Obama lies to women on his FB page

Why would you go to court?

If it is sexual harassment as you claim, the only way to collect is through the courts. And you claim to be a business owner? LOL!

But your original file is locally who controls business licenses and operating permits.

That has nothing to do with a sexual harassment, you would go to the EOCC, then they would investigate and then give a ruling, you would then go to an attorney who would then see if you have a case and then work from there
They still do.

The difference is that now they can decide what conditions, diseases, illness, treatments, drugs and procedures to cover.

They now stand between the patient and the doctor.

According to the ACA, employers with more than 50 full time employees are forced to provide insurance. I'd say their choice to "Either you insure an employee or you don't PERIOD" has been removed.

Oh, so Hobby Lobby has fewer than 50 full time employees?

Gawd, this is like talking to a damn tennis racket.

G'night all.

I certainly never said that, so I am unsure why you would say it. Why don't you discuss what I actually said? Are facts getting in the way of your dogma?
The point is, it hasn't happened and it isn't going to happen.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

The point is that it has happened.

The boss decided he didn't want to pay for women's birth control so they yelled First Amendment.

What do you think that was all about?

The bigger problem where employers are going to get in trouble is that if you offer boner pills to a guy not offering birth control to women can be construed as sexual harassment.

Get back to me when abortafacients are common to male birth control because the court case was about abortafacients, not birth control or viagra.
If you work for company X as a, lets say, sales person. You make your numbers and are progressing in the company and are being groomed for sales manager.

Then the owner/partnership/family that owns the company is sold and you're no longer even being considered because of your gender and their religion. It certainly seems as though the Supreme Court is saying that this is perfectly okay.

Sure, just give up the career you've built and move on. Easy to say and easier not to care if you are male. You won't be affected.

Yeah, that is exactly what happened.
Oh wait, it was nothing like that.
I can remember around 20 years ago when health insurance did not pay for contraceptives.
I can remember around 20 years ago when health insurance did not pay for contraceptives.

Condoms can prevent both unwanted pregnancy and STD's, but I am not aware of any health insurance policy covering the cost of condoms.

Can we say "Double Standard"?
I can remember around 20 years ago when health insurance did not pay for contraceptives.

In most cases we're only talking about $200 per year. Hell my acid re flux meds cost me three times that much. It's a phony issue from a phony ideology from a phony american president. Phony Phony Phony! If the American women fall for this and continue to vote for democrats then they will get what they deserve. A miserable hand to mouth existence for them and their families. He said he would change the nation but he didn't tell us how.
I can remember around 20 years ago when health insurance did not pay for contraceptives.

In most cases we're only talking about $200 per year. Hell my acid re flux meds cost me three times that much. It's a phony issue from a phony ideology from a phony american president. Phony Phony Phony! If the American women fall for this and continue to vote for democrats then they will get what they deserve. A miserable hand to mouth existence for them and their families. He said he would change the nation but he didn't tell us how.
Unfortunately, many women will fall for the contraceptives aren't being covered lies, rather than research it for themselves. My own, embarass me often, by not taking the time to see if what they are being fed is bull or not. I have found the louder the cry, through the years, the more likely a lie is being foisted upon the masses.
Not Your Boss?s Business | National Review Online
‘NOT MY BOSS’S BUSINESS,” screamed several protest signs outside the U.S. Supreme Court, as the Hobby Lobby case was argued on March 25 and decided last Monday morning. Another placard hollered: “HEY SUPREME COURT — NO BOSSES IN MY BEDROOM.”

Good point these people make. It's not their boss's business. So why do they want their boss to pay for it?
It amazes me that these people scream for their company (boss) to get the heck out of their personal decisions, then demand that their company (boss) pay for their personal decisions.
The scary part is, these morons vote.

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