Obama Maybe Miriam Carey's Baby Daddy?


Jul 17, 2013
I thought this lady was just crazy. if you dont remember Miriam Carey is the women that "rammed" the white house gates then "rammed" the US Capital blockades the fatally shoot 12 times.

The news said she was Bipolar and just crazy thinking Obama was trying to contact her. At first i thought she was crazy but after the incident the government decontaminated Miriam's home, neighbors home, and any other area she was in contact with. Why would they need to decontaminate her home? Getting rid of her DNA so it can not be sampled with any one else?

Then i started to watch videos that bystanders took. It shows she was not trying to ram any blockage or barricade to get into any building. It only showed that she was fleeing they police. You can tell she was scared and just trying to escape the situation.

Next there is the issue of Carey's family trying to be able to see her daughter. The government arrested and arraigned infederal court for failure to pay $181,666 he owed in relation to a bankruptcy case. Now he is in jail, being charged $1,000 a day to be there, till he can pay all of his fines.

This shows there is something up.
Read the whole article on Rare.us | The truth behind Miriam Carey, the woman gunned down in D.C.

does any one else think this is a little fishy?

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