Obama now dedicating his time to promote censorship

Nothing wrong with countering lies and misinformation.
I know you "patriots" are afraid of the truth.
You've had a free hand up till now of spreading your manure.
You gonna get upset at some fact checking now? Not like it stops you from spreading lies. *Shrug^.
The truth according to the lying sack Barry Hussein.

Fucking hilarious.
Just because the establishment blackballs him for telling the truth?
He didn't tell the truth--he was getting ratings for a bs talk show. When was truth ever a defense? You morons have been squelching truth for the past five years. Are you still socking for the duck?
Battling misinformation and disinformation is not censorship.

Of course it is.

Who determines it is misinformation?

It was considered misinformation to claim the “vaccine” had poor efficacy. Those who claimed this only a year ago were banned from social media. Now we have big pharma telling people to get boosted because of the poor efficacy of the experimental gene therapy.

On a total tangent, I saw a Floyd cover band called Floyd Nation a couple weeks ago. They were INCREDIBLE. They are starting a nationwide tour and you should check them out if you dig Floyd.
Shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater, according to the 1919 O.W. Holmes SCOTUS decision, is an exception to the first amendment.
That is a consequence of, perhaps, speech that has dangerous outcomes, but it is not censorship.

This is not really, an a priori argument, so, it is not really the topic of the thread. That is more a question of consequences, not prior restraint.

"Shouting 'Fire' in a Theater": The Life and Times of Constitutional
Law's Most Enduring Analogy Law's Most Enduring Analogy

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". . . That world is gone, but the theater analogy persists. In its nearly hundred-year
life, however, it has become abstract and remote, a cliché devoid of any relevance
to contemporary Americans. This in itself may have constitutional significance. Our
free speech doctrine has become increasingly libertarian, but our central analogy
about the limits of free speech has largely lost its capacity to frighten.250 If we rou-
tinely analogized, not to a false shout of “fire” in a theater, but to, say, a mugger shout-
ing, “Your money or your life,” free speech law might have developed differently.
Although our trans-ideological and deep rooted commitment to free speech cannot
be explained by the presence of one analogy, it is possible that in a handful of cases,
an antiquated and unfrightening analogy gives greater play to free speech than the
frightening one that Holmes originally employed.

As frequently noted, it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the
future. Yet I suspect that one hundred years from now, constitutional law professors
will still easily elicit the theater analogy when querying students about the limits of
free speech. The scoundrel in the theater has been given a form of immortality. He
will always be there, lurking in our collective consciences, waiting, as the curtain
rises, for just the right moment to ruin a performance with a false shout of “Fire!”
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Battling misinformation and disinformation is not censorship.
If the government is putting out misinformation and disinformation. . . then?


U.S. 'Intelligence' Says Its 'Intelligence' Is Bullshit​

So if corporate and government media is bullshit? :dunno:

wtf? They are purposely putting out misinformation and disinformation, and then have the audacity to tell the public that they can't open source to find out the truth?

Who actually decides what IS misinformation and disinformation?

He's probably the most powerful voice in America today.
In part this is most likely meant in part at least, to fill the void that Biden created.

Can he win the domestic battle from an unofficial position?

Bullshit, the loser can't even keep his podcast going.

He's probably the most powerful voice in America today.
In part this is most likely meant in part at least, to fill the void that Biden created.

Can he win the domestic battle from an unofficial position?
You know what I personally find really disturbing?

His father, his real dad, from Kenya, was a British agent. His mother's family were CIA spooks. Folks that know, the American and British work together, he is a product of the Anglo-American alliance, and now? He is working at eroding the Constitution. Just like another British agent. ..

Prince Harry Says He ‘Warned’ Jack Dorsey Before the Capitol Riots​

At the RE:WIRED conference, the Duke of Sussex spoke with Stanford's Renee DiResta and activist Rashad Robinson about misinformation's deadly consequences.

And they USE tax payer money to propagandize the most ignorant with the ruling class globalist agenda. THEIR OWN MONEY IS USED TO BRAIN WASH THEM.

This is why this asshole, the British Prince, is here, to subvert the First Amendment.

Aspen Institute Hires Prince Harry To Fight Media ‘Misinformation’​

The cult is using FACT CHECKING to spread their own disinformation.


What a great American!

Obama found his calling now that he is not in public service……HE IS GOING TO MAKE SURE ANY OPPOSING OPINIONS ARE CENSORED!

Your link doesn't support your post.

Why would it be somehow wrong for any "Meta" site to be prohibited from allowing any posting of information that has been proven false? If the NYT knowingly posted something false, some snarky little xian HS student could sue them.
Of course it is.

Who determines it is misinformation?

It was considered misinformation to claim the “vaccine” had poor efficacy. Those who claimed this only a year ago were banned from social media. Now we have big pharma telling people to get boosted because of the poor efficacy of the experimental gene therapy.

On a total tangent, I saw a Floyd cover band called Floyd Nation a couple weeks ago. They were INCREDIBLE. They are starting a nationwide tour and you should check them out if you dig Floyd.

I will look them up, gracias

From where? Isn't the media in the free world eclectic enough that nearly everyone with opinion has a outlet to opine on?
The BigLie supporters just want their Toady leader to not be banned from popular sites for inciting a riot in his attempt to illegally overturn thee 2020 election but the 1st is the 1st and the press is free to print or not print what ever it wants, for the most part.
That is a consequence of, perhaps, speech that has dangerous outcomes, but it is not censorship.
It is something that is outside of libel and slander restrictions in the first amendment to the constitution. I direct your attention to your post. The only speech that is not protected by the first, is libel and slander. Shouting "Fire" is neither.
be prohibited from allowing any posting of information that has been proven false?
Like banning anti-mask posts, anti-vax posts etc? Seems that Fauci and the CDC are guilty of contradictory posts regarding both. Why are they not "censored" and banned? Your assertion holds no water, like most arguments for censorship.
“I wouldn’t have been elected if it hadn’t been for websites like — and I’m dating myself — MySpace or Facebook…” — Barack Obama

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