Obama Met With Anti-Tea Party IRS Union Chief The Day Before IRS Targeting Started

Yes, this is impeachable: "a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too."

and audit the donors and their realtives. And see if Holder will have the FBI investigate them for treason.

Article III Section III Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
Obama Met With Anti-Tea Party IRS Union Chief The Day Before IRS Targeting Started (

... and since then, millions have died!
So the standard of scandal is people dying?
People died during Fast N Furious. People died as a result of Benghazi. Where were you?

I thought you'd never ask.

President Barack Obama collected more than $110,000 from employees of the Internal Revenue Service during his 2008 and 2012 campaigns — significantly more money than any other contemporary political candidate, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of Federal Election Commission filings maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics.
IRS employees back Obama, Democrats | The Center for Public Integrity

Why on earth does the IRS need a Union?

Seriously. Why?
Oh, please. Even Obama isn't stupid enough to hold a recorded meeting with someone from the IRS to issue instructions to do something unethical or illegal. Heck, even George Bush wasn't THAT dumb.

He could be but since he doesn't release any information about anything we'll never know.


And what the Obama Administration did know if found out by watching the Obama Administration on the news!
Yes, this is impeachable: "a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too."

He didn't need to do that. He had already publicly disparaged the Tea Party and insinuated that various conservative organizations were taking illegal donations. Such hyperpartisanship from someone taking campaign donations and with management oversight of the IRS is plenty of "direction".
If the meeting was only between the president and the union head, then a real problem may exists.

If it were a group of union heads meeting with the president, less of a problem exists.

And before the ant-labor thugs get started, remember that Cheney held secret meetings with trade association and industry reps to write proposed laws.

And start a war.

And the Supreme court held that Cheney's secret meetings with the Oil Industry were covered by Executive privilege.

No outrage about that.
The topic here is Obama and the IRS.

Whatever you wish to bring up about Bush or Cheney is irrelevant to Obama's behavior and accountability during his term as President.
There's no such thing as "The Anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union"



Wanna try again, sweetheart.
Yes, this is impeachable: "a tape of Obama in the Oval Office telling this IRS person, I want you to audit and investigate every right wing exempt org. And I want you to compile a list of their donors and audit them too."

He didn't need to do that. He had already publicly disparaged the Tea Party and insinuated that various conservative organizations were taking illegal donations. Such hyperpartisanship from someone taking campaign donations and with management oversight of the IRS is plenty of "direction".

No, actually he does need to do that. And even then, there is a high bar to impeachment. Which you guys don't give a fuck about.

Seems that when a President really did lie about his actions during a major scandal, you folks let him get away with an apology.

If Iran Contra didn't lead to an impeachment of a Republican President with the support of Republicans, what why you guys expect support for an impeachment by Democrats for something that is much less consequential?
The topic here is Obama and the IRS.

Whatever you wish to bring up about Bush or Cheney is irrelevant to Obama's behavior and accountability during his term as President.

It sure as heck is..relevant.
There's no such thing as "The Anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union"



Wanna try again, sweetheart.

NTEU.org is where you can read about the National Treasury Employee Union.

They donated heavily to the Dems and to anti-tea party candidates.

Try again, bub.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpSTXf0o_34]NTEU Campaign Donation Solicitations[/ame]
"anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union"

I tried looking these guys up in the phone book, but they don't have a listing for it...at least not under "a".
There's no such thing as "The Anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union"



Wanna try again, sweetheart.

NTEU.org is where you can read about the National Treasury Employee Union.

That's not what you said --

You said...."The Anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union"

Which doesn't exist.

They donated heavily to the Dems and to anti-tea party candidates.

Try again, bub.

Show us these heavy "donations" made by a small government employee union. Show us all their donations.

Or suck on the failure stick a second time.

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