Obama-Lynch-Johnson-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS-Putin / Russian Connection

One thing for sure is obstructionof justice.
When POTUS admits he obstructed justice it's a pretty good bet it's at the top of the list..

Oh? What obstruction is this?

The only verified obstruction of justice I have seen is from the Obama administration instructing Comey to shut down the Hillary investigation per his sworn testimony before congress.

Now I know that for the unreasonable among us, congressional testimony doesn't rise to the credibility of ThinkProgress and other leftist hate sites, but still....
We all said you liberals lost again. Your little GOTCHA went away with the winds of change for REAL. As for whats behind it, We are just taking a page from lying liberal treasonous scum. THE END JUSTIFES ANY MEANS, and the Optimal END is every liberal hanged, every program ended, every CITIZEN free to live life they choose to live without government interference, and free of fear and government oppression. THAT IS WHAT CONSERVATIVES WANT. Liberals want a large government full of oppressive rules and courts that will give them control of everyone's life toils and assets to disburse and order as THEY please. We are GOING TO win If we have to kill all of you liberal shitpiles this time. If the Republicans in office right now don't do it the people we put in next WILL try and hang most of the dimshit communist party. Funny to see a communist murderer label someone else as a fascist or a comrade when they are direct supporters of both theologies.
Yes. Enjoy your Sell Out of this country, Comrade.

Sell out, troll? You mean like Obama turning our once great nation into the vassal of European globalists?

Stick to pissing on the posts of your betters, you lack the intellect to engage in actual debate.
Sorry if I say bad things about your friends, Comrade.

Question to Troll bodecea, how is it that you have enough urine to lift your leg and pee on every post of your betters? Do you drink so much Thunderbird that you have a never ending supply?


Bode "contributing" at USMB

Oh, and your mindless insults are not "on topic" troll. The issue is the meeting between Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskaya, the attorney that criminal thug Loretta Lynch went to extraordinary lengths to bring into the country, you mindless troll.
an agent of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Govt, who was leading the effort to get US sanctions against Russia lifted
Well, that is some progress, the Right finally admits Putin's "Honeypot" Veselnitskaya is an agent of the Kremlin.
So Loretta lynch allowed a kremlin rep into the country without a visa? Hmmm traitor

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