Obama on cusp of winning Iran nuclear vote

Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.

If it's veto proof that means that some republicans like it and voted for it too.

Only need 34 democrats to prevent the veto from being overturned.

Need 67 votes to overturn it.
Only 54 pubs in the Senate

Had your coffee yet this morning?
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
Please explain your alternate reality if Republicans scuttle this treaty

What happens next?

Put the sanctions back in place. Isolate them from the rest of the world. Then let them know that we are watching and that any new nuclear facilities or expansions to existing ones will be destroyed. Then work covertly with the iranian opposition to take down the ayatollahs and let sane people rule that country.

Iran was a modern, growing economy under the Shah. The Iranian people are a great people. The problem is that the far left religious radicals have taken control. Remove them and the problem is solved.
We have pursued that path got thirty years. They still developed a nuclear program. By following your advice, Iran has a nuclear capability in a year.......Obama sets them back ten years

looking back, we could have taken actions to keep the shah in power but we didn't. We could have prevented the radical islamic takeover and Iran would today be a modern country, but we didn't.
Our actions to keep the Shah in power resulted in the Iran hostage crisis and those "Death to America" chants you love so well

Nope. I was in Iran during those years. You are full of shit.
Evidently you must have been in some drug induced stupor
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?

They delivered two historic beat downs on the Democrats, an ass kicking so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. As for accomplishments did the asshole liberals get gun control passed? No lmao!
It must be rough for the conservative. After 2014, their masters told them Obama was a doomed lame duck, headed for prison ... and instead Obama just keeps kicking their asses and making them into his little bitches, over and over. Hence the constant butthurt.
It won't be much longer and we'll undo all of Obama's idiocy, his legacy will last maybe 1 year after he leaves office.

Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
Republicans won the mid term and have zero to show for it

Lame duck Obama ensured the survival of Obamacare, saw same sex marriage become the law of the land, recognized Cuba, reached a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran

It must suck being conservative
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.

If it's veto proof that means that some republicans like it and voted for it too.

Only need 34 democrats to prevent the veto from being overturned.

Need 67 votes to overturn it.
Only 54 pubs in the Senate

Had your coffee yet this morning?

I don't drink coffee. I never have, it's tastes horrible. I believe if I need to add a bunch of other things to something to be able to drink it, I don't want to drink it.

The veto you're talking about is just a resolution in the senate stating disapproval of the treaty. Not the treaty itself. And if you didn't know resolutions aren't binding law. All the republicans are doing is having another temper tantrum instead of doing the work of the people. Republican politicians are most laziest people in our government I've ever seen.

I thought you were talking about the treaty.

A treaty is better than war. I support some sort of agreement to avoid war. The only reason the republicans don't support this treaty is because it was a democratic president who accomplished it and the last thing the republicans want is another Obama accomplishment.

Which shows nothing but the republicans are immature babies who do nothing but throw temper tantrums. One that has lasted for nearly 7 years and will last until Obama is out of the white house.

Who knows what the republicans will do if another democratic president is elected? How long can they throw a temper tantrum before the American public gets sick and tired of their childish actions? I know I was sick of it years ago.
I was talking about the upcoming vote either okaying, or derailing, the upcoming vote on the Iran deal.
Obama's most lasting legacy may be the fracturing of the GOP into a totally dysfunctional group of warring factions too busy backstabbing each other to actually do anything.

I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
Republicans won the mid term and have zero to show for it

Lame duck Obama ensured the survival of Obamacare, saw same sex marriage become the law of the land, recognized Cuba, reached a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran

It must suck being conservative

Three of those will be undone and the fourth he had nothing to do with. Why is your kind always trying to give Obama credit for something he did not achieve, because he's a big loser like most liberals?
I'd have to invent a new word to describe how stupid your post is. They managed to kick shit out of the Democrats in congress didn't they...OH SNAP!
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
Republicans won the mid term and have zero to show for it

Lame duck Obama ensured the survival of Obamacare, saw same sex marriage become the law of the land, recognized Cuba, reached a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran

It must suck being conservative

Three of those will be undone and the fourth he had nothing to do with. Why is your kind always trying to give Obama credit for something he did not achieve, because he's a big loser like most liberals?
How on earth can you "undo it"?

The genie is out of the bottle and there is no going back. Why are republicans so out of touch?
They haven't done shit or provided the republican voters with any substantial victories, an inability to advance your agenda in spite of a majority is the worst kind of political failure.

