Obama now dedicating his time to promote censorship

Thanks. Isn't this ironic. He and Hilarity let the cat out of the bag during the Arab spring and continued the manipulation of media throughout the past 5 years--now even the MSM can't hide the truth of the current admins incompetence and all of a sudden it is "media disinformation." These assholes are so transparent, you have to be blind deaf and dumb to not notice.
The amount of concern being shown by a few so far is encouraging. But the concern over Obama being heard is half domestic politics and half racism.

Will Obama move to taking an active antiwar stance?
One big positive for Obama was his success in derailing his country's planned war to take Syria in the same way the US took Iraq.

If anybody understands the impending threat of World War, it will be Obama!

New York Times Admits it Sent Story to Government for Approval​

The media's job is to tell us what to think.

They at least admit it and yet the left still hangs on their every word.


". . .The membership of these journalists in the council, however they may think of themselves, is an acknowledgment of their active and important role in public affairs and of their ascension into the American ruling class. They do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States; they help make it. Their influence, Jon Vanden Heuvel speculates in an article in the Media Studies Journal, is likely to increase now that the Cold War has ended: "By focusing on particular crises around the world {the media are in a better position} to pressure government to act. ... Humanitarianism has taken on new dimensions as a component of American foreign policy, and the media are largely responsible."

CIA’s Mockingbirds and “Ruling Class Journalists”​

Via admissions against interest and Freedom of Information requests, it is well documented that many reporters publish stories at the behest of government and globalists.

Big Brother’s Mockingbirds

". . .Over the past decade, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits and public pressure have forced the CIA to release millions of pages of documents. Included in the releases are many documents relating to Project Mockingbird (also known as Operation Mockingbird), a long-running CIA program launched in the early 1950s to coopt the American press. Although many of the pages are heavily redacted, the releases have, nevertheless, provided important glimpses inside this clandestine operation. The data show that the CFR-CIA intersection would become the key recruiting ground for Mockingbirds and ruling-class-journalist leadership. The leaders of the OSS-CIA founding generation — General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen W. Dulles (shown), Frank Wisner, General Walter Bedell Smith, and Cord Meyer — were CFR one-worlders, and they recruited like-minded spirits from the media world. Among the earliest and most influential recruits were the husband-and-wife team of Philip and Katharine Graham, CFR members and owners of the Washington Post. In addition to the Grahams and those already mentioned above in the quote from Harwood’s column, CIA documents reveal that among Mockingbird’s ruling-class-journalist elites were:

• Joseph C. Harsch, Christian Science Monitor, CFR

• Henry Luce, founder of Time and Life magazines, CFR

• Walter Lippman, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, CFR

• William S. Paley, CBS, CFR

• John Scott, Time magazine, CFR

• Harry Schwartz, New York Times, CFR

• Chalmers Roberts, Washington Post, CFR, and

• Malcolm Muir, Newsweek, CFR. . . "
Yeah, he could tell Biden to give Putin Ukraine and finish what he started with Crimea. STFU duck, you're a moron.
The Crimea has been relinquished to Russia already by Zelensky and that's critical to Russia. Zelensky would have to be openly overruled by the US to change that.

The Donbass and any other contested areas can be settled with a UN protectorate or some similar plan. The only thing standing in the way of that happening is that everything America has gained against Russia (mostly propaganda victories) would be lost until the next attempt against Russia.

Keep the cards and letters coming pissant. This thread is as good as any to be kept alive, and if offers a varied range of opinions to be expressed.

The 'Obama' name is the hottest button in America already.

The American Empire and its Media​

". . . Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it. As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a “benevolent” one.

Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration depicts for the first time the extensive media network of the CFR and its two major international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group (mainly covering the US and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the global level.. . "

Nothing wrong with countering lies and misinformation.
I know you "patriots" are afraid of the truth.
You've had a free hand up till now of spreading your manure.
You gonna get upset at some fact checking now? Not like it stops you from spreading lies. *Shrug^.
It has nothing to do with conservatives. . . it has to do with ALL people getting sick of authoritarians and corporatists trying to stop free speech and control the narratives.

When a classical liberal calls out your bullshit? YOU HAVE LOST THE DISCUSSION.

The 'Obama' name is the hottest button in America already.
Keep telling yourself that, duck. Obummer is a has been and one story about his efforts to restore disinformation in America to promote democrat chances in the midterms will not revive him.
Just like the people proving fraud have every right to do it.
Agreed. He wants to create a corporate/government partnership to basically construct a system that banishes any information that does not conform to the Neo-liberal/Neo-conservative Anglo-American global technocratic world order.
This is more of your bullshit, duck. Link to where the US "planned" a war in Syria--more of your commie disinformation. STFU,
Here's Gen. Wesley Clark blowing the whistle on the PNAC agenda.
America's victim countries were clearly identified.

Well worth the time to watch it, as it pertains to then and also now.

Progress was thrown off the rails by Russia's quick return to power and the quicker rise of China that wasn't expected so soon.

The windows of opportunity for America's 'Project for a New American Century' were slammed shut forever because of lack of action being taken soon enough.

And fwiw, Syria became to fly in the ointment on account of Obama's red line speech, that was eagerly accepted by Russia/Putin.

Any questions?
Keep telling yourself that, duck. Obummer is a has been and one story about his efforts to restore disinformation in America to promote democrat chances in the midterms will not revive him.
You're purposely pretending to not understand. Obama isn't after personal gain and I'm thinking that he's most likely not pursuing gain for his party. He will know by now that Trump is no threat. In fact, his VP is the biggest threat of World War of all!
Nothing wrong with countering lies and misinformation.
I know you "patriots" are afraid of the truth.
You've had a free hand up till now of spreading your manure.
You gonna get upset at some fact checking now? Not like it stops you from spreading lies. *Shrug^.
Right...and we all know that the left is the final authority of the truth, huh.
Any questions?
If I had any, I wouldn't direct them to you, duck. You are a misinformed commie canuck who has a twisted take on the world. BTW, when you get the time, you might want to post up what you tell people to watch, if it wasn't for your sock puppet, I wouldn't know that the video is over a decade old and concerns strategy for hypotheticals. Next you'll be saying that Assad was gassing his own people to further US strategy. Wesley Clark is a moron as well--another reason he is a FORMER general.

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