Obama Live U of I Urbana-Champaign

It is nice to hear former President Obama speak.

A President:

who can speak English without sounding like an absolute moron.

who can talk about policy and not sound like a elementary school child.

who takes about unity rather than division.

Yes, a real President. Not a friggin' carnival clown like the idiot we have now.

Yes, he's more verbose, using words well above the reading level of his fans so he sounds like a towering intellect to them, but comes across as a moron to those with even a smidgen of logic, common sense, and an education.

And that droning voice. Oy vey ...
You didn't watch it, either.

I did. Five minutes. More than enough. There is no "message" that Obama could bring that would interest me other than my penchant for knowing what the enemy is thinking.

He's a prick. I have no points of agreement with him. I have no interest in unifying with him, or his supporters, and my hope is that his party will be politically castrated for all time while I am around to enjoy it.

Did you catch this one??? ....calling Republicans the "home of division politics and resentment"

Good God... to think he actually said this.

As we should ALL learned by now, what Obama says.... and what he does... is two very, very different things.
Politicians of all makes, sound great. Say pretty words and meaningful phrases that were professionally written by writers for them to say.
But the real value is worth less than the few seconds the sounds reverberates and disappears.
He's in the business now of inspiring, so meaningful phrases are perfectly alright. His days of action are over, as I'm sure you're glad.

Did you catch this one??? ....calling Republicans the "home of division politics and resentment"

Good God... to think he actually said this.
He didn't talk about anyone bleeding out their ....wherever?
Or mention how big anyone's "hands" were?
Or tell everyone he has hundreds of pics of Republicans hugging and kissing each other?
Or saying your morning paper is the enemy of the people?

Good God, you say, to think he actually said this....
I just can't believe this man calls the Republican party "resentment".... good lord.
Both parties equally can't get along. Equally.
But with the identity politics of the left, their shouting down people they don't agree with, attacking them in public... threats... and it is Republicans that is the party of resentment???
Live feed for Obama's speech at U of Illinois Urbana, about to start in a few minutes. This will be his kick off for campaigning for Democrats this fall. 1,300 seat auditorium; 22,000 requests for tickets. Maybe he will have to start booking stadiums, too.

LIVE STREAM: Former President Obama delivers speech at University of Illinois

Yep, that SOB is like a nail fungus that just won't go away. You can tell he wrote most his his little speech, so many contradictions and out right lies. I did love his crying about his agenda being dismantled.

It is nice to hear former President Obama speak.

A President:

who can speak English without sounding like an absolute moron.

who can talk about policy and not sound like a elementary school child.

who takes about unity rather than division.

Yes, a real President. Not a friggin' carnival clown like the idiot we have now.

Yes, he's more verbose, using words well above the reading level of his fans so he sounds like a towering intellect to them, but comes across as a moron to those with even a smidgen of logic, common sense, and an education.

And that droning voice. Oy vey ...
You didn't watch it, either.

I did. Five minutes. More than enough. There is no "message" that Obama could bring that would interest me other than my penchant for knowing what the enemy is thinking.

He's a prick. I have no points of agreement with him. I have no interest in unifying with him, or his supporters, and my hope is that his party will be politically castrated for all time while I am around to enjoy it.
That's fine, Billy, thank you for being honest. I could have done without all of you piling in to say nothing of value about his speech, but that's par for the course.
If there is no message he can bring that you want to hear, I'm not sure what you're doing here.
This thread has had 168 views, which leads me to believe a few folks watched it. I wonder what y'all thought?
I had forgotten just how spell binding he can be. If he was as dishonest as Drumpf is they would suspend the 22nd amendment against serving more than 8 years as POTUS and immediately install him as the current POTUS.
As we should ALL learned by now, what Obama says.... and what he does... is two very, very different things.
Politicians of all makes, sound great. Say pretty words and meaningful phrases that were professionally written by writers for them to say.
But the real value is worth less than the few seconds the sounds reverberates and disappears.
Drumpf must not be a politician. Drumpf sounds like a petulant child moron.
It is nice to hear former President Obama speak.

A President:

who can speak English without sounding like an absolute moron.

who can talk about policy and not sound like a elementary school child.

who takes about unity rather than division.

