Obama now dedicating his time to promote censorship


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
What a great American!

Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

What a great American!

Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

What a great American!

Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

He's probably the most powerful voice in America today.
In part this is most likely meant in part at least, to fill the void that Biden created.

Can he win the domestic battle from an unofficial position?
He's probably the most powerful voice in America today.
In part this is most likely meant in part at least, to fill the void that Biden created.

Can he win the domestic battle from an unofficial position?
STFU, duck. You don't know shit about the US. Keep getting your news from RT and Antiwar, stupid commie ass.
Watch him closely. He's almost certainly antiwar first and he could actually save the situation that is leading to World War.
He's the voice that could capture the entire left who are the working class that have looked to Trump for help. And he can capture the sentiments of the antiwar right in the country.

Maybe it's time to face it that the presidency is dead meat and the promise from the R's is useless dead meat too.
As long as he is not part of the government he has every right to do this
He's smart enough to realize that the situation is critical on the likelihood of World War, and he's probably the only voice in the country that can at least attempt to do something about it.

But not overnight because he must make sure to not alienate Biden.

Can he help to stop the war in time?
Just search “Obama”.

He is pushing for censorship….calling it “fighting misinformation”.

The trained seals will bark and clap.
Thanks. Isn't this ironic. He and Hilarity let the cat out of the bag during the Arab spring and continued the manipulation of media throughout the past 5 years--now even the MSM can't hide the truth of the current admins incompetence and all of a sudden it is "media disinformation." These assholes are so transparent, you have to be blind deaf and dumb to not notice.
What a great American!

Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

Nothing wrong with countering lies and misinformation.
I know you "patriots" are afraid of the truth.
You've had a free hand up till now of spreading your manure.
You gonna get upset at some fact checking now? Not like it stops you from spreading lies. *Shrug^.
Obama was promised the leadership of the NWOrder once he brings America to it's knees. Our rights are being removed, and he is transforming us into a third world country. Biden is his lackey No borders is our death knell.

And the whole world loves him.
^ only a few will understand that warning..
Sounds interesting, but I'm not playing with the NYT pay wall.

Barack Obama Takes On a New Role: Fighting Disinformation​

The former president has embarked on a campaign to warn that the scourge of online falsehoods has eroded the foundations of democracy.

Former President Barack Obama has waded deeply into the public fray over misinformation and disinformation.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

“I think it is reasonable for us as a society to have a debate and then put in place a combination of regulatory measures and industry norms that leave intact the opportunity for these platforms to make money but say to them that there’s certain practices you engage in that we don’t think are good for society,” Mr. Obama, now 61, said at a conference on disinformation this month organized by the University of Chicago and The Atlantic.

Mr. Obama’s campaign — the timing of which stemmed not from a single cause, people close to him said, but a broad concern about the damage to democracy’s foundations — comes in the middle of a fierce but inconclusive debate over how best to restore trust online.

In Washington, lawmakers are so sharply divided that any legislative compromise seems out of reach. Democrats criticize giants like Facebook, which has been renamed Meta, and Twitter for failing to rid their sites of harmful content. President Joseph R. Biden Jr., too, has lashed out at the platforms that allowed falsehoods about coronavirus vaccines to spread, saying last year that “they’re killing people.”

Republicans, for their part, accuse the companies of suppressing free speech by censoring conservative voices — above all former President Donald J. Trump, who was barred from Facebook and Twitter after the riot on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6 last year. With so little agreement about the problem, there is even less about a solution.

Whether Mr. Obama’s advocacy can sway the debate remains to be seen. While he has not sought to endorse a single solution or particular piece of legislation, he nonetheless hopes to appeal across the political spectrum for common ground.

“You’ve got to think about how things are going to be consumed through different partisan filtering but still make your true, authentic, best case about how you see the world and what the stakes are and why,” said Jason Goldman, a former Twitter, Blogger and Medium executive who served as the White House’s first chief digital officer under Mr. Obama and continues to advise him. . . . "
Thanks. Isn't this ironic. He and Hilarity let the cat out of the bag during the Arab spring and continued the manipulation of media throughout the past 5 years--now even the MSM can't hide the truth of the current admins incompetence and all of a sudden it is "media disinformation." These assholes are so transparent, you have to be blind deaf and dumb to not notice.

Look at the dumb fucking cult members that post on this board every day.

They lap up any lie their puppet masters dish out to them.

NY Times Goes After Indie Journalists [News + Comedy]​


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