Obama moves red line in Syria

Because he's not stoopid like the Doofus we had before.

We're trying to catch up to all the passes rightwads gave Doofus, but we'll never catch up!
Right...Shooting off your big fucking flapper when you really have no intent on doing anything is the new "smart"! :rolleyes: :lol:
That he isn't acting stooopid like Doofus is smart! I thought you were one of the ones that want to reduce the debt/deficit? How you going to do it if you want to start another war?

And this still isn't about BOOOOOOSH!, idjit.
Looks to me you're the idjit, because you want Obama to act like the idjit Booooosh!
Ain't gonna happen - Obama way too smart for that! :eusa_silenced:

The thread is about Obama's hollow "red line".

And Obama is "not too smart" because before it was discovered in the US that AQ had joined forces with the Syrian rebels, every one still sabre rattling.

Now, Obama's between a rock and a hard place. I love it!
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

You dumb schmuck

The Syrian Opposition is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda

"Nowhere in Rebel-Controlled Syria is There a Secular Fighting Force to Speak Of"
in an astounding admission, the New York Times confirms that the so-called “Syrian opposition” is entirely run by Al Qaeda and literally states:

Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.

This comes from the New York Times and it’s not an opinion piece. The admission of what we knew all along should put to rest any more nonsense about backing “secular” rebel forces in Syria to keep the Islamists from taking over.

There are no secular forces. Even the New York Times has finally admitted it. When the media talks about secular forces, it means the militias controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.


So now out rightarded dumb f***s Want the United States to help Al Quida!

You're late to the table.Tcchh tcchh late to the party.

Check out the date of my link. And while your idiots at the State Department and in the White House continued to arm the rebels, they'd already made arrangements with AQ.

And before the NYT deemed to write an article about this April 28th, other news outlets had the actual no doubt about it OMG they confirmed that the rebels are now with AQ
in early April.

Man you libs have been so slow on this. And Obama kept giving the rebels aid. :eusa_angel:

He bought their lie. :lol: ETA: even though some of his own people were warning him he stuck with the rebels. I'm planting right now, but later I'll dig up the article where Kerry was insisting right up till now that the US had to help out the rebels or they'd fall "prey" to AQ.

What a dog's breakfast. ETA: the Muslim Brotherhood isn't secular.

Check this date:

Syrian rebel commander warns the West: Give us more help or we will side with Al Qaeda

Washington spy chief claims he believes terrorist organisation could be behind recent string of suicide bombings in Syria
Rebel commander warns if Al Qaeda enters flash point city of Aleppo it will become their base 'within three months'

PUBLISHED: 15:20 GMT, 16 August 2012 | UPDATED: 15:02 GMT, 17 August 2012

Last edited:
Barry Oingoboingo moves the "red line" to play the Hans Brix card....


America!! Fuck yea!!!!!!!
Quick question.........................how are we going to mount an attack in Syria? Are we going to raise taxes to do it?

Who the fuck wants to attack Syria?

Which is it..................are you blind.....................stupid.....................or, retarded?

Syria is the nation that a whole bunch of Republicans want to invade, because they're suspected of having chemical weapons (namely, Sarin gas).

I guess the QuantumBlowjob is missing some of the latest news.

who said we should invade ?:eusa_eh:
Anyone who thought Obama wasn't going to move the goalposts is nuts.
obama's even using the term chain of custody is flat ignorant. What's his point? If al quaeda has used chemical weapons it's okay?

He said something unutterably stupid and put in a red line. He was treated like the dumbshit that he is and ignored, now what? Embarrass himself and the nation by sitting on his thumb and smiling while he spins?

We have no interest, vital or otherwise, in a Syrian civil war. So why did obamafuscation even tell the whole fucking world he had an idiotic red line? He KNEW when he said it that he was going to stick his thumb in his ass and tickle his prostate. He just thought that the threat of a scowly face was enough to stop the Syrians. What a joke, what a serious joke this failure is.
obama's even using the term chain of custody is flat ignorant. What's his point? If al quaeda has used chemical weapons it's okay?

He said something unutterably stupid and put in a red line. He was treated like the dumbshit that he is and ignored, now what? Embarrass himself and the nation by sitting on his thumb and smiling while he spins?

We have no interest, vital or otherwise, in a Syrian civil war. So why did obamafuscation even tell the whole fucking world he had an idiotic red line? He KNEW when he said it that he was going to stick his thumb in his ass and tickle his prostate. He just thought that the threat of a scowly face was enough to stop the Syrians. What a joke, what a serious joke this failure is.

the brits French and Israelis said they had psychical proof as in blood tests from the victims...*shrugs*....either it is, or it isn't. this chain of evidence thing is , well not a very good line to use.

if the Syrians gave sarin to one of their non uniformed see: 'mercenary' allies to use, there is no difference...AQ has not had a nor do we believe they have access to sarin, so, it wasn't them.

he never should have said it.....
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

If Conservatives get off the couch and sofas they occupied while cheering for the Iraq War Debacle, and join the military this time, I'll support a new war in Syria. Oh, and a War Tax on Conservatives too. Gotta pay for it.
Better question(s)....Why did Boiking shoot his mouth off about a "red line" if he wasn't really going to do anything?...Why write a check with your cake hole that your ass isn't willing to cash?
Because he's not stoopid like the Doofus we had before.

