Obama losing the confidence of Muslim countries


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Obama More Popular Abroad Than At Home, Global Image of U.S. Continues to Benefit | Pew Global Attitudes Project


It will drop further. There can't be change as long as root problems are not in a serious manner addressed and solved.
not to worry, he's working on giving our country away to the Muslim Countries and their oil riches
what did you all EXPECT???????.:eusa_whistle:
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Obama promised a lot of "hot-air" regarding Muslim world.
Besides speeches he has delivered nothing.
There will not come change from USA.
Obama and his establishment is taken hostage by the likes of whom Mr Hearshheimer already has identified.

Just yesterday was a discussion on CNN Turk about Bush senior regarding frictions of Bush-Senior administration and Israel. Bush Senior - I saw himself audio-visually - said he would remove US credits for Israelian settlement works in West-Bank.
1 Week later AIPAC announced to have secured Bush Senior financing.

Same with Obama and his Health-Care package.
In the meeting between Netanyahu and Obama they discussed Israelian support for Obama's health-care reform through pro-Israel Congressmen.

You have been taken hostage, damaging your interests vis-a-vis 1.X Billion people and Muslim geography.
I pitty you. And in same sentence I thank god, that your influence is declining and so the influence of the nation that has taken you hostage.

Nice try, but it doesn't sell. Preaching peace, but delivering sanctions and bombs.
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Obama promised a lot of "hot-air" regarding Muslim world.
Besides speeches he has delivered nothing.
There will not come change from USA.
Obama and his establishment is taken hostage by the likes of whom Mr Hearshheimer already has identified.

Just yesterday was a discussion on CNN Turk about Bush senior regarding frictions of Bush-Senior administration and Israel. Bush Senior - I saw himself audio-visually - said he would remove US credits for Israelian settlement works in West-Bank.
1 Week later AIPAC announced to have secured Bush Senior financing.

Same with Obama and his Health-Care package.
In the meeting between Netanyahu and Obama they discussed Israelian support for Obama's health-care reform through pro-Israel Congressmen.

You have been taken hostage, damaging your interests vis-a-vis 1.X Billion people and Muslim geography.
I pitty you. And in same sentence I thank god, that your influence is declining and so the influence of the nation that has taken you hostage.

Nice try, but it doesn't sell. Preaching peace, but delivering sanctions and bombs.

We delivered a lot of bombs in WWII and guess what.....there was peace. If the crazy muslims can't understand that supporting terrorism will lead to their doom then let it be.
We delivered a lot of bombs in WWII and guess what.....there was peace. If the crazy muslims can't understand that supporting terrorism will lead to their doom then let it be.

Illegal Iraq Invasion had to do with greedy US-type Evangelists, not with peace.
You should be ashamed of yourself to even take a word like peace in your mouth.
Who cares? What do y'all want? The US to openly support al Qaeda, Hezbolla and the Taliban, and invade Israel?

He's already pandering to your dumb asses.

He is only pandering in the cases you metioned above within rhetorics of US domestic politics, like you see him pandering.
In reality, Obama is just another sheep led by circles that have no good intentions for world peace.

Best example:
In April, Obama sends letter to President Lula and Prime Minister Erdogan regarding Iran and uranium swap. A month later, Lula and Erdogan deliver the request by Obama and convince Iran of uranium swap by legal and binding documents.
Within 1 month letter of Obama does not count anymore, USA now presses for sanctions.

Question: What changed within 1 month?
Answer: The people Prof. Mearshheimer described in his book did their work.

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran | Between the Lines

Simple as that, Gunny.

He is only pandering in the cases you metioned above within rhetorics of US domestic politics, like you see him pandering.
In reality, Obama is just another sheep led by circles that have no good intentions for world peace.

Best example:
In April, Obama sends letter to President Lula and Prime Minister Erdogan regarding Iran and uranium swap. A month later, Lula and Erdogan deliver the request by Obama and convince Iran of uranium swap by legal and binding documents.
Within 1 month letter of Obama does not count anymore, USA now presses for sanctions.

Question: What changed within 1 month?
Answer: The people Prof. Mearshheimer described in his book did their work.

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran | Between the Lines

Simple as that, Gunny.


Original text of Iran-Brazil-Turkey document regarding Uranium Swap and confidence building measures, signed by both 3 countries.
In document all requests by Obama are met, and legally signed by Iran.
It is first time, Iran signed such document.
Yet, the preachers of war and sanctions in Lobby-Washington honour this agreement with sanctions.

Full-text BBC
BBC News - Nuclear fuel declaration by Iran, Turkey and Brazil

full-text Turkish Foreign Ministry
17 May?s 2010 tarihli Türkiye, ?ran ve Brezilya D??i?leri Bakanlar? Ortak Deklarasyonu / T.C. D??i?leri Bakanl???
Obama starts killin' him some Jews, his Muslim numbers'll go up.

Obama makes appeasement politics to the same circles he promised he would differ from (Change). He is another Bush, foreign policy is same direction where Bush left.
The fully independent Muslim countries should declare Obama persona-non-grata when it comes to state visits. Muslim countries should not serve for US propaganda on their territory regarding a non-existant change.
Obama starts killin' him some Jews, his Muslim numbers'll go up.

Obama makes appeasement politics to the same circles he promised he would differ from (Change). He is another Bush, foreign policy is same direction where Bush left.
The fully independent Muslim countries should declare Obama persona-non-grata when it comes to state visits. Muslim countries should not serve for US propaganda on their territory regarding a non-existant change.

Hopefully, Obama won't appease the Turkish trash and will help pass a resolution acknowledging the Armenian genocide under the Turks that Erdogan doesn't want.
Who cares? What do y'all want? The US to openly support al Qaeda, Hezbolla and the Taliban, and invade Israel?

