Obama: No really — just ask him: “No challenge poses a greater threat than climate change"

Yep! That's our president. He'll probably invite Isis for a visit to the WH with a state dinner.
What's it going to take to get the U.S. and allies to eradicate these monsters?

They should have been wiped off the map when the first reports of atrocities surfaced.
What's it going to take to get the U.S. and allies to eradicate these monsters?

They should have been wiped off the map when the first reports of atrocities surfaced.

Hillary said she and Obama took out Gaddafi because he was 'planning' a genocide, ISIS is actually committing a genocide yet Obama and the left have to be forced to take even the most minimal actions. I guess beheading Christians on camera doesn't rate with liberals.
What's it going to take to get the U.S. and allies to eradicate these monsters?

They should have been wiped off the map when the first reports of atrocities surfaced.

Hillary said she and Obama took out Gaddafi because he was 'planning' a genocide, ISIS is actually committing a genocide yet Obama and the left have to be forced to take even the most minimal actions. I guess beheading Christians on camera doesn't rate with liberals.

Liberals think Christians deserve to be beheaded, it's the most effective way to shut us up; but ISIS and their fellow Muslims are killing liberals' most beloved segment of society......homosexuals! Liberals would love to attack but their weapons of choice: lawyers, shaming, screeching demonstrations and the ACLU are ineffective against ISIS. Jailing county clerks and putting bakers, photographers and florists out of business is about all libs have the stomach for.
Anyone wondering why Islamic terrorism is hitting America and Europe on an almost weekly basis now?
Bernie Sanders stated the same thing tonight at the debate.
Bernie went one better. He announced at tonight's debate that Climate Change was a major CAUSE of terrorism.

(Does that mean the Paris attacks weren't "workplace violence", Bernie?)
Obama chooses "Climate Change" as a villain because he wants to avoid irritating his real comrades, the Muslims. He chose not to be a leader of freedom throughout the world and now we have a crisis in every section of the world. Putin is regarded as the world leader now. And Obama is a joke. A very despicable joke.
It's difficult to explain the depths of idiocy, stupidity, arrogance, and incompetence that this president has achieved. It's astounding and will have dire repercussions for years to come.
Anyone wondering why Islamic terrorism is hitting America and Europe on an almost weekly basis now?
Bernie Sanders stated the same thing tonight at the debate.
Bernie went one better. He announced at tonight's debate that Climate Change was a major CAUSE of terrorism.

(Does that mean the Paris attacks weren't "workplace violence", Bernie?)

These people are unreal. Claiming glowarm causes terrorism is pure absurdity.
ISIS is the 'JV' Team....Global Warming is the 'Varsity'.

What do you expect from an Islamic Extremist Sympathizer who has terrorist Muslim Brotherhood members in his cabinet?!

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