Obama Numbers down the toilet


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
How low can it go? ObamaCare poll numbers drop -- again | Fox News

President Obama is struggling to stop the steady slide in public support for his health care law, as yet another poll shows public approval of the law -- and his job performance -- hitting a new low.

The survey from CBS News depicts a startling drop in support for the Affordable Care Act. Approval dropped to 31 percent, down 12 points since October.

According to the poll, the president's approval rating also slipped to 37 percent, from 46 percent just last month.

Both figures represent the lowest of Obama's presidency in CBS polling.

While Republicans are united in their opposition to the health care law, the latest numbers reflect new skepticism among Democrats and independents.

Obama has been facing criticism from his own party for both the failures of HealthCare.gov as well as cancellation notices that have gone out to those on the individual market whose policies did not make the cut under ObamaCare's new standards. The president last week gave insurance companies a one-year extension, allowing them to re-offer those out-of-compliance plans.

But it's unclear how many insurance commissioners and companies will consent, given the difficulties of making the sudden switch after years of planning. The president plans to meet with insurance commissioners on Wednesday afternoon.

Americans are finally coming out of there Kool-aid induced Comas.:lol::lol:
He lied to the folks....and to add insult to injury, he justifies it as being for our own good, because we are too stupid.

Actually its more than that.

No President has told so many lies to so many citizens so often and for so long...and been caught so

It is the greatest fraud in American history.
Once he is at the level of the GOP and the TPM, we can have a real election and elect real leaders.
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.
There are those who will stay with him no matter what he does, namely those on his side of the racial divide.

Once he is at the level of the GOP and the TPM, we can have a real election and elect real leaders.
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.

My congratulations.
Show me another country with the wealth to support BOTH a Liar-in-Chief and an Apologist-in-Chief at the same time!

Now THERE'S proof of America's unparallelled prosperity.
Obama's supporters are down to the 20% of americans that are on the same intelligence level as obama phone girl, sponge bob, and pet rocks.
Clearly the numbers dropping is a right wing conspiracy because Obamacare is totally awesome and everyone is being helped by it.

Just wait till more people get "helped" by the law. His numbers will be down even farther.
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.

Guess you won't be voting Clinton in 2016 then?
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.

59,000 americans died because of LBJ's adventure in the jungle. Oh yeah, and they were forced by the draft.
and all the left can talk about is how Bush's ratings were? so? may as well go to George Washingtons approval in his second term! maybe even President Dan Quayles approval too !!!
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.

Guess you won't be voting Clinton in 2016 then?

Of course he will. He blames Bush for Iraq, which really isn't as bad as this obamacare monstrosity.

Of course he wont acknowledge that lying to destroy the greatest health care system on earth is going to destroy millions of lives compared to the relatively few affected by Iraq.

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