Obama on 60 minutes to bash Trump again. What class.

Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

It's amusing to listen to Barry pontificate about how awful it is that Trump isn't making it easy for Biden to steal an election from him...when Obama was doing everything he could to undermine Trump's incoming Administration.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Too bad Barack doesn't have any joy in his life

Keep telling yourself that. Trump looks to be even more miserable than at any time during the last 11 months. And he'll be miserable long after he's left the Oval Office. Why? The myriad of lawsuits and legal action he will no doubt be facing.
And you know he hasn't gotten anything from Melania in years.
Obama meanwhile (after he left). He and Michelle?...yeah. :)
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.
And just what do you disagree with? you Just know Obama is saying it. Real deep thinker.
I disagree with everything he is trying to do. Promote himself, and denigrate a legitimate challenge to the multiple allegations of wrongdoing in this election.
He’s talking plain old sense which you wingers tend to ignore, just because he is a black man. Think we do not know what all this winger movement is about? It would be better if you could at least be honest about it. That’ll be the day.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.
You have higher standards for the way a past president should act, but none for the current one. :lol:
A sitting President who was spied on at the approval of Obama has every right to say whatever he wants. A FORMER President needs to bow out and shut up. Did you ever hear 'W' bashing Obama about gun running to the Mexican Drug Cartel, or shipping a billion in cash to his Mullah masters? Or inflaming racial hatred? No you didn't.
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Yeah I wonder what super tough questions Lesilie Stahl will ask Obama, the way she did Trump.
Scott Pelley gets the honor of kissing Barack's butt tonight.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.
And just what do you disagree with? you Just know Obama is saying it. Real deep thinker.
I disagree with everything he is trying to do. Promote himself, and denigrate a legitimate challenge to the multiple allegations of wrongdoing in this election.
He’s talking plain old sense which you wingers tend to ignore, just because he is a black man. Think we do not know what all this winger movement is about? It would be better if you could at least be honest about it. That’ll be the day.
Obama is one smooth conman. It's no wonder he has people like you under his spell. He has caused more lasting damage to this country than Covid-19.
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Any posts with the words "Trump" and "class" in them are obviously troll bait.
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.

Too bad Barack doesn't have any joy in his life

Keep telling yourself that. Trump looks to be even more miserable than at any time during the last 11 months. And he'll be miserable long after he's left the Oval Office. Why? The myriad of lawsuits and legal action he will no doubt be facing.
And you know he hasn't gotten anything from Melania in years.
Obama meanwhile (after he left). He and Michelle?...yeah. :)
View attachment 416683
Why can't Born in Kenya Barack stop talking about President Trump? Obama spent his 8 years in office talking about President Bush and spends his out years talking about President Trump.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?

Yeah, I do. I linked the video in Post #25. Do you remember why Obama needled him at that dinner? Because of the whole bullshit that Trump (and others) was peddling about Obama's birth certificate and being born in Kenya.
It was all deserved. Fast forward to today and this video is just proof positive that Donald Trump, makes all of his own issues...just like he brought Obama's joke fest down upon himself nine years ago. Watch the video. It's hysterical.
You can literally see the anger coming out of Trump's ears.
Four years of Trump bashing President Obama and Obama gives one interview and Trumpist snowflakes melt faster than warm butter on a hot stove.
Seriously, John? You think it's been four years of Obama being trashed? It's been four years of Trump defending himself from from non stop attacks by the Democrats! It started when Obama was still in office and it hasn't stopped yet. Obama was treated with kid gloves by the main stream media when he was a candidate...when he was in office...and after he stepped down!

Trump has had an absolute hard on for Obama since the day he stepped into the Oval Office. Hell bent on destroying his legacy, bad mouthing him whenever he got the chance, accusing him of running a campaign to destroy him, spy on him, bugging his campaign. Here is beginning of Trump's rage at Obama. It's a really petty reason. But we're talking about Trump. A petty man. He doesn't like being embarrassed.
Donald's dressing down begins at 2:42.

Well, gee whiz...why WOULDN'T you have a problem with the guy who tried to use the FBI, the IRS and our intelligence agencies to keep you from getting elected? Obama was bad mouthing Trump before he even ran for office. Do you remember the Washington Press Corps dinner that Barry decided to go after Trump from the dais?

