Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

No, the biggest scam of all is that people like you think that obese junkies on the radio, and people pretending to be British Lords, neither having any scientific credentials, know more than the scientists.

Willfull ignorance is ugly in the best of circumstances.
No, the biggest scam of all is that people like you think that obese junkies on the radio, and people pretending to be British Lords, neither having any scientific credentials, know more than the scientists.

Willfull ignorance is ugly in the best of circumstances.

1. There are scientists on both sides of the issue.

2. There has been a lot of institutional malfeasance regarding the issue. A lot of politicians in bed with the academic community.

3. Do you know why they stopped calling it global warming and started calling it global climate change? Because they realized that the gig was up on the pseudo science and they realized that it was an easier narrative to spin to pinheads like yourself. Guess what? Climate change is cyclical. It's always changing!

4. CO2 is not the enemy. That's the biggest pseudo science of all. CO2 is great for the atmosphere, but politicians have realized that they can make money by creating a false matter to regulate.

5. Pseudo science is a lucrative business. Al Gore doesn't have half a billion bucks in his pocket because he invented the internet.
Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...

Butt hurt victimhood. The right wing mantra.

If Obama hurts your 'feelings', Harry Truman would have made you cry like the baby you are...
What the hell is wrong with you; slamming somebody you've never dealt with; because he reinforces somebody else's point about the POTUS becoming increasingly insulting?

I voted for Obama twice myself; not because I have any particular confidence in him, but because I saw him as the lesser of two evils, compared to either McSame or Mittens.

No... you're dealing with someone who is trying to cope with a bona fide case of Buyer's Remorse... I regret voting for him, but I felt that I really didn't have much practical choice in the matter, at the time.

Right wing mantra my ass... ditto for being a baby... next time - think - before opening up your pie-hole, eh?

I surmise Obama is sending a strong signal to the citizens who voted FOR the green energy agenda and policies candidate Obama articulated. Many of those supporters doubt his commitment to that green energy agenda and policies. I support him taking on these ignorant flat earthers who will NEVER, EVER support green energy or work with Obama even if he tried to pass laws they support. Obama needs to use the bully pulpit like strong liberal leaders like Give 'em hell Harry did. These flat earthers need to be called exactly what they are. These are the same House Republican leaders and Congressman who pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

If you talk to these retards for more than a few minutes, you will realize they not only deny climate changes, they don't even believe toxins, carcinogens and pollution causes harm to human, fish and foul.

You need to grow a brain and a spine.
Actually, the correct technical term is "Dumb assed mother fuckers" but flat earthers will do
And I'm sure all this end of the world scenario is all the fault of the United States.Now it's his job to show the world that we are sorry for our transgressions. Nobel prize here we come let's thank God that we now have Obama to straighten America out.

No. This time they gave the Nobel Peace Prize to a Monsanto Executive. The new qualification must be you have to kill as many innocent people as possible because dead people don't create wars.

With GM food spreading like cancer - I expect Monsanto probably leads the pack on that one and therein won the prize.

Actually, the correct technical term is "Dumb assed mother fuckers" but flat earthers will do


The "green economy" is and always will be a fantasy. Climate change regulations issued through executive order are nothing more than throwing a bone to the environmental k00ks.:D:D:eusa_dance:

Renewables will be a niche market for decades to come!!!:fu::up::fu::up::fu:
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The three stages of the Republican Global Warming strategy

Stage 1. Denial: There is no Global Warming. It is still cold in the winter. The earth goes through cycles and this is just a cycle....We should do nothing

Stage 2. Partial acceptace: The earth does seem to be getting warmer, but there is no proof that man is causing it....We should do nothing

Stage 3. Acceptance: Man is causing global warming but the damage is done and there is nothing we can do about it
Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...

Saul Alinsky tactic. Ridicule is the most powerful weapon to shut down the opposition. That is why he uses that method so frequently. Problem is it has become obvious and it is turning folks off. No one really respects a slanderer because they know if they do it to them they will do it to you too. It is only a matter of time. That is why the Europeans are making a mockery of Obama in their press right now.

*** On that note I hope Christians can put it to rest once and for all that Obama is the anti christ. That would be impossible now. The anti christ is going to be adored by people the world over - have the respect and reputation from bringing about world peace - he will be known as a uniter ( not a divider as you hear in each of these type Obama speeches ) of the world - he will not be known as the laughing stock of the world. Wake up folks. The anti christ is probably going to show up on the world scene after the main players we are witnessing now have a mighty fall and their names are remembered will be remembered tremendous disdain. We're not there yet but we must be close now.

- Jeri
AGW is a joke because when you challenge them to show how their theory works in a lab, they respond that the system is too complex to replicate in a lab
"...You need to grow a brain and a spine."
Ya'll get my nomination for the Dumbest, Weakest Segue of the Week... maybe the Month.

My comment was focused upon Fearless Leader's apparent increasing use of public insult, ridicule and denigration, which is beginning to seem like an inappropriate over-indulgence.

