Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling
6 Dec 2012

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama indicated that having unlimited powers to raise the debt ceiling without Congress’s approval may be more important to him than raising taxes -- and he may veto his own tax hike proposal to take the country over the fiscal cliff if he does not get his ultimate wish.

Addressing corporate CEOs at the Business Roundtable, Obama said using the debt ceiling as leverage to get more spending cuts was a “bad strategy for America” and “it is a game I will not play.”

According to The Hill, Obama also told the business leaders that they “should not accept going through” another round of debt-ceiling negotiations like the one in 2011.

Das Feurher has spoken.

The President doesn't even really need Congress to authorized a debt ceiling increase. Congress has already mandated a level of spending that requires the limit to be raised, thus to NOT raise the limit and fail to spend as Congress has already directed would be a violation of the law.

Interesting attempt at being logical. Care to point out what part of the law actually requires Congress to keep paying for anything other than debt already incurred?
What do you think that the debt ceiling is other than an unnecessary formality to pay on continuing spending? Since many like to compare the national budget to a household budget tell us how refusing to pay the credit card bill is fiscal responsibility?
How much power are you willing to transfer from the legislative to the executive? Also, I'll ask the customary question of, would you feel the same way if a republican was in the White House?

It's a moot point because democrats would have never held such a thing as the debt ceiling hostage, republicans either before the teapublicans joined congress and felt empowered to use terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. As a debt reduction measure it is an abject failure as a political weapon it is much like a ABomb in that it is too potentially devastating to the country at large to leave in the hands of people would use it as a first strike.

Never? Are you sure about that?
Absolutely, 2011 is the first time it was ever held hostage, both parties would always lodge symbolic opposition but pass it anyway seeing the threat of default as not worth the risk of playing football with the thing.
How much power are you willing to transfer from the legislative to the executive? Also, I'll ask the customary question of, would you feel the same way if a republican was in the White House?

It's a moot point because democrats would have never held such a thing as the debt ceiling hostage, republicans either before the teapublicans joined congress and felt empowered to use terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. As a debt reduction measure it is an abject failure as a political weapon it is much like a ABomb in that it is too potentially devastating to the country at large to leave in the hands of people would use it as a first strike.

Never? Are you sure about that?

when other than after the 2010 elections has anyone ever treated the debt ceiling as anything but an administrative act?
With a congress willing to put that gun to the head of America's economic standing in the world it's probably a good thing to take it away from them. It's like any kind of responsibility, misuse it and risk losing it.

How much power are you willing to transfer from the legislative to the executive? Also, I'll ask the customary question of, would you feel the same way if a republican was in the White House?

It's a moot point because democrats would have never held such a thing as the debt ceiling hostage, republicans either before the teapublicans joined congress and felt empowered to use terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. As a debt reduction measure it is an abject failure as a political weapon it is much like a ABomb in that it is too potentially devastating to the country at large to leave in the hands of people would use it as a first strike.

Obviously republicans are only doing it because democrats are in power, but that doesn't answer my question.

How many other aspects of the legislative would you be okay transferring to the executive just because you don't like the way the legislative is handling it? If the legislative isn't doing their job that's a problem with the people, who keep voting these dumb shits back into power while they have an approval rating of about 17%. It's no reason to grant the president more power. I don't care who the president is, that's a slippery slope I don't even want to approach.
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The House needs to take away Obama's ability to select judges, he's irresponsible

riiiiight... that whole constitution thing just seems to be meaningless to you unless you get what you want.

it's a problem among the right, frank.
Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling
6 Dec 2012

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama indicated that having unlimited powers to raise the debt ceiling without Congress’s approval may be more important to him than raising taxes -- and he may veto his own tax hike proposal to take the country over the fiscal cliff if he does not get his ultimate wish.

Addressing corporate CEOs at the Business Roundtable, Obama said using the debt ceiling as leverage to get more spending cuts was a “bad strategy for America” and “it is a game I will not play.”

According to The Hill, Obama also told the business leaders that they “should not accept going through” another round of debt-ceiling negotiations like the one in 2011.

Das Feurher has spoken.

It's der Führer, silly ass.
Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
Obama May Veto His Tax Proposal if Not Granted Power to Raise Debt Ceiling
6 Dec 2012

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama indicated that having unlimited powers to raise the debt ceiling without Congress’s approval may be more important to him than raising taxes -- and he may veto his own tax hike proposal to take the country over the fiscal cliff if he does not get his ultimate wish.

Addressing corporate CEOs at the Business Roundtable, Obama said using the debt ceiling as leverage to get more spending cuts was a “bad strategy for America” and “it is a game I will not play.”

According to The Hill, Obama also told the business leaders that they “should not accept going through” another round of debt-ceiling negotiations like the one in 2011.

Das Feurher has spoken.

Let them, If the GOP is stupid enough to give in to that insane demand, I will vote Democrat out of spite for 2 cycles.

How much power are you willing to transfer from the legislative to the executive? Also, I'll ask the customary question of, would you feel the same way if a republican was in the White House?

It's a moot point because democrats would have never held such a thing as the debt ceiling hostage, republicans either before the teapublicans joined congress and felt empowered to use terrorist tactics to get what they wanted. As a debt reduction measure it is an abject failure as a political weapon it is much like a ABomb in that it is too potentially devastating to the country at large to leave in the hands of people would use it as a first strike.

