secrets, so do I. When asked, we lie. That's part of the agreement we signed.
You can keep your plan if you like it,is way different then letting out state secrets,pumping up the hysteria meter!!,for the love of god,can you be more of a child,projecting absurd shit,like your last post.Realty escapes you.
People that lie and ones that support such behavior,are exactly why we are were we are as a nation.
If we lied better we'd be getting some shit done...
Heck you must be a busy one then.
During a CBS interview last week, Obama claimed he just heard that Hillary was using a private account. Problem is, Obama personally traded emails over the years with Hillary on that account. Now the White House is officially changing their story.
Some will call this piling on, but I think we have firmly established that Obama can't tell the truth and to be honest, it doesn't really matter if he's honest to his sycophantic followers:

White House: Obama Traded Email With Private Clinton Account
Monday, 09 Mar 2015 04:06 PM

President Barack Obama knew that Hillary Rodham Clinton conducted business on a nongovernment email account while secretary of state, but only recently learned the details of the privately run system she was operating, the White House said Monday.

The White House has drawn scrutiny over Clinton's exclusive use of private email and whether Obama or his aides should have done more to ensure her correspondence was secure and properly preserved. In a weekend interview, Obama told CBS News that it was only recently "through news reports" that he'd learned that Clinton was using a nongovernment email system.

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama had personally exchanged emails with Clinton on her private account — [email protected] — and was therefore familiar with the address. Earnest said Obama had been referring to when he learned the specifics of Clinton's email system — such as the fact that she had a privately run email server and was using the private account exclusively.

"The president — as I think many people expected — did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with the secretary of state," Earnest said, adding that the number of emails they exchanged was not large. But it wasn't until recently that Obama learned how Clinton and her team planned to ensure the emails were properly maintained to comply with the Federal Records Act.

Any emails between Obama and Clinton would have been preserved by the White House under the Presidential Records Act, Earnest said.
Still, the disclosure that Obama knew about the private address comes as Clinton's critics seek to saddle Obama's White House with the controversy over her emails. Facing endless questions from the press about the emails, the White House has sought to defend its own technology and transparency practices without inserting itself into Clinton's likely presidential campaign.

The Republican National Committee accused Obama of misleading the American public in the CBS interview, claiming that the White House "can't get its story straight" about how Clinton jeopardized the security of her communications with the commander in chief.​

White House Obama Traded Email with Private Clinton Account

Obama never lies. The "truth" just gets altered to fit obamas truth. Obama can't lie which means reality, the entire space-time continuum, has to morph itself in order to comply with obamas vision of the world. In other words, reality is wrong NOT Obama.
During a CBS interview last week, Obama claimed he just heard that Hillary was using a private account. Problem is, Obama personally traded emails over the years with Hillary on that account. Now the White House is officially changing their story.
Some will call this piling on, but I think we have firmly established that Obama can't tell the truth and to be honest, it doesn't really matter if he's honest to his sycophantic followers:

White House: Obama Traded Email With Private Clinton Account
Monday, 09 Mar 2015 04:06 PM

President Barack Obama knew that Hillary Rodham Clinton conducted business on a nongovernment email account while secretary of state, but only recently learned the details of the privately run system she was operating, the White House said Monday.

The White House has drawn scrutiny over Clinton's exclusive use of private email and whether Obama or his aides should have done more to ensure her correspondence was secure and properly preserved. In a weekend interview, Obama told CBS News that it was only recently "through news reports" that he'd learned that Clinton was using a nongovernment email system.

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama had personally exchanged emails with Clinton on her private account — [email protected] — and was therefore familiar with the address. Earnest said Obama had been referring to when he learned the specifics of Clinton's email system — such as the fact that she had a privately run email server and was using the private account exclusively.

"The president — as I think many people expected — did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with the secretary of state," Earnest said, adding that the number of emails they exchanged was not large. But it wasn't until recently that Obama learned how Clinton and her team planned to ensure the emails were properly maintained to comply with the Federal Records Act.

Any emails between Obama and Clinton would have been preserved by the White House under the Presidential Records Act, Earnest said.
Still, the disclosure that Obama knew about the private address comes as Clinton's critics seek to saddle Obama's White House with the controversy over her emails. Facing endless questions from the press about the emails, the White House has sought to defend its own technology and transparency practices without inserting itself into Clinton's likely presidential campaign.

