Obama Live U of I Urbana-Champaign

Live feed for Obama's speech at U of Illinois Urbana, about to start in a few minutes. This will be his kick off for campaigning for Democrats this fall. 1,300 seat auditorium; 22,000 requests for tickets. Maybe he will have to start booking stadiums, too.

LIVE STREAM: Former President Obama delivers speech at University of Illinois

"The University of Illinois System will honor former President Barack Obama with the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government."

Too funny.
AS a trump vi=oter, you have zero concept of ethics.
I had forgotten just how spell binding he can be. If he was as dishonest as Drumpf is they would suspend the 22nd amendment against serving more than 8 years as POTUS and immediately install him as the current POTUS.
Spell binding. You people are hilarious.

Hypnotic maybe, to weak-minded fools. Kind of like Dracula.
Clearly you didn't watch the speech.

What is it with Republicans? Determined ignorance?

The part where he asks why Trump couldn't say Nazi's are bad people was hilarious. Obama said it's not that hard to say. And he's right.

Well, it's hard for Trump. That's a very important part of his base. He doesn't want to insult his base.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate?

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
He pointed out that Republicans publicly announced they would block anything he tried to do even if it hurt the country. I remember that.

His presidency has been largely dissolved, and rightfully so. His primary intent was to run us into a ditch.

He failed. Congress did what it was elected to do in 2010 and 2012.
Another Trumpette afraid that there are women so much more intelligent, so much better educated, and so more successful than they are who could kick their scrawny white asses at any time.
Spell binding. You people are hilarious.

Hypnotic maybe, to weak-minded fools. Kind of like Dracula.
Clearly you didn't watch the speech.

What is it with Republicans? Determined ignorance?

The part where he asks why Trump couldn't say Nazi's are bad people was hilarious. Obama said it's not that hard to say. And he's right.

Well, it's hard for Trump. That's a very important part of his base. He doesn't want to insult his base.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate?

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
He pointed out that Republicans publicly announced they would block anything he tried to do even if it hurt the country. I remember that.

His presidency has been largely dissolved, and rightfully so. His primary intent was to run us into a ditch.

He failed. Congress did what it was elected to do in 2010 and 2012.
So, George W Bush did not run us into that ditch & Obama did not pull us out?
Live feed for Obama's speech at U of Illinois Urbana, about to start in a few minutes. This will be his kick off for campaigning for Democrats this fall. 1,300 seat auditorium; 22,000 requests for tickets. Maybe he will have to start booking stadiums, too.

LIVE STREAM: Former President Obama delivers speech at University of Illinois
I'll have to miss it. There is a Mr. Ed rerun on that will have much more substance.
Don't doubt it, you are attracted to horses asses.
I heard a clip of him on the radio this morning. Could have done without.

Nobody wants to hear from him. Don't know why he thinks we care about the opinion of that failed Resident from Kenya.

Must suck for him, I suppose, that virtually nothing is left of his failed administration.
Hypnotic maybe, to weak-minded fools. Kind of like Dracula.
Clearly you didn't watch the speech.

What is it with Republicans? Determined ignorance?

The part where he asks why Trump couldn't say Nazi's are bad people was hilarious. Obama said it's not that hard to say. And he's right.

Well, it's hard for Trump. That's a very important part of his base. He doesn't want to insult his base.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate?

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
He pointed out that Republicans publicly announced they would block anything he tried to do even if it hurt the country. I remember that.

His presidency has been largely dissolved, and rightfully so. His primary intent was to run us into a ditch.

He failed. Congress did what it was elected to do in 2010 and 2012.
So, George W Bush did not run us into that ditch & Obama did not pull us out?

One was a Halfacrat and one was a Democrat. Results were not surprising. The 110th Congress did their bit as well.
Live feed for Obama's speech at U of Illinois Urbana, about to start in a few minutes. This will be his kick off for campaigning for Democrats this fall. 1,300 seat auditorium; 22,000 requests for tickets. Maybe he will have to start booking stadiums, too.

LIVE STREAM: Former President Obama delivers speech at University of Illinois
I'll have to miss it. There is a Mr. Ed rerun on that will have much more substance.
Don't doubt it, you are attracted to horses asses.
HEY! Watch where you're going with the Mr. Ed insults!
Short summary of his speech: "America bad, America racist, Trump bad, white people racist", they literally have nothing to say.
Trump is bad. Trump is racist.
There has never been a conservative running for, or in office, that has not been accused of racism by the Left. That includes Romney, Reagan, both Bush's and Mc Cain.
Clearly you didn't watch the speech.

What is it with Republicans? Determined ignorance?

The part where he asks why Trump couldn't say Nazi's are bad people was hilarious. Obama said it's not that hard to say. And he's right.

Well, it's hard for Trump. That's a very important part of his base. He doesn't want to insult his base.
Did Obama explain why he didn't renegotiate NAFTA? How about tax cuts? Paris? Deregulate?

Or did he just race bait like a typical Loser?
He pointed out that Republicans publicly announced they would block anything he tried to do even if it hurt the country. I remember that.

His presidency has been largely dissolved, and rightfully so. His primary intent was to run us into a ditch.

He failed. Congress did what it was elected to do in 2010 and 2012.
So, George W Bush did not run us into that ditch & Obama did not pull us out?

One was a Halfacrat and one was a Democrat. Results were not surprising. The 110th Congress did their bit as well.

Republicans drove us in the ditch. Republicans you supported. Quit making excuses. Grow a fucking pair.
I heard a clip of him on the radio this morning. Could have done without.

Nobody wants to hear from him. Don't know why he thinks we care about the opinion of that failed Resident from Kenya.

Must suck for him, I suppose, that virtually nothing is left of his failed administration.

I love that Obama has crawled from his lair for some TV time. He will drive Republican voters to the polls as did Ramses drive the Hebrews out of Egypt.
Another Trumpette afraid that there are women so much more intelligent, so much better educated, and so more successful than they are who could kick their scrawny white asses at any time.
Yeah, another angry black woman with a massive chip on her shoulder. Her husband gets elected to the presidency by WHITES, and she is still angry at Whites, America, and the world.

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