I really don't give a frog's fat ass about your Green-Weenie agenda one way or the other; it was merely the flashpoint du jour for illustrating a seeming increasing trend on Obama's part to campaign by ridicule and insult and denigration.

To me, "Green" isn't the central issue here... ridicule, insult and denigration are the central issue, and my comment was quite obviously focused upon behavior rather than the underlying agenda for the insult du jour.

For someone who billed himself as the Great Unifier, as a follow-up act to the Great Divider, his spectacular failures at bipartisanship and his autocratic responses when he doesn't get his way and his increasing resort to ridicule, insult and denigration, are all quite alarming.

Now that he doesn't have to sweat reelection and is free to reveal more of his inner nature - he is proving to be a Great Disappointment, with respect to such arrogant behaviors.

Now, as to growing a brain and a spine, I have no idea what you're talking about in this context, but I'm comforted by the sense that you seem to have no idea what you're talking about in this context, either.
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Complexities are the master tools of Confusion. If they told the people straight up what the motive was behind their agendas were ( depopulation of the earth is one main agenda ) no one would agree to it. It has to be packaged attractively and so long as it isn't examined with actual scientific evidence that can be proven to invalidate their claims they can continue on.

Stage 4 is when you are told the answer is giving up your personal freedom in order to save the planet. That is the goal here. Nothing less.

Ya know... now that you mention it... I cannot recall a US President who so frequently (and publicly) mocked those who believe differently than he does, as we see with our present Fearless Leader...

And, frankly, having come to that realization, I sense another nail in the coffin of an increasingly lame-duck 2nd-term Presidency, because that arrogance and autocratic behavior is manifesting itself more and more, now...

If enough folks feel that way - and I'm beginning to believe that that might be the case after all - the GOP is certain to hang onto the House and may actually tip the oh-so-fragile-and-delicate balance in the Senate, in the 2014 mid-term elections...

And, frankly, even if they continue not to do diddly-squat for the nation, a GOP majority throughout Congress would serve to further isolate this increasingly questionable and arrogant leadership.

I'm not sure I'm ready to jump-in and advocate for such a thing just yet, but I'm gettin' there...

Hopey-Changey, my ass...

Butt hurt victimhood. The right wing mantra.

If Obama hurts your 'feelings', Harry Truman would have made you cry like the baby you are...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Well, Truman was a Democrat. What do you expect?

Truman was an idiot. Only wise choice he made was dropping the bomb.
Complexities are the master tools of Confusion. If they told the people straight up what the motive was behind their agendas were ( depopulation of the earth is one main agenda ) no one would agree to it. It has to be packaged attractively and so long as it isn't examined with actual scientific evidence that can be proven to invalidate their claims they can continue on.

Stage 4 is when you are told the answer is giving up your personal freedom in order to save the planet. That is the goal here. Nothing less.


Your personal freedom to pollute?
Butt hurt victimhood. The right wing mantra.

If Obama hurts your 'feelings', Harry Truman would have made you cry like the baby you are...
What the hell is wrong with you; slamming somebody you've never dealt with; because he reinforces somebody else's point about the POTUS becoming increasingly insulting?

I voted for Obama twice myself; not because I have any particular confidence in him, but because I saw him as the lesser of two evils, compared to either McSame or Mittens.

No... you're dealing with someone who is trying to cope with a bona fide case of Buyer's Remorse... I regret voting for him, but I felt that I really didn't have much practical choice in the matter, at the time.

Right wing mantra my ass... ditto for being a baby... next time - think - before opening up your pie-hole, eh?

I surmise Obama is sending a strong signal to the citizens who voted FOR the green energy agenda and policies candidate Obama articulated. Many of those supporters doubt his commitment to that green energy agenda and policies. I support him taking on these ignorant flat earthers who will NEVER, EVER support green energy or work with Obama even if he tried to pass laws they support. Obama needs to use the bully pulpit like strong liberal leaders like Give 'em hell Harry did. These flat earthers need to be called exactly what they are. These are the same House Republican leaders and Congressman who pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

If you talk to these retards for more than a few minutes, you will realize they not only deny climate changes, they don't even believe toxins, carcinogens and pollution causes harm to human, fish and foul.

You need to grow a brain and a spine.

Now if only Obama can get the Russians and the Chinese to stop laughing at him long enough to agree to go down this path. A path that assures the destruction of their economies.

It's impossible for any rational person to take him seriously anymore.
"With communism on the "ash heap of history," in the words of former President Reagan, there are those who nonetheless argue that capitalism, too, must give way if the environment is to be saved.

Barry Commoner thinks cleanliness is close to godlessness — or communism in any case.

Barry Commoner, one of the nation’s most influential environmentalists, has written, "The origin of the environmental crisis can be traced back to the capitalist precept that the choice of production technology is to be governed solely by private interest in profit maximization."

Bestselling author Michael Fumento reports: "Communism and the Environment."

This is what climate change is all about. Destroying capitalism.

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