Obama Met With Anti-Tea Party IRS Union Chief The Day Before IRS Targeting Started

So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.


to: IRS

Hold up the t/e status for anyone with "Tea Party" "Patriot" or "Love America" in their name. Time to make these motherfuckers pay for not worshiping me
So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.

Of all the naive people you take the cake!

YOU think Obama says.."hey look.. you unions guys gave me $100,000 and in return I've got 16,000 more IRS agents coming on through Obamacare...
So to add to your union membership 16,000 more and to keep Obamacare going .. I need you guys to attack any existing 501cs and delay months any Tea party
applications just until I get re-elected with your help"!!!

YOU naively think that was the conversation???

GEEZ are you unsophisticated ! Your are so cliched!

NOTHING of that overt nature took place I can assure you in your naive point of view!
So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.

Because NO ONE ever trys to do anytging to hold back the opposition....

You really are gullible if you don't see the posibilities presented
people want to complain about 501c(4)'s yet they were created under Woodrow Wilson's (D) RevenueAct of 1913.

What it is is the left doesn't like the fact that the right is now taking advantage of these rules, which traditionally the left has for decades.
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How much did the IRS union donate?

That data is included in links marked 2010 and 2012 in the article linked in the OP. Since all their political donations were funneled through their PAC, they gave nothing to the Obama campaign because he took no money from PAC's. That's not to say some of the union members or officers didn't give individual donations, but unless they were very large, there's no record of it.

Instead, their campaign donations went to Congressional candidates, the huge majority of which were Democrats. I suppose by the OP's reasoning, any Democrat is by default "anti-Tea Party," but that's not necessarily the case. What IS necessarily the case is that it should come as no surprise that a union would not donate to the party which just got through beating union employees out of their earned pensions in Wisconsin and other states and which has engaged in high-profile attacks on union benefits and union's in general.

There's smoke involved in this story, but it's not coming from the proverbial gun. It's being blown up our ass.


I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.
So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.

Because NO ONE ever trys to do anytging to hold back the opposition....

You really are gullible if you don't see the posibilities presented

I can see the possibility that the moon might land in my driveway too, but I'm not hiding in the closet just yet.

You're old enough to know that we've heard the same kind of excited bullshit since at least the Eisenhower administration and guess what? It hasn't come true yet...has it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. It still could, right? But, if the communist/leftist/fascist/neo-conservative/whomever conspirators haven't managed to pull it off after more than 60 years of trying, what makes you think it's any different today? Because now there's a scary black guy in the White House?
So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.

Because NO ONE ever trys to do anytging to hold back the opposition....

You really are gullible if you don't see the posibilities presented

I can see the possibility that the moon might land in my driveway too, but I'm not hiding in the closet just yet.

You're old enough to know that we've heard the same kind of excited bullshit since at least the Eisenhower administration and guess what? It hasn't come true yet...has it?

Yeah, yeah...I know. It still could, right? But, if the communist/leftist/fascist/neo-conservative/whomever conspirators haven't managed to pull it off after more than 60 years of trying, what makes you think it's any different today? Because now there's a scary black guy in the White House?

what is your obssession with race, anyhow? It couldn't poossibly have anything to do with policies, lack of involvement, etc., huh? 'Only race can be the reason!' Geeeesh.
Guess that's why the left lied about Bush so often, it was because he was white!
That data is included in links marked 2010 and 2012 in the article linked in the OP. Since all their political donations were funneled through their PAC, they gave nothing to the Obama campaign because he took no money from PAC's. That's not to say some of the union members or officers didn't give individual donations, but unless they were very large, there's no record of it.

Instead, their campaign donations went to Congressional candidates, the huge majority of which were Democrats. I suppose by the OP's reasoning, any Democrat is by default "anti-Tea Party," but that's not necessarily the case. What IS necessarily the case is that it should come as no surprise that a union would not donate to the party which just got through beating union employees out of their earned pensions in Wisconsin and other states and which has engaged in high-profile attacks on union benefits and union's in general.

There's smoke involved in this story, but it's not coming from the proverbial gun. It's being blown up our ass.


I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.

I think that whatever bar you meet, it will have zero effect, they will just raise it to the next level. Facts won't matter here. We are way past that.
That data is included in links marked 2010 and 2012 in the article linked in the OP. Since all their political donations were funneled through their PAC, they gave nothing to the Obama campaign because he took no money from PAC's. That's not to say some of the union members or officers didn't give individual donations, but unless they were very large, there's no record of it.

Instead, their campaign donations went to Congressional candidates, the huge majority of which were Democrats. I suppose by the OP's reasoning, any Democrat is by default "anti-Tea Party," but that's not necessarily the case. What IS necessarily the case is that it should come as no surprise that a union would not donate to the party which just got through beating union employees out of their earned pensions in Wisconsin and other states and which has engaged in high-profile attacks on union benefits and union's in general.