He's already pandering to your dumb asses.

He is only pandering in the cases you metioned above within rhetorics of US domestic politics, like you see him pandering.
In reality, Obama is just another sheep led by circles that have no good intentions for world peace.

Best example:
In April, Obama sends letter to President Lula and Prime Minister Erdogan regarding Iran and uranium swap. A month later, Lula and Erdogan deliver the request by Obama and convince Iran of uranium swap by legal and binding documents.
Within 1 month letter of Obama does not count anymore, USA now presses for sanctions.

Question: What changed within 1 month?
Answer: The people Prof. Mearshheimer described in his book did their work.

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran | Between the Lines

Simple as that, Gunny.


He is only pandering in the cases you metioned above within rhetorics of US domestic politics, like you see him pandering.
In reality, Obama is just another sheep led by circles that have no good intentions for world peace.

Best example:
In April, Obama sends letter to President Lula and Prime Minister Erdogan regarding Iran and uranium swap. A month later, Lula and Erdogan deliver the request by Obama and convince Iran of uranium swap by legal and binding documents.
Within 1 month letter of Obama does not count anymore, USA now presses for sanctions.

Question: What changed within 1 month?
Answer: The people Prof. Mearshheimer described in his book did their work.

Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue On Iran | Between the Lines

Simple as that, Gunny.


Original text of Iran-Brazil-Turkey document regarding Uranium Swap and confidence building measures, signed by both 3 countries.
In document all requests by Obama are met, and legally signed by Iran.
It is first time, Iran signed such document.
Yet, the preachers of war and sanctions in Lobby-Washington honour this agreement with sanctions.

Full-text BBC
BBC News - Nuclear fuel declaration by Iran, Turkey and Brazil

full-text Turkish Foreign Ministry
17 May?s 2010 tarihli Türkiye, ?ran ve Brezilya D??i?leri Bakanlar? Ortak Deklarasyonu / T.C. D??i?leri Bakanl???

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority
By a March 2010 poll, 60 percent wanted it to stay open.
Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com
Moral fail by 60% of Americans, political fail by Obama.

Obama's Muslim outreach faltering
44 - Obama's Muslim outreach faltering

There was never an outreach, only cheap talk.

Oh *yawn*.:rolleyes:
Obama is a lot like Jimmy Carter: long on ideology and short on reality. But that's not really the problem. It's the suckers who believed in fairy tale endings who voted him into office that are the problem.

The Boogie Man really does exist. You get rid of him by hunting him down and stabbing out his heart. You don't get rid of him by holding hands around the campfire singing Kumbaya. Or, in this case, by apologizing to every Muslim cleric for America's aggressive fight against terrorism and making us look like the bad guys.

They drew first blood.
Obama is a lot like Jimmy Carter: long on ideology and short on reality. But that's not really the problem. It's the suckers who believed in fairy tale endings who voted him into office that are the problem.

The Boogie Man really does exist. You get rid of him by hunting him down and stabbing out his heart. You don't get rid of him by holding hands around the campfire singing Kumbaya. Or, in this case, by apologizing to every Muslim cleric for America's aggressive fight against terrorism and making us look like the bad guys.

They drew first blood.
It's worse than that even, Toome: They see as the most dire threat to America not radical Islam, but American conservatives.
Wait what, I thought the whole world would love us if we elected Obama, I mean didn't they tell us they only hated us because of Bush?

If this was not my country that my kids have to live in, I would be LOL daily at the massive failure that is the Obama Admin
Wait what, I thought the whole world would love us if we elected Obama, I mean didn't they tell us they only hated us because of Bush?

If this was not my country that my kids have to live in, I would be LOL daily at the massive failure that is the Obama Admin

The earth was going to start to heal and the oceans would cease rising also. Didn't happen. The ocean is full of oil and the earth is being destroyed more every day.

Obama is miserable failure.
Obama starts killin' him some Jews, his Muslim numbers'll go up.

Obama makes appeasement politics to the same circles he promised he would differ from (Change). He is another Bush, foreign policy is same direction where Bush left.
The fully independent Muslim countries should declare Obama persona-non-grata when it comes to state visits. Muslim countries should not serve for US propaganda on their territory regarding a non-existant change.

Hopefully, Obama won't appease the Turkish trash and will help pass a resolution acknowledging the Armenian genocide under the Turks that Erdogan doesn't want.

Turkey is guilty of four genocides.

Armenian Genocide: 1,500,000 people
Assyrian Genocide: 275,000 people
Greek Genocide: Around 500,000 people
Dersim/Kurdish genocide: 70,000 people
= 2,345,000 people

These are all denied by the Turkish state, and even worse they blame the victims for killing Turks. But recognition is irrelevant as it happened, and most distinguished academics already recognize it. The reason why it isn't recognized in Turkey is that they are afraid of damaging their 'national honor', though mainly they are scared of the financial or territorial concessions they would have to give to their victims. As for the Armenian genocide, it will be recognized in the US when the few remaining US states recognize (not many left now that don't).

Plus last I checked virtually all the names for recognizing the Armenian Genocide were republicans, and not democrats. ;)
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Obama starts killin' him some Jews, his Muslim numbers'll go up.

Obama makes appeasement politics to the same circles he promised he would differ from (Change). He is another Bush, foreign policy is same direction where Bush left.
The fully independent Muslim countries should declare Obama persona-non-grata when it comes to state visits. Muslim countries should not serve for US propaganda on their territory regarding a non-existant change.

Hopefully, Obama won't appease the Turkish trash and will help pass a resolution acknowledging the Armenian genocide under the Turks that Erdogan doesn't want.

I also think so.

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