Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal

The press is starting to turn on obama. The NY Post had a scathing article about him. His effective presidency is over. The Abdullah Bergdahl incident destroyed his legacy. All that remains is to see how many democrats he takes with him on his way down.

Do you think Oblama will get elected again after this tirade on USMB?
"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

As an oldies pop song lyric advised, "You can't go to jail for what you're thinking."

Bush may have thought it.

But Obama's doing it! He's breaking the law.

Impeach his ass.

That mother fucker needs to be shown what happens to guys like him.
"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

This was a joke. And Bush isn't ever going to be President again. Get a new line.

After 20Jan17, President Obama will never be President again, either. Until then, he is the President, and as the POTUS, must make decisions as he sees the situation. This is a decision I agree with. You don't, and that is fine. But it is the President's decision to make. And he made it.
"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

As an oldies pop song lyric advised, "You can't go to jail for what you're thinking."

Bush may have thought it.

But Obama's doing it! He's breaking the law.

Impeach his ass.

That mother fucker needs to be shown what happens to guys like him.

Oh lose the little tin hat, dumb fuck. The President is a Constitution Lawyer, and you nits will have one hell of a project if you think you are going to catch him on something that the Senate will go along with.

But go ahead and keep yelling "IMPEACH" at the top of your voice. You will impress so many people that Hillary will be the next President for sure.
Last I checked the President is NOT the sole power in this Government. In fact he shares power with Congress and the Courts. So unless he can magically make Congress agree he rules the US he lied when he claimed it was his Government.

What is amazing is all the lefties defending his grab for power. His out right lie. His violating US Law.
"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

As an oldies pop song lyric advised, "You can't go to jail for what you're thinking."

Bush may have thought it.

But Obama's doing it! He's breaking the law.

Impeach his ass.

That mother fucker needs to be shown what happens to guys like him.

Oh lose the little tin hat, dumb fuck. The President is a Constitution Lawyer, and you nits will have one hell of a project if you think you are going to catch him on something that the Senate will go along with.

But go ahead and keep yelling "IMPEACH" at the top of your voice. You will impress so many people that Hillary will be the next President for sure.

Hillary can kiss my pecker.

Obama's impeachment awaits.


The preceding has been an impersonal, fact based critique of the criminality of the current administration. It does not excuse any crimes of past administrations, rather it seeks to raise attention to the escalating abuse of authority coming from the oval office.

The Orwellian manner of an administration which has total surveillance of its citizens, publically ousts its political opposition as “enemies,” uses government bureaucracy to target its opposition, and asserts the right to detain or even kill Americans without charge or trial, is disturbing. The tendency of this administration to circumvent or outright ignore the Constitution warrants a response.

While impeachment is a messy, often partisan affair, there comes a time when it is necessary. Future presidents will act on the precedents set today. What we allow to remain unchallenged may become common practice. While Joe Biden may not be any better than President Obama on these matters, impeachment would send a stark message to all future presidents. Maybe if we impeached federal officials more often, we would have less instances of criminality and corruption. As for now, it is sadly becoming par for the course.

The Case For Impeaching Barack Obama - Crimes Domestic (Part 2) | The Libertarian Republic
His grab for power....... He's had six years but for some reason psycho right-wing monkeys are allowed to keep flinging their shit through the media. If Obama is a dictator then he's not a very good one, especially since his rule is set to end by other people.

It's just really funny to read you god-damned Republicans talk about Obama as if YOUR candidates are the cure to this black cancer in the White House. Like you pieces of shit weren't cheering on the big government police state for the last 40 years. Do you agree with the drug war? Have you ever read the 1972 Shafer Commission report? The report urged for marijuana to be legalized, so Nixon started the drug war. It's been costing us billions every year for decades and you don't have a FUCKING CHANCE of ever winning.

Keep telling us how Republicans are the only ones who can fix this mess, like Republicans weren't also responsible for getting us here.
Last I checked the President is NOT the sole power in this Government. In fact he shares power with Congress and the Courts. So unless he can magically make Congress agree he rules the US he lied when he claimed it was his Government.

