Obama moves red line in Syria

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

You mean he's moved the line again. He's making his presidency a laughing stock to the world.
Actually, the problem is with the chain of custody concerning the soil samples. The need to have a good chain of custody proving those weapons were used rather than going off half cocked into another war based on bad intel.

Remember Iraq and the supposed WMD's that were there? Instead of going after Hussein, we should have kept after OBL.

At least Obama is willing to wait for verified proof before shipping us into another war.
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.
Of course, Republicans who are so concerned for the Debt/deficit, want us to rush right in and help. But, help who? The Muslims fighting Assad? But don't Republicans hate Muslims? Don't Republicans want less government intervention?

The Orthodox patriarch in Syria, Ignatius IV Hazim, has said he supports the Assad regime and opposes any intervention in the country, saying it would be harmful to both Christians and Muslims.

Who?s fighting whom in Syria?
This isn't about republicans, butthead.

You have a very limited vocabulary, which amounts mostly to name-calling, typical of know-nothings.

And why isn't it about Republicans? Aren't Republicans the ones that are whining that we need to do something? And if Obama had chosen to do something, you all would be whining that we need to cut the debt/deficit?

Most of the whining sounds like butt-hurt to me.
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?

If we cut all funding to Planned Parenthood, Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and force those who make too small a wage to pay taxes, to pay taxes anyway, I think we can swing it! :eusa_whistle:
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?
Don't know.

Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?
Don't know.

Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?

He hasn't done anything yet, because there isn't a good, verifiable, chain of custody concerning the proof that they have right now.

However................once that is taken care of (and they're working on it right now), then we will have proof and can proceed as required.

I'd much rather have him wait for verified, undeniable proof before lobbing bombs and rockets at the people over there.

Bombs and missiles cost money. Lots of money.
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?
Don't know.

Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?

He hasn't done anything yet, because there isn't a good, verifiable, chain of custody concerning the proof that they have right now.

However................once that is taken care of (and they're working on it right now), then we will have proof and can proceed as required.

I'd much rather have him wait for verified, undeniable proof before lobbing bombs and rockets at the people over there.

Bombs and missiles cost money. Lots of money.
He hasn't done anything yet because he's all fucking mouth....And you know it.

Oh, and he doesn't give a fuck about how much anything costs, either....And you know that too.
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

You dumb schmuck

The Syrian Opposition is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda

"Nowhere in Rebel-Controlled Syria is There a Secular Fighting Force to Speak Of"
in an astounding admission, the New York Times confirms that the so-called “Syrian opposition” is entirely run by Al Qaeda and literally states:

Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.

This comes from the New York Times and it’s not an opinion piece. The admission of what we knew all along should put to rest any more nonsense about backing “secular” rebel forces in Syria to keep the Islamists from taking over.

There are no secular forces. Even the New York Times has finally admitted it. When the media talks about secular forces, it means the militias controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.


So now out rightarded dumb f***s Want the United States to help Al Quida!
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Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?
Because he's not stoopid like the Doofus we had before.

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?
We're trying to catch up to all the passes rightwads gave Doofus, but we'll never catch up!
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.
Of course, Republicans who are so concerned for the Debt/deficit, want us to rush right in and help. But, help who? The Muslims fighting Assad? But don't Republicans hate Muslims? Don't Republicans want less government intervention?

The Orthodox patriarch in Syria, Ignatius IV Hazim, has said he supports the Assad regime and opposes any intervention in the country, saying it would be harmful to both Christians and Muslims.

Who?s fighting whom in Syria?

Of course Mr. Bluster's statements and drawing red lines or lines in the sand only show exactly that. Obama is all bluster and nothing behind it. North Korea and Iran are looking at this very closely. Both leaders of these countries have already seen how Obama loses face and his honor on a daily basis. This only confirms their observations. As usual he will find some weasel word to weasel from under the sabre rattling and hot air he spews.
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It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

You dumb schmuck

The Syrian Opposition is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda

"Nowhere in Rebel-Controlled Syria is There a Secular Fighting Force to Speak Of"
in an astounding admission, the New York Times confirms that the so-called “Syrian opposition” is entirely run by Al Qaeda and literally states:

Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.

