Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal

Hurry up and charge Obama with a crime so that we can be fair and balanced and charge Bush for his crimes, too.

America can't charge any president with a crime. They rule like monarchs now. Get ready for the next one.
Yes, war crimes. Charge them for war crimes. They have committed war crimes and must face the consequences. Americans seem to believe that being voted out of office or not being able to run for a third term is punishment for crimes against humanity, but it isn't.

Guilty men should die in prison.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”

this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body

Gridlock is not a valid reason to violate the Constitutional separation of powers.

That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body

Oh ya---now we're getting brazen. Screw the congress if they don't act right. Usurp the power and move on.

If a President has a Do Nothing Congress, why shouldn't he ignore them after five years and do things on his own?

Make Congress try to stop him

That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body

Gridlock is not a valid reason to violate the Constitutional separation of powers.

No violation unless the court says it is. Let Congress take it up in coirt
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal

Actually, that was George W. Bush:

Bush's in-house lawyer, John Yoo, wrote the president an official memo stating that Bush didn't need the authorization [from Congress]. "The historical record demonstrates that the power to initiate military hostilities, particularly in response to the threat of an armed attack, rests exclusively with the President." Yoo argued, "Congress's support for the President's power suggests no limits on the Executive's judgment whether to use military force in response to the national emergency."

Yoo was deploying a theory of executive power best summed up by his phrase: "no limits on the Executive's judgment." George W. Bush was later to rely on that theory to justify warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens' phone calls and emails, despite a statute banning the practice, and to override the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, with its absolute prohibition on "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment" " of prisoners.

Constitutional Myth #3: The 'Unitary Executive' is a Dictator in War and Peace - Garrett Epps - The Atlantic

President Obama is following this precedent codified by his predecessor, if you have an issue with that precedent, take it up with Bush.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal

Actually, that was George W. Bush:

Bush's in-house lawyer, John Yoo, wrote the president an official memo stating that Bush didn't need the authorization [from Congress]. "The historical record demonstrates that the power to initiate military hostilities, particularly in response to the threat of an armed attack, rests exclusively with the President." Yoo argued, "Congress's support for the President's power suggests no limits on the Executive's judgment whether to use military force in response to the national emergency."

Yoo was deploying a theory of executive power best summed up by his phrase: "no limits on the Executive's judgment." George W. Bush was later to rely on that theory to justify warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens' phone calls and emails, despite a statute banning the practice, and to override the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, with its absolute prohibition on "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment" " of prisoners.

Constitutional Myth #3: The 'Unitary Executive' is a Dictator in War and Peace - Garrett Epps - The Atlantic

President Obama is following this precedent codified by his predecessor, if you have an issue with that precedent, take it up with Bush.

More lies I see, or rather dishonest interpretations. You see retard, Bush got Congressional Authority for both Afghanistan and Iraq. And most of the Democrats voted for approval.
That is what it has come down to

Congress has shown its unwillingness to participate in government. In the absence of a functional Congress, all that is left is the President and his military chiefs of staff

Anticipate more of Obama bypassing Congress until they become a functioning legislative body

Gridlock is not a valid reason to violate the Constitutional separation of powers.

No violation unless the court says it is. Let Congress take it up in coirt

Correct, there is no violation of separation of powers, and Congress can’t sue since it lacks standing:

Judge Reggie B. Walton (D.D.C.) ruled today in Kucinich v. Obama that ten members of the United States House of Representatives lack standing to sue President Obama for violating the War Powers Clause of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution for the President's commitment of U.S. forces to Libya without explicit congressional consent.

Judge Walton wrote that the group lacked both legislative standing and taxpayer standing. Legislative standing is foreclosed by Kucinich v. Bush, a similar case from the same court in 2002 by the very same lead plaintiff--a fact not overlooked by Judge Walton, who wrote with some frustration that this case was a waste of the court's time. Taxpayer standing is foreclosed by basic taxpayer standing principles and the fact that the plaintiffs can't shoehorn it into the narrow exception in Flast v. Cohen. Judge Walton didn't even get to the administration's argument that this also a nonjusticiable political question.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog
Last I checked the President is NOT the sole power in this Government. In fact he shares power with Congress and the Courts. So unless he can magically make Congress agree he rules the US he lied when he claimed it was his Government.

What is amazing is all the lefties defending his grab for power. His out right lie. His violating US Law.


A president can’t make a ‘grab’ for power he already possesses, as established by President Bush.

Indeed, this new found ‘concern’ for the ‘unchecked executive’ by most conservatives suddenly manifested on January 20th, 2009 – at Noon; prior to that we heard not a word from the partisan right as GWB was making the same ‘grab for power.’
Gridlock is not a valid reason to violate the Constitutional separation of powers.

No violation unless the court says it is. Let Congress take it up in coirt

Correct, there is no violation of separation of powers, and Congress can’t sue since it lacks standing:

Judge Reggie B. Walton (D.D.C.) ruled today in Kucinich v. Obama that ten members of the United States House of Representatives lack standing to sue President Obama for violating the War Powers Clause of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution for the President's commitment of U.S. forces to Libya without explicit congressional consent.

Judge Walton wrote that the group lacked both legislative standing and taxpayer standing. Legislative standing is foreclosed by Kucinich v. Bush, a similar case from the same court in 2002 by the very same lead plaintiff--a fact not overlooked by Judge Walton, who wrote with some frustration that this case was a waste of the court's time. Taxpayer standing is foreclosed by basic taxpayer standing principles and the fact that the plaintiffs can't shoehorn it into the narrow exception in Flast v. Cohen. Judge Walton didn't even get to the administration's argument that this also a nonjusticiable political question.

Constitutional Law Prof Blog

We aren't talking about the War Powers Act, idiot.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”

this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

FYI - whenever you see words in "quotes" followed by words not in quotes in such a manner that they form a sentence and there is implication that this an accurate accounting of something a person said -- YOU ARE BEING LIED TO.

You're welcome.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”
this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

FYI - whenever you see words in "quotes" followed by words not in quotes in such a manner that they form a sentence and there is implication that this an accurate accounting of something a person said -- YOU ARE BEING LIED TO.

You're welcome.

Thank you for admitting you lie to me.
Obama: ‘My Government’ Didn’t Need Congressional Approval For Bergdahl Deal
It was a “unanimous decision” by “my government.” “I make no apologies for it.”

this man makes me sick. HIS government.. F@#k you Obama

He failed to give Congress 30 days notice before using Government funds to relocate them, that is one offense.

The second offense is that he provided the Taliban/Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization, with material support.

This support being their leadership.

And Obama SAID the Quattarians were not going to keep them imprisoned and that they would likely return to their home country.

THAT was against the law and impeachable.

So says JUDGE Andrew Napolitano.

Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison…

"No exception for the President's behavior..."


Shepard Smith asked Judge Andrew Napolitano whether or not the Taliban prisoner exchange was legal under the NDAA H.R. 1960 Statute. The judge explained that the swap was illegal because taxpayer dollars were spent to remove these prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice. However, Napolitano goes a step further by pointing out that Obama has provided material assistance (human assets) to the Taliban, which has been identified by Congress to be a non-state terrorist organization. This is a crime punishable by imprisonment of 10 years to life, which covers all Americans–including the President.

Read more at Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison...
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"This would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship. Just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

Your problem, KNB is that George W. Bush was making a humorous remark about the difficulties involved in being President...whereas Barack Obama was stating his actual position in regards to Presidential authority after ignoring the authority of Congress once again.

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