What is amazing is all the lefties defending his grab for power. His out right lie. His violating US Law.

last i checked you where a pile of shit, but regardless he has the powers. You see way back once upon a time the left pointed out that Bush was doing these things and it wasnt cool..You ( and i mean you pile of shit) where one of those who said " dont worry about it, its legal, War powers and such...We are at war etc.."
So you where told " ok then, dont go crying when you loose the office and a dem gets power." Well here we are, Obama has done the samething and you are crying that it is illegal.

The funny thing is Presidents have been doing this since Washington with the military.
But then you are a pile of shit, so i expected this from you.
I'm so tired of hearing that Bush lied. Everyone believed Saddam had WMDs

The fact that they changed their story just as the Obama administration has done, was one of the Bush administrations mistakes.

Whenever any administration changes the talking point, it is a sign they fucked up. Bush fucked up and Obama fucked up. That's why the government should not have absolute power.

"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

So Obama is just like the guy you despise and you lstill ove and admire him

How Interesting
Do you fucking morons know how to read?

Can you read this?:

Barack Hussein Obama should die in prison for killing an American teenager without charges or a trial.

How much do I support Obama if I think that he should die in prison like Bush and Cheney? Come on. Tell me how much I love Obama. Obama kills civilians via flying death robots and just like Bush, writes those civilians off as "collateral damage" because, you know, "shit happens in a war" that the miserable failure named George W. Bush lied with every breath to start.
"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

So Obama is just like the guy you despise and you lstill ove and admire him

How Interesting
Do you fucking morons know how to read?

Can you read this?:

Barack Hussein Obama should die in prison for killing an American teenager without charges or a trial.

How much do I support Obama if I think that he should die in prison like Bush and Cheney? Come on. Tell me how much I love Obama. Obama kills civilians via flying death robots and just like Bush, writes those civilians off as "collateral damage" because, you know, "shit happens in a war" that the miserable failure named George W. Bush lied with every breath to start.

Cut the bullshit.
You circle the wagons around Obama at every turn.
BTW, those two pieces of shit lost their right to call themselves 'citizens' when they collaborated with and acted as terrorists.
If Obama did anything right, he gave the order to drone fuck those bastards.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”

this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body
So Obama is just like the guy you despise and you lstill ove and admire him

How Interesting
Do you fucking morons know how to read?

Can you read this?:

Barack Hussein Obama should die in prison for killing an American teenager without charges or a trial.

How much do I support Obama if I think that he should die in prison like Bush and Cheney? Come on. Tell me how much I love Obama. Obama kills civilians via flying death robots and just like Bush, writes those civilians off as "collateral damage" because, you know, "shit happens in a war" that the miserable failure named George W. Bush lied with every breath to start.

Cut the bullshit.
You circle the wagons around Obama at every turn.
BTW, those two pieces of shit lost their right to call themselves 'citizens' when they collaborated with and acted as terrorists.
If Obama did anything right, he gave the order to drone fuck those bastards.
I circle the wagons around Obama? Who the fuck are you talking to? And who are you talking about? Abdulrahman al-Awlaki had no ties to terrorism. What terrorist act was he involved in? You have some evidence, don't you? Do you remember the US Constitution? It used to exist before the USAPATRIOT Act.
NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch. They're not left-wing.

The Post may be owned by Murdoch, but to be a daily in liberal NYC, get advertisers to buy space in your paper and to get people to buy your paper, you'd better tow the liberal line. Or at least give the illusion of same.
Nothing owned by Rupert Murdoch is "leftist" or "liberal". It is entirely a mass of corporate shit.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”

this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body

Oh ya---now we're getting brazen. Screw the congress if they don't act right. Usurp the power and move on.
Hurry up and charge Obama with a crime so that we can be fair and balanced and charge Bush for his crimes, too.

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