This comes from the New York Times and it’s not an opinion piece. The admission of what we knew all along should put to rest any more nonsense about backing “secular” rebel forces in Syria to keep the Islamists from taking over.

There are no secular forces. Even the New York Times has finally admitted it. When the media talks about secular forces, it means the militias controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.


So now out rightarded dumb f***s Want the United States to help Al Quida!

So far no one in this thread has said we should attack them. The POINT is Obama drew a line and said past this point I will act. He put the prestige of his Office and this Country on line and then when they crossed the line he backpedaled like the lying sack of shit he is.

And none of his supports give a fuck. Further HE, Obama ordered special forces to Jordan to train the rebels. if they are all Al Quada then HE ordered our military to train terrorists. And again no comment from the likes of you.
Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?
Because he's not stoopid like the Doofus we had before.

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?
We're trying to catch up to all the passes rightwads gave Doofus, but we'll never catch up!
Right...Shooting off your big fucking flapper when you really have no intent on doing anything is the new "smart"! :rolleyes: :lol:

And this still isn't about BOOOOOOSH!, idjit.
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.
Of course, Republicans who are so concerned for the Debt/deficit, want us to rush right in and help. But, help who? The Muslims fighting Assad? But don't Republicans hate Muslims? Don't Republicans want less government intervention?

The Orthodox patriarch in Syria, Ignatius IV Hazim, has said he supports the Assad regime and opposes any intervention in the country, saying it would be harmful to both Christians and Muslims.

Who?s fighting whom in Syria?

Of course Mr. Bluster's statements and drawing red lines or lines in the sand only show exactly that. Obama is all bluster and nothing behind it. North Korea and Iran are looking at this very closely. Both leaders of these countries have already seen how Obama loses face and his honor on a daily basis. This only confirms their observations. As usual he will find some weasel word to weasel from under the sabre rattling and hot air he spews.

Obama is not about to rush into another war like a Republican President would have. And all that BS about Obama being all bluster and nothing behind it is just Republican rhetoric typical of what is spewed out of Faux News and Rush Limbaugh. Just more butt-hurt rearing it's ugly head.
Actually, the problem is with the chain of custody concerning the soil samples. The need to have a good chain of custody proving those weapons were used rather than going off half cocked into another war based on bad intel.

Remember Iraq and the supposed WMD's that were there? Instead of going after Hussein, we should have kept after OBL.

At least Obama is willing to wait for verified proof before shipping us into another war.

I agree to an extent but a bunker with cannisters and actual use are 2 different proof benchmarks....several nations believe it, and have said so, and yes we have heard that before.

In any event imho we have no play anyway, if obama was going to make declarations , strong unmistakable line in the sand declarations, he should have had a plan in place to carry it out, with the concomitant will to do so. We screwed ourselves...

the civil war there started in march of 2011, but he wasted time and spent the argument he could have made for action now in that opera bouffe affair in Libya at almost exactly the same time...I said then, forget libya, we need to move with/assist the forces against assad or the pro western forces in yemen, libya was ridiculous. Strategically this was a huge blunder just as bad as the invasion of Iraq......

there is no secular force in Syria, not even close to Al Nusra, which is bona fide AQ. They have the most cohesive and efficient fighting force in Syria and NW Iraq.....and there isn't a thing we can do about it, a no fly zone, anything short of boots on the ground ( which I am against) basically anything we do now will just make their job easier.

We blew it and the red line remark just makes it worse.

Lebanon is fucked, jordan is fucked, israel is fucked, iraq is fucked.

Iran wins...Hezbollah wins, AQ wins....

and Afghanistan will shortly treat us to a replay of the 75 fall of south Vietnam.....wonderful.

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