They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
Republicans won the mid term and have zero to show for it

Lame duck Obama ensured the survival of Obamacare, saw same sex marriage become the law of the land, recognized Cuba, reached a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran

It must suck being conservative

Three of those will be undone and the fourth he had nothing to do with. Why is your kind always trying to give Obama credit for something he did not achieve, because he's a big loser like most liberals?
How on earth can you "undo it"?

The genie is out of the bottle and there is no going back. Why are republicans so out of touch?

You fail at reading comprehension.
They bitch slapped Democrats, they threw Democrats and asshole liberals to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces, and laughed at them. :laugh: Bonus both Pelosi and Reid got told to shut their lying mouths. :eusa_dance:
So they won a mid-term, big deal, what have they done since then except fail to "stop Obama and his socialist/Muslim/commie/nazi agenda"?
Republicans won the mid term and have zero to show for it

Lame duck Obama ensured the survival of Obamacare, saw same sex marriage become the law of the land, recognized Cuba, reached a nuclear proliferation treaty with Iran

It must suck being conservative

Three of those will be undone and the fourth he had nothing to do with. Why is your kind always trying to give Obama credit for something he did not achieve, because he's a big loser like most liberals?
How on earth can you "undo it"?

The genie is out of the bottle and there is no going back. Why are republicans so out of touch?

You fail at reading comprehension.
Failure on your part

Explain how in hell, Republicans can undo anything

You live in a fantasy world
I was talking about the upcoming vote either okaying, or derailing, the upcoming vote on the Iran deal.

For a president to veto legislation it has to have gone through both the House and Senate with majorities voting yes in both chambers. That would mean the treaty passed ratification. A treaty that the president wants and has been working on for a long time.

It's not legislation. It's a treaty which it doesn't have to go through the House of Reps. The Senate is to advise and consent. Right now the Senate is trying to pass a resolution saying they disapprove of it. They won't get enough votes to pass it. Even if it passes it's meaningless. It's not law. It's just republicans throwing a hissy fit.

Why in the world would the president veto a treaty he worked so hard on for so long and wants?

The only way to override a presidential veto is by 2/3 super majority vote in both the House and Senate. If you didn't know, the republicans have majority in both chambers. There aren't enough democrats for that 2/3 super majority required. That means if the override is to be successful then a lot of republicans have to vote to override that veto.

Which means that a lot of republicans want that treaty. To override the veto means that the treaty is ratified. The republicans would have had to have voted yes to get the treaty ratified in the first place. There aren't enough democrats to pass anything in both chambers of congress.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Last edited:
OK, genius...

If Iran doesn't need centrifuges for nuclear power, why do they need them at all?

Wrong question.

Here's the question we should ask. Who are we to tell any country they can't have them?

You see, I have always found it amazing that the United States, the ONLY COUNTRY IN HISTORY to have used atomic weapons on human beings, has the nerve to tell any other country it can't have nuclear technology.
Looks like the deal won't be approved. Relations with Saudis and Israel has worsened drastically. So it means we have no allies in the Middle East anymore?
That's the perfect time to recognize ISIS as a legit state.
Great, the so-called deal doesn't stop any of that. Iran will have nuclear weapons with or without the deal. BUT, under the deal they also get billions of dollars from us and get the sanctions lifted.

the deal accomplished nothing except getting them nuclear capabilities sooner.

The "deal" reached to prevent Iran from using its nuclear program to secretly build weapons will hinge on the most intrusive international monitoring system ever devised by the U.N. nuclear watchdog to detect cheating.

July 14, 2015

Iran nuke deal depends on most intrusive inspection system ever

WASHINGTON - The success of the historic accord reached Tuesday to prevent Iran from using its nuclear program to secretly build weapons will hinge on the most intrusive international monitoring system ever devised by the U.N. nuclear watchdog to detect cheating.

Designed to scrutinize every part of Tehran’s program, the system will rely on scores of U.N. inspectors, satellite imagery and intelligence from the United States and other nations. Remote cameras, tamper-proof seals and other sensing devices would send encrypted data from Iranian nuclear facilities, including sites that have been off-limits, via the Internet to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s headquarters in Austria.

“We’re not talking about Game of Thrones wax seals on parchment,” said Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, a group that funds nuclear arms control initiatives. “These are fiber optic seals that, if tampered with, will transmit a signal instantaneously back to IAEA headquarters.”

The 159-page agreement struck after two years of negotiations goes so far as even to set restrictions – police by the IAEA – on the capacity of the boxes in which technicians, their hands sheathed in attached protective gloves, handle nuclear materials.

“This deal is not built on trust; it’s built on verification”

Read more here: Iran nuke deal depends on most intrusive inspection system ever

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