Obama Live U of I Urbana-Champaign

He explained that Nazi's are bad people.
Republicans don't see them that way. Trump said some are very fine people.



Wow... you lie....Trump never said nazis are good people...but you have to lie about it because your belief system leads to Venezuela and Cuba.....Trump said that those who want to keep statues up are also good people...like the Black Historical Societies who wanted to keep the statues up......you asshats lie about everything.
When you say "Charlottesville," I picture the torchlit march. There were not "a lot of fine people" participating in that. I think a lot of folks think that same way. Trump could have clearly explained that the folks who had an historic but not racist interest in the statues did not come to the protest in order to hate on anyone. But Trump did not do that; some of us wonder why.

Thinking people would realize that by default.
Not everyone realized that the protest was first organized by a small group of historical organizations, and then completely overrun by the Unite the Right folks. Who knows if the historical folks even participated that day? I would have taken one look at the group of Nazis and Antifa with their shields and their bullshit and I would have gotten back in my car and gone home.
What did the historical organizations have against museums? How is moving the statues somewhere else a problem?

My guess is that taking the statues out of the center of town or the center of a park relegates them to a "backwater" where not as many people will see them. That probably feels dishonorable to them. In the South, they seem to still be fighting the damned Civil War, so war heroes are still a big thing, regardless of what the overall motivations for the war were. Like a lot of people have pointed out, slavery is why the politicians vying to keep power started it, but a lot of the rank and file confederates were out there to defend their homes and their families, their communities and never owned a slave in their lives. The Union soldiers did a lot to inflame hatred, too, as they invaded and took over. So to dyed in the wool Southerners, Confederate soldiers and officers are heroes who protected them.

A lot of communities have voted to remove their statues, though, and that should have been Charlottesville's business, too. Not people bused in from other states to light torches and cause a huge stink about it. Or the folks also from out of town who always show up when the Nazi's do, to fight them.
Wow... you lie....Trump never said nazis are good people...but you have to lie about it because your belief system leads to Venezuela and Cuba.....Trump said that those who want to keep statues up are also good people...like the Black Historical Societies who wanted to keep the statues up......you asshats lie about everything.
When you say "Charlottesville," I picture the torchlit march. There were not "a lot of fine people" participating in that. I think a lot of folks think that same way. Trump could have clearly explained that the folks who had an historic but not racist interest in the statues did not come to the protest in order to hate on anyone. But Trump did not do that; some of us wonder why.

Thinking people would realize that by default.
Not everyone realized that the protest was first organized by a small group of historical organizations, and then completely overrun by the Unite the Right folks. Who knows if the historical folks even participated that day? I would have taken one look at the group of Nazis and Antifa with their shields and their bullshit and I would have gotten back in my car and gone home.
What did the historical organizations have against museums? How is moving the statues somewhere else a problem?

My guess is that taking the statues out of the center of town or the center of a park relegates them to a "backwater" where not as many people will see them. That probably feels dishonorable to them. In the South, they seem to still be fighting the damned Civil War, so war heroes are still a big thing, regardless of what the overall motivations for the war were. Like a lot of people have pointed out, slavery is why the politicians vying to keep power started it, but a lot of the rank and file confederates were out there to defend their homes and their families, their communities and never owned a slave in their lives. The Union soldiers did a lot to inflame hatred, too, as they invaded and took over. So to dyed in the wool Southerners, Confederate soldiers and officers are heroes who protected them.

A lot of communities have voted to remove their statues, though, and that should have been Charlottesville's business, too. Not people bused in from other states to light torches and cause a huge stink about it. Or the folks also from out of town who always show up when the Nazi's do, to fight them.
You dont think that in of itself points to a racist mindset? How can you dishonor something by putting it in a museum? These people were traitiors and supported a system of slavery. What part of that is even deserving of honor? You dont have to own a slave to support slavery. You dont have to own a gun to support other people owning them. You just need a (racist) mindset that supports and agrees with those causes.
Trump is a credit snatcher and we’ve seen this before.
From Obama to trump unemployment rate fell from 10% to 3%. Five of those percentage points were under Obama and two were under Trump.
African-Americans during the same time unemployment fell 10%. 9% under Obama and 1% under Trump.

It’s like with bin Laden. During the campaign Obama said he would take down bin Laden no matter where he was and Republicans called Obama naïve and ridiculous. And then when Obama took down bin Laden Republicans tried desperately to take credit for it.

The party the let bin Laden go and stopped looking for him tried to take credit for taking him down.

The good thing is that America wasn’t having it. We knew the truth. So Republicans finally just gave up on that lie.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate? Those are the reasons the economy is booming.

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
Once Republicans took over the house and the senate, they PUBLICLY STATED they wanted to destroy Obama's presidency no matter how much it hurt the country.

They were so proud of trying to ruin that president, they were very public and very vocal.

You come back years later and complain about what Obama did or didn't do when Republicans publicly stated that would block EVERYTHING Obama wanted to do EVEN IF IT HURT THE COUNTRY.


That's who these SOB's are. They loot the country and blame others for their damage.
This next election, Republicans may or may not have woken a sleeping giant.
We will have to see.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate? Those are the reasons the economy is booming.

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?[
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate?

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
He pointed out that Republicans publicly announced they would block anything he tried to do even if it hurt the country. I remember that.

His presidency has been largely dissolved, and rightfully so. His primary intent was to run us into a ditch.

He failed. Congress did what it was elected to do in 2010 and 2012.
So, George W Bush did not run us into that ditch & Obama did not pull us out?
I know your ignorant type want to blame failure and success on one person. It isn’t that simple.
We don’t just blame Bush, we blame Republicans.
Then you really are ignorant to all the information and history of what happened.

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