Obama now dedicating his time to promote censorship

What a great American! Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

You got to hand it to democrats, they sure know how to gaslight! First they inundate our culture with misinformation and lies, then politicize their detractors when people rise up in opposition calling THEM purveyors of misinformation needing culled!
So "powerful" that his podcast is a major dud.
the digital revolution has reshaped our economy in a negative way, and upended regular Americans' lives

techies settling in the heartland is all part of an insidious plot to turn red areas blue

post-covid survey: Woah: “A recent Harris Poll found that more than 3 in 10 people in America say the pandemic makes them want to live in a rural area. And, 1 in 4 now want to live in a suburb exterior to a major city.”

no person should be forced to leave their hometown to find a decent job
Meanwhile you continue your career of lying and defending liars. LIAR.
Derp. Not only is that total BS, but also a total evasion of the topic of Obumma.

But who can be surprised at the Worthless Negro, who in office apologized to world leaders for the USA, then out of office, went around Europe putting down his own country's president!




”Anything the left doesnt like”

How about those banned for claiming the Hunter Biden laptop is real? Lying cultists claimed it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION.

From here? Nobody here got banned for 4 years of lies told about Trump by the lying liberal press and the Deep state Marxists in Congress who are supposed to be honest if nothing else. Trump was basically exonerated for each and every false charge the Marxists in the Deep state could dream up. I hope the first thing Republicans do if the polls return to their traditional honesty instead of Marxist Democrats' hornswoggling.

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