The Republican National Committee accused Obama of misleading the American public in the CBS interview, claiming that the White House "can't get its story straight" about how Clinton jeopardized the security of her communications with the commander in chief.​

White House Obama Traded Email with Private Clinton Account

Obama never lies. The "truth" just gets altered to fit obamas truth. Obama can't lie which means reality, the entire space-time continuum, has to morph itself in order to comply with obamas vision of the world. In other words, reality is wrong NOT Obama.
I see you're still here, cherry, trolling away with the most retarded, brain dead, bull shit someone could possibly think to say.

How much is the DNC paying you to post that garbage?
Yeah, because I'm not a child and I live in the real world. Mommy doesn't spank Obama when he doesn't tell all that he knows about plans to bomb the shit out of another nation.

He not only is allowed to lie, it's in the fucking job description!

Show me what it states that lying is in the Presidents job description.

A Job Description of the President of the United States - Infographics
Oh for the love of God, stop being a child. He has a head full of secrets, so do I. When asked, we lie. That's part of the agreement we signed.
You can keep your plan if you like it,is way different then letting out state secrets,pumping up the hysteria meter!!,for the love of god,can you be more of a child,projecting absurd shit,like your last post.Realty escapes you.
People that lie and ones that support such behavior,are exactly why we are were we are as a nation.
If we lied better we'd be getting some shit done...
Heck you must be a busy one then.
Not busy enough because America is full of useless uneducated assholes who get fuck all done.
During a CBS interview last week, Obama claimed he just heard that Hillary was using a private account. Problem is, Obama personally traded emails over the years with Hillary on that account. Now the White House is officially changing their story.
Some will call this piling on, but I think we have firmly established that Obama can't tell the truth and to be honest, it doesn't really matter if he's honest to his sycophantic followers:

White House: Obama Traded Email With Private Clinton Account
Monday, 09 Mar 2015 04:06 PM

President Barack Obama knew that Hillary Rodham Clinton conducted business on a nongovernment email account while secretary of state, but only recently learned the details of the privately run system she was operating, the White House said Monday.

The White House has drawn scrutiny over Clinton's exclusive use of private email and whether Obama or his aides should have done more to ensure her correspondence was secure and properly preserved. In a weekend interview, Obama told CBS News that it was only recently "through news reports" that he'd learned that Clinton was using a nongovernment email system.

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama had personally exchanged emails with Clinton on her private account — [email protected] — and was therefore familiar with the address. Earnest said Obama had been referring to when he learned the specifics of Clinton's email system — such as the fact that she had a privately run email server and was using the private account exclusively.

"The president — as I think many people expected — did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with the secretary of state," Earnest said, adding that the number of emails they exchanged was not large. But it wasn't until recently that Obama learned how Clinton and her team planned to ensure the emails were properly maintained to comply with the Federal Records Act.

Any emails between Obama and Clinton would have been preserved by the White House under the Presidential Records Act, Earnest said.
Still, the disclosure that Obama knew about the private address comes as Clinton's critics seek to saddle Obama's White House with the controversy over her emails. Facing endless questions from the press about the emails, the White House has sought to defend its own technology and transparency practices without inserting itself into Clinton's likely presidential campaign.

The Republican National Committee accused Obama of misleading the American public in the CBS interview, claiming that the White House "can't get its story straight" about how Clinton jeopardized the security of her communications with the commander in chief.​

White House Obama Traded Email with Private Clinton Account

Obama never lies. The "truth" just gets altered to fit obamas truth. Obama can't lie which means reality, the entire space-time continuum, has to morph itself in order to comply with obamas vision of the world. In other words, reality is wrong NOT Obama.
I see you're still here, cherry, trolling away with the most retarded, brain dead, bull shit someone could possibly think to say.

How much is the DNC paying you to post that garbage?
No one is paying him, he's having fun being the devil.
I doubt he did.

Of course you do. You're a partisan hack.

Why would he know what email server she was using?

He never received a single email from her during his entire first term?

Does anyone believe that an email gets to the POTUS without being thoroughly checked over by security systems that would know where it came from and who sent it?
They know but why would he. See how that works?

It's his administration, his office, he's responsible. If he corresponded with that address, it's up to him to provide investigators copies of everything that went back and forth between them. Naturally, I expect him to provide nothing and for his sycophants to hoot and clap like trained seals when he does.
How many times can the same man say that he didn't know a thing about a scandal until he heard it on the news without someone asking the question...if you're the man in charge...how do you NOT know what's going on around you? Either you're clueless or you condone what's happened. Either way you're a piss poor executive.