Why are liberoidals like you giving him a pass on that one?
We're trying to catch up to all the passes rightwads gave Doofus, but we'll never catch up!

I just had to give you positive rep for being the first moron to bring up



If you think I'm a moron for bringing up Bush, aren't you a bigger moron for giving me positive rep? Just sayin.................
The thread is about Obama's hollow "red line".
Nothing hollow about his red line. Show me where he said the red line indicated declaration of war?
Just because Boooooooosh would declare war at the drop of a hat (with the wrong country) does not mean more intelligent Presidents will do the same.

And Obama is "not too smart" because before it was discovered in the US that AQ had joined forces with the Syrian rebels, every one still sabre rattling.
Your statement doesn't make any sense, but I'm not surprised, not much of what I've read from you does.

Now, Obama's between a rock and a hard place. I love it!
No, Republicans are under a rock. They are whining because there is too much spending and now they want to start another war, how stoooopid is that?
What side do you want to support? The bottom line: there are no good guys there.
Smart thing for the US to do, is simply not to get involved, do not pick a side in this civil war.
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.
Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com

If Conservatives get off the couch and sofas they occupied while cheering for the Iraq War Debacle, and join the military this time, I'll support a new war in Syria. Oh, and a War Tax on Conservatives too. Gotta pay for it.

I see no reason to go to war in Syria, which is why I thought drawing a red line was absurd.
What side do you want to support? The bottom line: there are no good guys there.
Smart thing for the US to do, is simply not to get involved, do not pick a side in this civil war.

If only Obama had thought of that before he told Assad to step down.
Who the fuck wants to attack Syria?

Which is it..................are you blind.....................stupid.....................or, retarded?

Syria is the nation that a whole bunch of Republicans want to invade, because they're suspected of having chemical weapons (namely, Sarin gas).

I guess the QuantumBlowjob is missing some of the latest news.

who said we should invade ?:eusa_eh:
Please read: Washington Post: Obama bets big on Syrian rebel leader.
Which is it..................are you blind.....................stupid.....................or, retarded?

Syria is the nation that a whole bunch of Republicans want to invade, because they're suspected of having chemical weapons (namely, Sarin gas).

I guess the QuantumBlowjob is missing some of the latest news.

who said we should invade ?:eusa_eh:
Please read: Washington Post: Obama bets big on Syrian rebel leader.

It worked before when we supported bin Laden against Russia, what could possibly go wrong?
It seems it is OK to use chemical weapons as long as you only do it a little bit.

What a surprise.

Blink and you’ll miss it, but President Obama just revised and extended his “red line” for stopping Bashar Assad from using chemical weapons against Syrian civilians.
“We cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations,” Obama said today, per Reuters’ Jeff Mason. It was Obama’s first comments about what he acknowledged was a potential “game changer” since his White House acknowledged yesterday that U.S. intelligence considers reports of chemical weapons use in Syria credible.
The key word in that statement is systematic. The surprise White House acknowledgement, in a letter to senators yesterday, said that the Syrian regime used chemical weapons, particularly sarin gas “on a small scale.” Danger Room reported that the evidence underlying the U.S. intelligence assessment included blood samples that indicated the effects of sarin. Behind the scenes, as Danger Room has earlier reported, the Obama administration has spotted Assad prepping its chemical stocks for use last year, and attempted to block shipments of precursor chemicals.
The statement gives the president wiggle room — something Obama has wanted to preserve throughout the two-year Syrian civil war. Combined with Obama’s call for to investigate and substantiate the assessment of the chemical use, Obama has now implied it would take a widespread use of the chemicals to prompt the U.S. to involve itself more deeply in the rebel effort to overthrow Assad, which is the stated objective of U.S. Syria policy. Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell suspected yesterday that it would take a much larger use of chemical weapons by Assad to spur a U.S. military response. But even “systematic” use of chemical weapons begs the question of how much sarin and other deadly gasses Assad can use before Obama feels compelled to stop him.

Obama Unveils New 'Red Line' for Syria's Chemical Weapons | Danger Room | Wired.com
This civil war in Syria has been going on for two year's now it's far to late for the U.S. NATO, or the U.N. to have any kind of meaningful impact or influence there are so many different factions in there now you could not tell friend from foe. All the west can do now is just wait and see how it plays out and then try and deal with it as best it can all Obama can do about the red line stance is just take whatever political hit comes his way from it any chance to try and get a positive outcome in Syria is long gone.
What were the stated consequences of crossing the red line?

Apparently, the support for the Assad regime is still strong, and might be strengthening, because of concern within the country about the Islamist factions taking over the rebels.
What were the stated consequences of crossing the red line?

Apparently, the support for the Assad regime is still strong, and might be strengthening, because of concern within the country about the Islamist factions taking over the rebels.

Hezbollah has announced that they will step in and actively fight against a military coup.

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