Obama, Muslim -come on

Obama is not a Muslim.

But he is definitely a Marxist

Why would Goldman Sachs donate $1 million to the election campaign of a Marxist?

easy they made a deal with him. Goldman Sachs had Corzine as CEO before he ran for senate. But dam those republicans and their big business....LOLOLOLOL I hope you know big business and big government love each other.
Obama is not a Muslim.

But he is definitely a Marxist

Why would Goldman Sachs donate $1 million to the election campaign of a Marxist?

easy they made a deal with him. Goldman Sachs had Corzine as CEO before he ran for senate. But dam those republicans and their big business....LOLOLOLOL I hope you know big business and big government love each other.

I agree, but it's not a Marxist big government they support.

And I believe GS has been supporting the GOP rather heavily this year, so what does that say about the Republican Party? I think it hints at the fact that they're rather "big gov't" as well. There is no "small gov't" party anymore, in my opinion.
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I asked you (maybe 4 times now) whether or not you think the country is becoming more religious or less religious as time goes on (1950 vs 2012) and you still haven't answered the question. What are you afraid of, and why are you incapable of responding to this question?

I've addressed that issue many times now by pointing out to you the FACT that the US is NOW, has always been, and will always be a very religious country. The way you are oh so transparently trying to frame the question is irrelevant to this topic, as I think you know.
My understanding is that the country is less religious than it used to be, especially when you focus on the youth of America. I think the internet and access to information from all around the world is one of the main culprits behind this. In the 1950's your parents would tell you to believe in God and you'd say "sure, OK", but in 2012 your parents would tell you to believe in God and you'd say "Why? What about all of these other interpretations?".

You keep hoping you can talk your way around the FACT that I keep pointing out to you. Maybe you are dreaming that in 100 - 200 years the majority of people in the US won't be religious (wouldn't that just make your college prof cream his chinos? :rolleyes:). Too bad for you that WON'T happen and even if it did it would not support your ridiculous position.
Sensitive? I'm not upset at all,.

And now you're lying. Maybe you should tuck tail and run as you suggest. It seems to be your best course of action at this point.

You're not worth any more time Unkotare. Again, you fail to answer or address my original question and flow right to the insults...

I never claimed that this country wasn't religious. Not once did I say this, so please stop putting words in my mouth. All I said is that the country is quickly becoming less and less religious as time moves onward, and that the youth are generally less religious than their parents, and their parents are generally less religious than their parents, ect.

I also think it's perfectly fine for the President to cover whatever distracting items may be in the background when he gives a speech.

I think both those points are perfectly rational.

But I'm moving on, I'm sick of wasting my time talking with you because it's like talking with a 7th grader. And I call you a 7th grader not because I think your notion about a religious America is wrong, but rather how you conduct yourself.
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I never claimed that this country wasn't religious.

And yet THAT is the crux of what we have been discussing and the reason why your ridiculous, left-wing secularist brainwashing has lead you to such an empty, pointless 'PC' conclusion. You wanna run from that? I don't blame you.
I know that he refers to the quran as the "holy quran".
I know that he does not refer to the Bible as the "holy Bible".
I know when he quotes the quran, it usually has some ugly message in the passages following the ones he quoted.
I know when he quotes the Bible, he is trying to manipulate Christian behavior for "his" agenda.
I know that he treats 'non-muslim' holy men with little respect (Dali Lama, Pope).
I know he bowed to the 'leader' of the muslim world.

But, IMHO, I don't think that he is Christian or muslim. I think he believes himself a god, and above other people. Apparently many people agree with him, that he should be worshipped. They cannot want to vote for him, AGAIN, based on what he has done to the country. Maybe they believe he will be joining Farakan on that mothership in the sky, and he will take them with him?
is he a muslim ??ask him !!


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I know that he refers to the quran as the "holy quran".
I know that he does not refer to the Bible as the "holy Bible".
I know when he quotes the quran, it usually has some ugly message in the passages following the ones he quoted.
I know when he quotes the Bible, he is trying to manipulate Christian behavior for "his" agenda.
I know that he treats 'non-muslim' holy men with little respect (Dali Lama, Pope).
I know he bowed to the 'leader' of the muslim world.
Exactly who is the "leader" of the Muslim world?? :doubt:
I never claimed that this country wasn't religious.

And yet THAT is the crux of what we have been discussing and the reason why your ridiculous, left-wing secularist brainwashing has lead you to such an empty, pointless 'PC' conclusion. You wanna run from that? I don't blame you.

My point was simply that there are a large group of people out there that would be talking more about the cross in the background vs the President's speech. The solution to prevent that distraction would be to cover up the cross to neutralize the background to ensure that the media and whoever watched his speech would discuss his words vs what was behind him. What's wrong with that? Why do you have to be so sensitive and whine about a cross being covered up? It's ridiculous, just get over it.

Also, this isn't a right or a left conclusion (where do you get off calling me "leftist", by the way?), it's just a logical one. The media gets distracted over any and everything, and this was just another technique to try and prevent that.
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And now you're lying. Maybe you should tuck tail and run as you suggest. It seems to be your best course of action at this point.

You're not worth any more time Unkotare. .

Be careful, if you tuck too hard you may hurt yourself.

Is this the way you debate a topic with another adult person? That's something my nephew in middle school would say to his classmates. I think that you are genuinely acting like an unintelligent moron, and I say that not because we disagree on the cross issue, but instead by the way you have conducted yourself throughout the course of this discussion.

Quick question, when you disagree with someone (maybe at work or home), do you always resort to acting like a child, or do you you only do that on the USMB?
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After Mubarak's fall in Egypt, when the muslims began slaughtering the Coptic Christians, obama urged the Christians to show restraint.
After Mubarak's fall in Egypt, when the muslims began slaughtering the Coptic Christians, obama urged the Christians to show restraint.

What's wrong with a call to prevent additional violence? Would you rather the President encourage bloody revenge and retaliation (what would be the good in that)?

I like to hear your take, Katz.
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I never claimed that this country wasn't religious.

And yet THAT is the crux of what we have been discussing and the reason why your ridiculous, left-wing secularist brainwashing has lead you to such an empty, pointless 'PC' conclusion. You wanna run from that? I don't blame you.

My point was simply that there are a large group of people out there that would be talking more about the cross in the background vs the President's speech.

And some people would talk about his tie. I guess the president shouldn't wear a tie. And some people would talk about his hair. I guess the president should shave his head. And some people would talk about an American flag in the background. I guess he should have any American flags that happen to be around covered up. And I guess YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Your lefty secularist programming has rotted whatever brain you may have once had.
After Mubarak's fall in Egypt, when the muslims began slaughtering the Coptic Christians, obama urged the Christians to show restraint.

What's wrong with a call to prevent additional violence? Would you rather the President encourage bloody revenge and retaliation (what would be the good in that)?

I like to hear your take, Katz.

You really are thick as hell, aren't you lefty?

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