Obviously republicans are only doing it because democrats are in power, but that doesn't answer my question.

How many other aspects of the legislative would you be okay transferring to the executive just because you don't like the way the legislative is handling it? If the legislative isn't doing their job that's a problem with the people, who keep voting these dumb shits back into power while they have an approval rating of about 17%. It's no reason to grant the president more power. I don't care who the president is, that's a slippery slope I don't even want to approach.

Well then the solution is to get rid of the dangerous and useless policy altogether like every other country in the world then no one can use it for a weapon. There are much safer ways to gain political leverage in this country than trying to default on our debts.
The House needs to take away Obama's ability to select judges, he's irresponsible

riiiiight... that whole constitution thing just seems to be meaningless to you unless you get what you want.

it's a problem among the right, frank.

I think he was being Sarcastic there Jillian. You know, Obama is asking the Congress simply give up their power to him, so why not have congress ask him to give up some of his power to them.

What is funny to me, is I know, and you know Jillian, that if Obama was a Republican you would be up in arms about him asking for such a power, and dead set against it.
The House needs to take away Obama's ability to select judges, he's irresponsible

riiiiight... that whole constitution thing just seems to be meaningless to you unless you get what you want.

it's a problem among the right, frank.

Well Obama wants to take power away from congress. How about a trade?

you know... if you're asking me, i'll tell you that i don't like it b/c no president will give up power once he gets it... and his successors keep what he takes. i said that when bush upped the ante in regard to the patriot act. on the other hand, i detested having our credit rating dropped because the idiots couldn't act like grown ups.

i mean really... when did a group of legislators ever go to congress for the express purpose of sabotaging government?
The House needs to take away Obama's ability to select judges, he's irresponsible

riiiiight... that whole constitution thing just seems to be meaningless to you unless you get what you want.

it's a problem among the right, frank.

I think he was being Sarcastic there Jillian. You know, Obama is asking the Congress simply give up their power to him, so why not have congress ask him to give up some of his power to them.

What is funny to me, is I know, and you know Jillian, that if Obama was a Republican you would be up in arms about him asking for such a power, and dead set against it.

um... i like frank. but he means what he says.

i wish he were being sarcastic.
At first I was against it, not just for Obama, but for any President....but then on another thread Kissmy mentioned that it was not the president that is spending the money that raising the debt ceiling would have to cover. It is CONGRESS who is responsible for the spending that requires the debt ceiling to be raised, NOT the President....and if congress can't do their job and reign in spending then the country and the president should not be held hostage by them for money that THEY, CONGRESS has already spent....if you owe money, you PAY YOUR BILLS, (this is the moral thing to do, period) whether you have to put one of your bills on a credit card or not, pay it....

THEN, those of us in the stock market with our retirements and so forth won't be subject to this roller coaster of ups and downs that CONGRESS has put us in....

And CONGRESS will be solely responsible for the debt ceiling rise for their spending, will be under the microscope for the debt ceiling rise and their lack of management, and these stupid GAMES that congress is playing and shuffling of blame congress is trying to pass off on to the president for their OWN SPENDING will cease.....and HOPEFULLY congress will do their jobs....
At first I was against it, not just for Obama, but for any President....but then on another thread Kissmy mentioned that it was not the president that is spending the money that raising the debt ceiling would have to cover. It is CONGRESS who is responsible for the spending that requires the debt ceiling to be raised, NOT the President....and if congress can't do their job and reign in spending then the country and the president should not be held hostage by them for money that THEY, CONGRESS has already spent....if you owe money, you PAY YOUR BILLS, (this is the moral thing to do, period) whether you have to put one of your bills on a credit card or not, pay it....

THEN, those of us in the stock market with our retirements and so forth won't be subject to this roller coaster of ups and downs that CONGRESS has put us in....

And CONGRESS will be solely responsible for the debt ceiling rise for their spending, will be under the microscope for the debt ceiling rise and their lack of management, and these stupid GAMES that congress is playing and shuffling of blame congress is trying to pass off on to the president for their OWN SPENDING will cease.....and HOPEFULLY congress will do their jobs....

damn, i love you.
I can't figure out why they want to keep this policy, any other year it was a routine matter to raise it so it was not a barrier to spending and 2011 it was nearly the ruin of our national financial standing in the world. They should just raise the debt ceiling to infinity and move on to actually doing something about spending.
At first I was against it, not just for Obama, but for any President....but then on another thread Kissmy mentioned that it was not the president that is spending the money that raising the debt ceiling would have to cover. It is CONGRESS who is responsible for the spending that requires the debt ceiling to be raised, NOT the President....and if congress can't do their job and reign in spending then the country and the president should not be held hostage by them for money that THEY, CONGRESS has already spent....if you owe money, you PAY YOUR BILLS, (this is the moral thing to do, period) whether you have to put one of your bills on a credit card or not, pay it....

THEN, those of us in the stock market with our retirements and so forth won't be subject to this roller coaster of ups and downs that CONGRESS has put us in....

And CONGRESS will be solely responsible for the debt ceiling rise for their spending, will be under the microscope for the debt ceiling rise and their lack of management, and these stupid GAMES that congress is playing and shuffling of blame congress is trying to pass off on to the president for their OWN SPENDING will cease.....and HOPEFULLY congress will do their jobs....

Which congress?

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