Yes, a real President. Not a friggin' carnival clown like the idiot we have now.

Yes, he's more verbose, using words well above the reading level of his fans so he sounds like a towering intellect to them, but comes across as a moron to those with even a smidgen of logic, common sense, and an education.

And that droning voice. Oy vey ...
You didn't watch it, either.

I did. Five minutes. More than enough. There is no "message" that Obama could bring that would interest me other than my penchant for knowing what the enemy is thinking.

He's a prick. I have no points of agreement with him. I have no interest in unifying with him, or his supporters, and my hope is that his party will be politically castrated for all time while I am around to enjoy it.
That's fine, Billy, thank you for being honest. I could have done without all of you piling in to say nothing of value about his speech, but that's par for the course.
If there is no message he can bring that you want to hear, I'm not sure what you're doing here.
There's an old quip that if ugly buildings, whores and politicians last long enough, they get respect. Obama better hope for a very long life.
As we should ALL learned by now, what Obama says.... and what he does... is two very, very different things.
Politicians of all makes, sound great. Say pretty words and meaningful phrases that were professionally written by writers for them to say.
But the real value is worth less than the few seconds the sounds reverberates and disappears.
Drumpf must not be a politician. Drumpf sounds like a petulant child moron.

I didn't realize Trump was speaking today.
As we should ALL learned by now, what Obama says.... and what he does... is two very, very different things.
Politicians of all makes, sound great. Say pretty words and meaningful phrases that were professionally written by writers for them to say.
But the real value is worth less than the few seconds the sounds reverberates and disappears.
Drumpf must not be a politician. Drumpf sounds like a petulant child moron.

I didn't realize Trump was speaking today.
Drumpf speaks everyday. He is constantly whining about something.or talking to hear himself talk.
This thread has had 168 views, which leads me to believe a few folks watched it. I wonder what y'all thought?
People are telling you what they thought then you are telling them they didn’t watch it! Looks like you only want responses you agree with.

It fogs my brain how anyone from the left can still to this day support Obama.
By far the greatest friend Wall Street and the elites ever had in the White House in modern history. Squandered and passed out $billions per MONTH to some of the richest firms in the nation...at a time they were making record profits.
It is nice to hear former President Obama speak.

A President:

who can speak English without sounding like an absolute moron.

who can talk about policy and not sound like a elementary school child.

who takes about unity rather than division.

Yes, a real President. Not a friggin' carnival clown like the idiot we have now.

Yes, he's more verbose, using words well above the reading level of his fans so he sounds like a towering intellect to them, but comes across as a moron to those with even a smidgen of logic, common sense, and an education.

And that droning voice. Oy vey ...
You didn't watch it, either.

I did. Five minutes. More than enough. There is no "message" that Obama could bring that would interest me other than my penchant for knowing what the enemy is thinking.

He's a prick. I have no points of agreement with him. I have no interest in unifying with him, or his supporters, and my hope is that his party will be politically castrated for all time while I am around to enjoy it.
That's fine, Billy, thank you for being honest. I could have done without all of you piling in to say nothing of value about his speech, but that's par for the course.
If there is no message he can bring that you want to hear, I'm not sure what you're doing here.
There's an old quip that if ugly buildings, whores and politicians last long enough, they get respect. Obama better hope for a very long life.
As a matter of fact, here it is:

This thread has had 168 views, which leads me to believe a few folks watched it. I wonder what y'all thought?
I had forgotten just how spell binding he can be. If he was as dishonest as Drumpf is they would suspend the 22nd amendment against serving more than 8 years as POTUS and immediately install him as the current POTUS.
I won't be following all his speeches, but I was interested in seeing how he plans to proceed this election season. He has said he sees himself as a "community organizer" again and his role is to get folks out there to VOTE for their wishes. I think he's hit a perfect chord. Yes, he made some actual jabs at Trump, but it was for the most part a positive, constructive message and more reassuring than what I hear from politicians of any stripe lately.
I think the Dems have made a mistake in having Obama talk though. The rage that the racist republican party holds for Obama played a big part in why Hillary lost. They couldnt vote Obama out so they took out their rage on Hillary. Funny thing that even as a flawed candidate she beat the moron that currently holds the office of POTUS in the popular election.

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