Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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Well....since he already parted the sea's, perhaps now he can make our air 100% pure with a wave of his hand!!

LMAO.....this shit has zero public backing.......another stunt to appease the environmental k00ks who supported him. Watch.....in short order, he'll be telling us that China is all in on this!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
How much did this idiot pollute the air flying in just give one of his hateful sermons?

He should be grounded and his funds be cut off for all travel...let him pay his own damn way

call your Reps, suggest it
And I'm sure all this end of the world scenario is all the fault of the United States.Now it's his job to show the world that we are sorry for our transgressions. Nobel prize here we come let's thank God that we now have Obama to straighten America out.
One of obama's tactics is that when he has no facts he becomes mocking. It's so well known he should just announce that he's full of shit and be done with it.
One of obama's tactics is that when he has no facts he becomes mocking. It's so well known he should just announce that he's full of shit and be done with it.

he's just a ugly hateful sob
Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...
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Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.
this is your ugly President calling YOU the people he SUPPOSEDLY Represents names...you voted for it:clap2:

By Justin Sink - 06/25/13 02:40 PM ET

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."

"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."

Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.

all of it here
Read more: Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ?flat-Earth society? - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Completely appropriate. You people are totally in denial of the present reality.
Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.
One of obama's tactics is that when he has no facts he becomes mocking. It's so well known he should just announce that he's full of shit and be done with it.

he's just a ugly hateful sob

How can one do other than mock people so out of touch with reality as people like you?

And the hate you spew on this board is evident for all, Staph.
Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...

Butt hurt victimhood. The right wing mantra.

If Obama hurts your 'feelings', Harry Truman would have made you cry like the baby you are...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman
The stupid fuck who said he was going to lower the oceans thinks he's in position to comment on a "flat Earth" society

What a sick fucking joke
Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

Yeah every scientific society on earth also said the earth was flat. We all know how that turnred out.
Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

BTW how is the climate rapidly changing? It's pretty much exactly the same as it has been my entire life.

Exactly what tempature is the climate supposed to be at? How do you account for the natural increases and decreases in tempature for countless generations before the industrial revolution and indeed, before man was even on the earth?

I know this makes me look like a hippy... but srsly ppl :cool:

Your chart is highly inaccurate.. Actually, the Oil companies LOVE all the pork subsidies that are available for "alternatives".. You'll find they've issued a bunch of feel-good confirmations about Global Warming. In fact, at one time BP petrol was the worlds leader in solar installations.

And on the other side, there isn't a big push from Green lobbies in terms of money to promote this farce. Not required when every govt on the planet is providing OBSCENE amounts of grant money, subsidies and tax breaks to drive this agenda. And turning all their scientific resources towards INSISTING that the Earth is so fragile that a couple degree rise will lead to CATASTROPHIC acceleration of that warming. The projected warming from CO2 is merely the "trigger" function for this sketchy theory.

Just like NSA lost it's primary motivation for funding --- the "evil empire" got vanquished. And NOW they get a brand new spy palace in Utah and a mainstream role in spying on US... The enviro movement was running low on REAL enviro causes and had to invent a new raison d'etre. The whole movement is packaged for 4th grade consumption. A single (fairly meaningless number) representing the temp of the entire globe averaged over a year. The inflated impact of CO2 on the warming that's been occuring for a couple centuries, and a list of imagined horrors that are happening RIGHT NOW.. All because of a 1 degF increase in "Mean Global Surface Temperature" over your lifetime..

I know this makes me look like a hippy... but srsly ppl :cool:

Your chart is highly inaccurate.. Actually, the Oil companies LOVE all the pork subsidies that are available for "alternatives".. You'll find they've issued a bunch of feel-good confirmations about Global Warming. In fact, at one time BP petrol was the worlds leader in solar installations.

And on the other side, there isn't a big push from Green lobbies in terms of money to promote this farce. Not required when every govt on the planet is providing OBSCENE amounts of grant money, subsidies and tax breaks to drive this agenda. And turning all their scientific resources towards INSISTING that the Earth is so fragile that a couple degree rise will lead to CATASTROPHIC acceleration of that warming. The projected warming from CO2 is merely the "trigger" function for this sketchy theory.

Just like NSA lost it's primary motivation for funding --- the "evil empire" got vanquished. And NOW they get a brand new spy palace in Utah and a mainstream role in spying on US... The enviro movement was running low on REAL enviro causes and had to invent a new raison d'etre. The whole movement is packaged for 4th grade consumption. A single (fairly meaningless number) representing the temp of the entire globe averaged over a year. The inflated impact of CO2 on the warming that's been occuring for a couple centuries, and a list of imagined horrors that are happening RIGHT NOW.. All because of a 1 degF increase in "Mean Global Surface Temperature" over your lifetime..

The 'Earth' is not fragile at all. The 'Earth' can withstand a 1000 degree rise in temperature. It is humans and the conditions that support human existence that is fragile, VERY fragile.

If we had a true free market economy that properly valued our resources polluters would be out of business, because dirty, toxic sources like coal are the MOST expensive source of electricity. If we had a true free market economy, polluters would be forced to internalize their costs instead of taxpayers paying OBSCENE amounts of subsidies, tax breaks, taxes, medical bills and lost working days due to toxic pollution.
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Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...

Butt hurt victimhood. The right wing mantra.

If Obama hurts your 'feelings', Harry Truman would have made you cry like the baby you are...
What the hell is wrong with you; slamming somebody you've never dealt with; because he reinforces somebody else's point about the POTUS becoming increasingly insulting?

I voted for Obama twice myself; not because I have any particular confidence in him, but because I saw him as the lesser of two evils, compared to either McSame or Mittens.

No... you're dealing with someone who is trying to cope with a bona fide case of Buyer's Remorse... I regret voting for him, but I felt that I really didn't have much practical choice in the matter, at the time.

Right wing mantra my ass... ditto for being a baby... next time - think - before opening up your pie-hole, eh?
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Kind of ironic since the flat earthers were the ones that ignored the scientific data like the global warming worshipers.

Really? Just because every Scientific Society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger is certainly no reason the think that science supports the idea of global warming, right?

Your statement is about as dumb as they come. All the scientific evidence is that the climate is rapidly changing with serious results and consequences for all of us.

Yeah every scientific society on earth also said the earth was flat. We all know how that turnred out.

OK, dumb fuck, you know that is a lie. It was the Church that made that claim. A Greek natural philosopher, Eratoshenes, measured the diameter of the Earth in 276 BC.

Eratosthenes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eratosthenes of Cyrene (Ancient Greek: Ἐρατοσθένης, IPA: [eratostʰénɛːs]; English /ɛrəˈtɒsθəniːz/; c. 276 BC[1] – c. 195 BC[2]) was a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist.

He was the first person to use the word "geography" in Greek and he invented the discipline of geography as we understand it.[3] He invented a system of latitude and longitude.

He was the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth by using a measuring system using stades, or the length of stadiums during that time period (with remarkable accuracy). He was the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (also with remarkable accuracy). He may also have accurately calculated the distance from the earth to the sun and invented the leap day.[4] He also created the first map of the world incorporating parallels and meridians within his cartographic depictions based on the available geographical knowledge of the era. In addition, Eratosthenes was the founder of scientific chronology; he endeavoured to fix the dates of the chief literary and political events from the conquest of Troy.

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