And no one in the circles around the POTUS ever gets fired for not keeping the chief executive briefed on what's going on. It's like they hold daily briefings and he doesn't even show up....oh, never mind.
Show me what it states that lying is in the Presidents job description.

A Job Description of the President of the United States - Infographics
Oh for the love of God, stop being a child. He has a head full of secrets, so do I. When asked, we lie. That's part of the agreement we signed.

Not answering a question about military actions isn't lying you stupid fuck. Lying is saying shit like "if you like your doctor, you can keep him".
Welcome to politics little man. Time to grow up now.

Thanks you for showing your stupidity....yet again.
Nothing stupid about it, dumbass. Grow up and start dealing with reality.

Everything about it was stupid. I am grown you stupid fuck.
Show me what it states that lying is in the Presidents job description.

A Job Description of the President of the United States - Infographics
Oh for the love of God, stop being a child. He has a head full of secrets, so do I. When asked, we lie. That's part of the agreement we signed.
You can keep your plan if you like it,is way different then letting out state secrets,pumping up the hysteria meter!!,for the love of god,can you be more of a child,projecting absurd shit,like your last post.Realty escapes you.
People that lie and ones that support such behavior,are exactly why we are were we are as a nation.
If we lied better we'd be getting some shit done...
Heck you must be a busy one then.
Not busy enough because America is full of useless uneducated assholes who get fuck all done.

Actually the Obama Administration is full of useless educated assholes who get fuck all done. Barry's clueless and he's surrounded himself with an inner circle who are equally inept. Eric Holder is an idiot. John Kerry is an idiot. Hillary Clinton is an idiot. Joe Biden is the KING of idiots!
I already have Hillary fatigue. Her email thing is going to amount to nothing. Nobody is going to do anything and she knows it. She had a condescending tone that was painful to watch in the statement she took, and not very presidential (meaning no leadership ability). She did not inspire me at all. Actually nobody in the obama admin or congress inspires me at all. Why does America keep electing these people Dems and republicans?

If she becomes president.....it's going to be more of the same. At this point I don't know why she wants it. Just to be in the history books? She is washed up and needs to go the the retirement home. Telling the nurses "I was so close to becoming president" stories.

Maybe if she said a semi racist thing holder would go look through her emails like he did in ferguson. Holder could have looked at the irs as well....but naa let's look at ferguson emails. LoL

And she said the secret service was watching her servers....lol like they watched the White House no doubt...lol
I already have Hillary fatigue. Her email thing is going to amount to nothing. Nobody is going to do anything and she knows it. She had a condescending tone that was painful to watch in the statement she took, and not very presidential (meaning no leadership ability). She did not inspire me at all. Actually nobody in the obama admin or congress inspires me at all. Why does America keep electing these people Dems and republicans?

If she becomes president.....it's going to be more of the same. At this point I don't know why she wants it. Just to be in the history books? She is washed up and needs to go the the retirement home. Telling the nurses "I was so close to becoming president" stories.

Maybe if she said a semi racist thing holder would go look through her emails like he did in ferguson. Holder could have looked at the irs as well....but naa let's look at ferguson emails. LoL

And she said the secret service was watching her servers....lol like they watched the White House no doubt...lol
The Secret Service was too busy diddling Colombian Hookers to secure her server. By the way, was the Secret Service monitoring her server to prevent hackers too? I didn't know that was their job.

There are so many holes in her explanations it's ridiculous. We're supposed to believe this convenience excuse. She got caught in a lie when she claimed she needed a dedicated cell phone for each email address. Anyone who has one knows you can put more than one email account on a smartphone. She also had been interviewed before about this and admitted that she did have several devices. A Blackberry, an IPhone, an IPad, and an Android, all of which she admitted to owning. So she was lying about needing to use her personal server to conduct all of her business due to the one phone convenience aspect. She also is on record to have fired one of her underlings for the same offense, using a personal email account to conduct State Department business. This is Hillary telling everyone that she's special and doesn't need to follow the rules that apply to everyone else.

I still think this email thing is a distraction. She's really involved in some serious corruption. The Clinton WhiteHouse was accused of "Pay To Go" transactions in the past and I think she's just trying to cover it up. "Pay To Go", taking bribes for special favors. Obama is guilty of similar offenses because his donors often become ambassadors even though they have zero experience in diplomacy. So if you wonder why our foreign policy is in the crapper these days, there you go.

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