Obama on 60 minutes to bash Trump again. What class.

Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Too bad Barack doesn't have any joy in his life



obama kept his mouth shut pretty much the entire 4 years of donny's reign per the customary stance that previous presidents hold re: not bad mouthing the current prez until election time.

donny on the other hand couldn't keep his orange pie hole shut when oversees & denigrated obama on foreign soil. NO president has ever done that ... so you don't get to say what's 'classy' or not when it comes to election time & what obama had to say or will say from now on. donny is a lame duck & all bets are off now.

It is GREAT to see Obama finally taking off the gloves. I hope he will continue to do so until the fascist Blob mercifully leaves the building!
So? He's right - Republicans are on a VERY dangerous path as authoritarian enablers.
Glad to see he still triggers you though.
Here's a cool interview with Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic:

The Marxists who spied on reporters, SCOTUS and Republicans is worried about our "democracy"

Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?

Yeah, I do. I linked the video in Post #25. Do you remember why Obama needled him at that dinner? Because of the whole bullshit that Trump (and others) was peddling about Obama's birth certificate and being born in Kenya.
It was all deserved. Fast forward to today and this video is just proof positive that Donald Trump, makes all of his own issues...just like he brought Obama's joke fest down upon himself nine years ago. Watch the video. It's hysterical.
You can literally see the anger coming out of Trump's ears.

Who "made" that issue? It wasn't Donald Trump who jobbed our higher education system by claiming to be a foreign student so he could get into prestigious schools like Columbia and Harvard Law. That was Barry. So Obama attacks Trump at that dinner for "daring" to question him about his origins...and pisses him off to the point where Trump decides that he'll run for President! Gee...Jack...how did that work out for the far left again?

Nice deflections. If we're going back to youth, as I recall, Trump ducked military service because of bone spurs. While I don't care about that (lots of people received deferments during the Vietnam era), it does make his decades long denigrating of military service seem hypocritical. I never heard Obama denigrate military service, even when he was younger. Trump can't take a joke..unless he's the one telling it. I don't blame Obama for needling him. He had WAY more material that he could have hit Trump with. But since Trump (and others) started it (unfounded), I don't have any problem with Obama carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey at a press event. He deserved it.

And in the end, it worked out well. America came to her senses and showed the carnival barker the door.
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Too bad Barack doesn't have any joy in his life

Keep telling yourself that. Trump looks to be even more miserable than at any time during the last 11 months. And he'll be miserable long after he's left the Oval Office. Why? The myriad of lawsuits and legal action he will no doubt be facing.
And you know he hasn't gotten anything from Melania in years.
Obama meanwhile (after he left). He and Michelle?...yeah. :)
View attachment 416683

^^^ you beat me to it!!!! ^^^
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Too bad Barack doesn't have any joy in his life

You are projecting again - Sounds more like you and Impeached Trump!
You have higher standards for the way a past president should act, but none for the current one. :lol:
A sitting President who was spied on at the approval of Obama has every right to say whatever he wants. A FORMER President needs to bow out and shut up. Did you ever hear 'W' bashing Obama about gun running to the Mexican Drug Cartel, or shipping a billion in cash to his Mullah masters? Or inflaming racial hatred? No you didn't.

You have higher standards for the way a past president should act, but none for the current one. :lol:
A sitting President who was spied on at the approval of Obama has every right to say whatever he wants. A FORMER President needs to bow out and shut up. Did you ever hear 'W' bashing Obama about gun running to the Mexican Drug Cartel, or shipping a billion in cash to his Mullah masters? Or inflaming racial hatred? No you didn't.


Great minds - I'll find another jpeg ;)
You have higher standards for the way a past president should act, but none for the current one. :lol:
A sitting President who was spied on at the approval of Obama has every right to say whatever he wants. A FORMER President needs to bow out and shut up. Did you ever hear 'W' bashing Obama about gun running to the Mexican Drug Cartel, or shipping a billion in cash to his Mullah masters? Or inflaming racial hatred? No you didn't.


