OBama must act now!

I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
I will thoroughly enjoy watching all the little snowflakes melt down.

You're witnessing one of them doing it now.
This isn't a meltdown...it is a call for Obama to exercise his authority in the interest of National Security! There is nothing snow flaky there!

It's not going to happen....the moving trucks are already at the WH :)
The moving trucks don't mean a thing. It is action that matters. Obama must act NOW!!!!!

John Quack Pubis, you are honestly a piece of work; no wait, no way will I equate you with something useful like work, but I do hope your meds are very close by.
Obama must pack now!

If you value your life and the future of mankind you will carefully reconsider my proposal.
If Trump passes the psychological test, I will accept all the derision that comes my way with a smile. If he doesn't, you will join me in celebrating. what have you got to lose?
good thing the fate of the nation does not have to rely on your acceptance of anything.
Other than you accepting the title President Trump.
actually, doesn't matter if you accept that either, what is going to be is going to be. Its going to be more fun for the rest of us to watch you cry for the next four years. Drink plenty of fluids, you are in a high risk category for dehydration
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

The only thing the power structure is interested in protecting is the power and reach of the corporate state, even over its own population.
That may be true but I'd kind of like to see life on earth continue at least through the end of the 21st century!

^^^ this lib may not live to see tomorrow if he doesn't get to a safe space.
Hey, it's y'all Democrat wingnuts who started a new Cold War with Russia. You've just dragged us closer to WWIII. So it's you folks who are the real danger. I actually think Trump's gonna cool things down. He'll move us further back from the brink of WWIII. You're welcome.

Russia won't take america down, stupidass partisanshit will.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.

Well said :eusa_clap:
Ok, let him be president but let Pence keep the nuclear codes. Don't give em to Trump!
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

The only thing the power structure is interested in protecting is the power and reach of the corporate state, even over its own population.
That may be true but I'd kind of like to see life on earth continue at least through the end of the 21st century!

^^^ this lib may not live to see tomorrow if he doesn't get to a safe space.

And he's interrupted yours.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

The only thing the power structure is interested in protecting is the power and reach of the corporate state, even over its own population.
That may be true but I'd kind of like to see life on earth continue at least through the end of the 21st century!

^^^ this lib may not live to see tomorrow if he doesn't get to a safe space.
what do you mean by that?
Hey, it's y'all Democrat wingnuts who started a new Cold War with Russia. You've just dragged us closer to WWIII. So it's you folks who are the real danger. I actually think Trump's gonna cool things down. He'll move us further back from the brink of WWIII. You're welcome.

Russia won't take america down, stupidass partisanshit will.
You're a case in point.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.

Well said :eusa_clap:
Ok, let him be president but let Pence keep the nuclear codes. Don't give em to Trump!

Pence is liable to use nukes on nonbelievers and gays.
Hey, it's y'all Democrat wingnuts who started a new Cold War with Russia. You've just dragged us closer to WWIII. So it's you folks who are the real danger. I actually think Trump's gonna cool things down. He'll move us further back from the brink of WWIII. You're welcome.

Russia won't take america down, stupidass partisanshit will.
You're a case in point.

Sure, that must be it hon. Always that "other" guy.
Hey, it's y'all Democrat wingnuts who started a new Cold War with Russia. You've just dragged us closer to WWIII. So it's you folks who are the real danger. I actually think Trump's gonna cool things down. He'll move us further back from the brink of WWIII. You're welcome.

Russia won't take america down, stupidass partisanshit will.
You're a case in point.

Sure, that must be it hon. Always that "other" guy.
No, it's always dumbass douche bag left wingers like you.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.

Well said :eusa_clap:
Ok, let him be president but let Pence keep the nuclear codes. Don't give em to Trump!

Just relax snowflake.
Hey, it's y'all Democrat wingnuts who started a new Cold War with Russia. You've just dragged us closer to WWIII. So it's you folks who are the real danger. I actually think Trump's gonna cool things down. He'll move us further back from the brink of WWIII. You're welcome.

Russia won't take america down, stupidass partisanshit will.
You're a case in point.

Sure, that must be it hon. Always that "other" guy.
No, it's always dumbass douche bag left wingers like you.

Perfect, see now?
That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

The only thing the power structure is interested in protecting is the power and reach of the corporate state, even over its own population.
That may be true but I'd kind of like to see life on earth continue at least through the end of the 21st century!

^^^ this lib may not live to see tomorrow if he doesn't get to a safe space.
what do you mean by that?

You seem especially fragile snowflake, get to your safe space now before you are overcome by fear and commit suicide.
Jesus Christ this idiot is a certifiable loon.

No, that would be your hero, the president-elect. His lunacy needs to be evaluated and made a public record ASAP before he destroys us all! I don't like the risk he poses!
Please don't breed.

None of us might breed ever again if Trump gets hold of those codes.

I think we all might wish that your parents has made that choice before you were born.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
I will thoroughly enjoy watching all the little snowflakes melt down.

You're witnessing one of them doing it now.
This isn't a meltdown...it is a call for Obama to exercise his authority in the interest of National Security! There is nothing snow flaky there!

What authority is that, snowflake? Cite the law!
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

The only thing the power structure is interested in protecting is the power and reach of the corporate state, even over its own population.
That may be true but I'd kind of like to see life on earth continue at least through the end of the 21st century!

^^^ this lib may not live to see tomorrow if he doesn't get to a safe space.
what do you mean by that?

You seem especially fragile snowflake, get to your safe space now before you are overcome by fear and commit suicide.

Could you perhaps offer him an original thought and string a few original words together first? Thanks in advance.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him.

Order him? LOL!

Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets

Where does the Constitution mention tweets and psychological evaluations?
You had better start looking in the right places before yo open your trap. Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation. Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition. Moreover, his mental state is questionable. therefore it is incumbent upon Obama to address that risk. Indeed it would be criminal for him to ignore it. Giving Trump the codes would be like giving a mad man a loaded weapon to play with! Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.

Well said :eusa_clap:
Ok, let him be president but let Pence keep the nuclear codes. Don't give em to Trump!

You crack me up nutter head.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him.

Order him? LOL!

Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets

Where does the Constitution mention tweets and psychological evaluations?
You had better start looking in the right places before yo open your trap. Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation. Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition. Moreover, his mental state is questionable. therefore it is incumbent upon Obama to address that risk. Indeed it would be criminal for him to ignore it. Giving Trump the codes would be like giving a mad man a loaded weapon to play with! Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

The people with the butterfly nets should be looking for you.

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