There's smoke involved in this story, but it's not coming from the proverbial gun. It's being blown up our ass.


I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.

Yes it would and yes he should.
So let me get this straight...

You guys think that the President, wanting to make a request for someone to do something clearly illegal, invited that person to the White House to meet with him personally so he could make the request, in person. And have the presence of this person documented via the WHVL.

The IRS scandal is a scandal, the President is responsible for what happens on his watch. But you guys are getting cartoonish--shit; you guys ARE cartoonish in your assumptions.

Because NO ONE ever trys to do anytging to hold back the opposition....
You really are gullible if you don't see the posibilities presented

I'd ask you to pay attention to what I wrote if I thought you would... You're thinking the President of the US would, first, hatch a plan to use the IRS to not grant tax exempt status to certain groups. I'd use the FBI if I wanted to harrass people myself--guys with guns who could really intimadte people. You get a couple of gumshoes (keeping in the whole cartoon theme) to start making phone calls to your family, friends, business associates and suddenly the guy who filed for the the status is a pariah in his own community. Obviously if the Feds are investigating Joe, those who are considering doing business with Joe may go somewhere else. Just ask Richard Jewel how many job offers he's gotten since the Feds wrongly fingered him. But back to the cartoon. You guys think Obama hatched a plan to use the IRS to not grant a tax exempt status as a way to, I guess, muzzle opposition. Quick question before we get to step 2; how's that worked? Do you feel muzzled?

Anyway, on to step 2. Then you guys come up with the implementation phase. Instead of staffing it out to some campaign staffer no one has ever heard of, he bypasses this batallion of people who would all likely volunteer to do this, he bypasses his senior staff who would most assuredly carry out such a request from their candidate... No. You guys think that Obama would handle this himself. Really? The writers of Tom and Jerry wouldn't dream this up.

Now on to step 3. So when deciding upon a venue to carry out the plan he hatched and decided to do himself, he could have just called this person--a union boss (I am not sure who she actually is) who is not the direct supervisor of the employees who did this. He could have used a burner cell phone (hey, it's a cartoon, right?), false Gmail account, shadow Twitter account, whatever. But no, he decides to invite this person to the White House, have her attendance recorded as a matter of public record, then make the request in person.

The no-planers over in the conspiracy forum are admiring your conspiracy theory.

I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.

I think that whatever bar you meet, it will have zero effect, they will just raise it to the next level. Facts won't matter here. We are way past that.

Intense agrees with this OP. All other arguments are invalid. Carry on.
If the meeting was only between the president and the union head, then a real problem may exists.

If it were a group of union heads meeting with the president, less of a problem exists.

And before the ant-labor thugs get started, remember that Cheney held secret meetings with trade association and industry reps to write proposed laws.
That data is included in links marked 2010 and 2012 in the article linked in the OP. Since all their political donations were funneled through their PAC, they gave nothing to the Obama campaign because he took no money from PAC's. That's not to say some of the union members or officers didn't give individual donations, but unless they were very large, there's no record of it.

Instead, their campaign donations went to Congressional candidates, the huge majority of which were Democrats. I suppose by the OP's reasoning, any Democrat is by default "anti-Tea Party," but that's not necessarily the case. What IS necessarily the case is that it should come as no surprise that a union would not donate to the party which just got through beating union employees out of their earned pensions in Wisconsin and other states and which has engaged in high-profile attacks on union benefits and union's in general.

There's smoke involved in this story, but it's not coming from the proverbial gun. It's being blown up our ass.


I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.

I personally say yes.

I don't know what the exact violation of the oath of office is (I don't have the exact text of the oath in front of me) but I think if you have that sort of evidence, yes.

Yes, this is impeachable: "a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too."
Yes, this is impeachable: "a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too."

and audit the donors and their realtives. And see if Holder will have the FBI investigate them for treason.

I saw the amount on another thread. Doesn't strike me as absurdly high amont of money. Also the visit was done as part of something called Workplace Flexibility:

http://workplaceflexibility2010.org...ace Solutions for Low-Wage Hourly Workers.pdf

Not exactly a clandestine meeting...

It's fun watching the over-reach.

OK. Here's a gut check question for you:
Let's say we had a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too.
Do you think he would deserve to be impeached and removed at that point? Im not claiming thats what happened. It's a theoretical.

I personally say yes.

I don't know what the exact violation of the oath of office is (I don't have the exact text of the oath in front of me) but I think if you have that sort of evidence, yes.


Yeah, obviously. But at least we've established some kind of line.
As to your previous post: presidents from Roosevelt on (including Kennedy and Nixon) have used the IRS (or tried to) to cow their enemies. This would be no different. Except it took place after Nixon, when that kind of behavior was considered grossly out of bounds, malfeasance in office, etc.

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