Great minds - I'll find another jpeg ;)

that just happened between me & jackofnotrades too!!!!
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

I think that's one of the roots of Rump's Obama butthurt.
It was epic dress-down and the look on Dumpster's face painted a thousand words!

Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?

Yeah, I do. I linked the video in Post #25. Do you remember why Obama needled him at that dinner? Because of the whole bullshit that Trump (and others) was peddling about Obama's birth certificate and being born in Kenya.
It was all deserved. Fast forward to today and this video is just proof positive that Donald Trump, makes all of his own issues...just like he brought Obama's joke fest down upon himself nine years ago. Watch the video. It's hysterical.
You can literally see the anger coming out of Trump's ears.

Who "made" that issue? It wasn't Donald Trump who jobbed our higher education system by claiming to be a foreign student so he could get into prestigious schools like Columbia and Harvard Law. That was Barry. So Obama attacks Trump at that dinner for "daring" to question him about his origins...and pisses him off to the point where Trump decides that he'll run for President! Gee...Jack...how did that work out for the far left again?

Nice deflections. If we're going back to youth, as I recall, Trump ducked military service because of bone spurs. While I don't care about that (lots of people received deferments during the Vietnam era), it does make his decades long denigrating of military service seem hypocritical. I never heard Obama denigrate military service, even when he was younger. Trump can't take a joke..unless he's the one telling it. I don't blame Obama for needling him. He had WAY more material that he could have hit Trump with. But since Trump (and others) started it (unfounded), I don't have any problem with Obama carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey at a press event. He deserved it.

And in the end, it worked out well. America came to her senses and showed the carnival barker the door.

Joe '5 Deferments" Biden

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
Waaaaah - Obama spied on me!!
Interesting. You see the use of our intelligence agencies to spy on citizens and political opponents as a big joke.

If they are useful idiots for Putin? YEP - Tap the bastards!

George Papadopoulos, who served as a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer that Russia had political dirt on Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, after a night of heavy drinking in May 2016.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?

Yeah, I do. I linked the video in Post #25. Do you remember why Obama needled him at that dinner? Because of the whole bullshit that Trump (and others) was peddling about Obama's birth certificate and being born in Kenya.
It was all deserved. Fast forward to today and this video is just proof positive that Donald Trump, makes all of his own issues...just like he brought Obama's joke fest down upon himself nine years ago. Watch the video. It's hysterical.
You can literally see the anger coming out of Trump's ears.

Who "made" that issue? It wasn't Donald Trump who jobbed our higher education system by claiming to be a foreign student so he could get into prestigious schools like Columbia and Harvard Law. That was Barry. So Obama attacks Trump at that dinner for "daring" to question him about his origins...and pisses him off to the point where Trump decides that he'll run for President! Gee...Jack...how did that work out for the far left again?

Nice deflections. If we're going back to youth, as I recall, Trump ducked military service because of bone spurs. While I don't care about that (lots of people received deferments during the Vietnam era), it does make his decades long denigrating of military service seem hypocritical. I never heard Obama denigrate military service, even when he was younger. Trump can't take a joke..unless he's the one telling it. I don't blame Obama for needling him. He had WAY more material that he could have hit Trump with. But since Trump (and others) started it (unfounded), I don't have any problem with Obama carving Trump up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey at a press event. He deserved it.

And in the end, it worked out well. America came to her senses and showed the carnival barker the door.

It worked out well? Hillary Clinton lost in rather breathtaking fashion and much of the Obama agenda was done away with by Trump. Now you on the left have elected the dumbest man in the Senate for decades as President! You think that's a win? Joe's clueless and Kamala is a sleazy backstabbing bitch. The biggest question in a Biden Presidency is whether Joe is declared mentally incompetent or his Vice President smothers him with a pillow the first chance she gets! :)

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