Yeah, I do. I linked the video in Post #25. Do you remember why Obama needled him at that dinner? Because of the whole bullshit that Trump (and others) was peddling about Obama's birth certificate and being born in Kenya.
It was all deserved. Fast forward to today and this video is just proof positive that Donald Trump, makes all of his own issues...just like he brought Obama's joke fest down upon himself nine years ago. Watch the video. It's hysterical.
You can literally see the anger coming out of Trump's ears.

Who "made" that issue? It wasn't Donald Trump who jobbed our higher education system by claiming to be a foreign student so he could get into prestigious schools like Columbia and Harvard Law. That was Barry. So Obama attacks Trump at that dinner for "daring" to question him about his origins...and pisses him off to the point where Trump decides that he'll run for President! Gee...Jack...how did that work out for the far left again?
How dare he not shower President Trump with praise! The absolute cheek of it all! :mad-61:
who said it had to all be praise?

but how are we on a dangerous path with what trump wants to do? I mean what TRUMP wants to do, not what all the TDS crowd SAYS trump wants to do.

i get to tired of one side telling me the other side is pure evil. thats horse-shit. both sides have their assholes and right now "we the people" continue to put extremism in charge of our country. our desire to demonize people who don't think like we do is the dangerous path to losing the exact nature of what made this country so great.

media creating their own version of the truth
shutting down sites that don't agree with you by force.
telling people to get their own platform is they don't like this one - they do and they're followed over there for no other reason than to give "the other side" crap. (how old are these people, 10?)
antifa and our colleges shutting down conservative groups - how is this NOT dangerous according to traditional America values?

i don't care what the left tells me anymore. i care about what they do. and those are 2 completely different worlds these days.
How dare he not shower President Trump with praise! The absolute cheek of it all! :mad-61:
He doesn't need to shower Trump with praise. He needs to do what other past Presidents do. STFU and count your money.

You have higher standards for the way a past president should act, but none for the current one. :lol:
it would be impossible to make this connection. trump is still the president and not a past one commenting on biden. now will it happen? quite likely but hey - look who's set the trend for:

bashing the media: Obama
bashing former presidents w/o mercy: Obama
bashing the current president w/o mercy: Obama

now - if you wish to compare these actions on a universal level, i'm in. but to start this exercise, please simply tell me which president in our past did the above worse than obama has done?
Obama has always been Negro ghetto trash.

Maybe he got that way having a porn queen as a a mother and being married to a transvestite.
Obama and his salivating lapdog media continue to behave like foreign hostiles. Scott Pelley must be so excited to kiss Barack's butt cheeks, it's been so long.
trumptards whining about lack of class. adorable.
Obama is a despicable racist demagogue, like all Dem politicians.
His Russian Collusion Scandal is the worst in our history, and the Press never asks him about it
He hates the majority of Americans.
The Democratic Party is a fanatical political cult just like the ones that have destroyed other countries.
Trump has been attacked by the Dem/Press/Hollywood Hate Machine worse than anyone ever.
60 Minutes is just another cog in the Democrat Hate Machine.
obama kept his mouth shut pretty much the entire 4 years of donny's reign per the customary stance that previous presidents hold re: not bad mouthing the current prez until election time.

donny on the other hand couldn't keep his orange pie hole shut when oversees & denigrated obama on foreign soil. NO president has ever done that ... so you don't get to say what's 'classy' or not when it comes to election time & what obama had to say or will say from now on. donny is a lame duck & all bets are off now.
thats because no president has ever had to endure a former president trying to slander him and try and get him out of office for four years as Obama tried to do with Trump Einstein.

wtf are you talking about? obama slandered no one & donny badmouthed an american president on foreign soil well b4 obama ever uttered a word.... do you not get that?
how much does the dnc pay you for your lies troll? next thing youll say is he was not a mass murderer.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
yep playtime troll showed what a lying troll he is denying this reality on murderer obama.lol comedy gold. oh and just so you know idiot i am not a republican,i hate bush as much as obama.lol


1) i'm a girl.

2) i'm not a troll.

3) did i call you a (R)? doesn't matter - do you think donny is a mass murderer?
he's comitting genocide thru policy - or i should say LACK of policy as far as covid is CONcerned.

4) good for you hating obama AND bush .... apparently you favor donny, no matter what.

5) :fu:
So? He's right - Republicans are on a VERY dangerous path as authoritarian enablers.
Glad to see he still triggers you though.
Here's a cool interview with Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic:

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