Obama on fiscal cliff: Congress, 'I WARNED YOU'

Your statement neglects the economic reality of how much money letting the tax cuts on the wealthy expire will actually bring in. It's enough money to run the government for approximately 8 days. So how do we NOT cut entitlements and still stay solvent?

I'm sorry, Occupied but I can only laugh at the inability of people like yourself to employ simple math skills and figure out that what Barry just sold you in the last election cycle is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

The only question at this point is who or what progressives will blame for having to come back asking for more taxes or a higher debt ceiling less than a year after getting their increased taxes on the wealthy?

We will likely see a revenue increase of over a trillion dollars, 8 days? I think you need to take another look at your math.

I hate to burst your progressive bubble, Occupied but the New York Times is estimating that the tax increase would bring in approx. 850 billion OVER TEN YEARS! That's 85 billion per year. Right now we are spending about 10.46 billion per day to run the government. Do the math...

I'm curious...did you REALLY not know this? Or are you just feigning ignorance on the topic?

That's a low end estimate but it's beside the point, Republicans were in a fever to lower the deficit but had so many sacred cows that it was all just an attack on entitlement spending, Democrats on the other hand have no forbidden areas in this deficit cutting fight. It seems that in this case the democrats are willing to go a lot further to reduce the deficit, medicare/aid going to take a hit, food stamps, farm subsidies, unemployment, government employees, all are going to be cut by similar amounts to the tax hikes, are those just as insignificant and useless too?
People like Occupied are why Barack Obama will still be sitting in the Oval Office come Feb.

I don't know whether to be amused or scared to death by the level of ignorance surrounding this topic coming from progressives like him. It's amazing stuff to behold.

Take another shot of your breakfast whiskey and calm the hell down. Republicans started this deficit reduction battle and some pretty good stuff for seniors and the poor is going to be cut deeply, excuse me if I have no pity left for the plight of the wealthy, it's not like they were creating jobs in first place. If you are closer to the bottom than the top as most of us are I would be a lot more concerned about the entitlement cuts than any tax hike.
We will likely see a revenue increase of over a trillion dollars, 8 days? I think you need to take another look at your math.

I hate to burst your progressive bubble, Occupied but the New York Times is estimating that the tax increase would bring in approx. 850 billion OVER TEN YEARS! That's 85 billion per year. Right now we are spending about 10.46 billion per day to run the government. Do the math...

I'm curious...did you REALLY not know this? Or are you just feigning ignorance on the topic?

That's a low end estimate but it's beside the point, Republicans were in a fever to lower the deficit but had so many sacred cows that it was all just an attack on entitlement spending, Democrats on the other hand have no forbidden areas in this deficit cutting fight. It seems that in this case the democrats are willing to go a lot further to reduce the deficit, medicare/aid going to take a hit, food stamps, farm subsidies, unemployment, government employees, all are going to be cut by similar amounts to the tax hikes, are those just as insignificant and useless too?

So The New York Times is low balling the estimate? LOL Sure, Occupied...

The "point" is that you just busted my chops about my math and the truth is...you didn't have a clue what you were talking about.

So now that we've established that I was pretty much spot on about the Obama tax hikes on the wealthy only generating (at best) enough money to run the government for 8 days...did you want to take a stab at telling us what entitlements that Democrats are going to cut in return for those tax raises that won't really increase revenues more than a drop in the bucket?

Because despite all the soaring rhetoric about mean ole' rich people...what's REALLY breaking our budget is runaway entitlement spending...and we haven't even begun to pay for ObamaCare and Nancy Pelosi is still holding fast that entitlements are not on the table.
Again fuck the bastard. May he rot in hell.
Why are you shatting on CITIZEN Romney? Hasn't the poor bastard suffered enough already?


Dude you're barking up the wrong tree, obama romney what is the fucking difference?
Only your raw, unadulterated hatred...for Obama.

"My way or the highway" isnt going to go over too well. Compromise requires both parties to give something. What is Obama prepared to give on?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Does it really matter?????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w894xqReOdo]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]​
The Democrat plan is to scream about tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and paying their fair share while promising to talk about entitlement reform after the next presidential election.
That The Rabbi will give us what we need to build a coalition and strike back.

We are not strong enough right now to withstand holding back the middle-class tax breaks.

If we let them do that without us after the first of the year (enough pubs will break to join them in the House), the enemy will feast on the national body of the GOP right up to elections in 2014.
That The Rabbi will give us what we need to build a coalition and strike back.

We are not strong enough right now to withstand holding back the middle-class tax breaks.

If we let them do that without us after the first of the year (enough pubs will break to join them in the House), the enemy will feast on the national body of the GOP right up to elections in 2014.

There's already a political party that wants to redistribute wealth, I think you should join them
Frank, what you want and what you get ain't the same.

We will lose the 2014 elections if the GOP misplays this.
To second what occupied and to say that there is a world of difference between 'poor' in a well-off area and 'poor' in a poor area. Sounds like the people you see are 'poor' in a wealthy area. Probably why the people who live in wealthy areas think that there is no other kind of poor people but those with their hands out.

Right, my house is 450 sqft, we are really well off. I live in a rual area, there are a few out here that are well off, but mostly lower middle class, hell maybe I'm poor and need a dem to tell me.

Your house, if it is square, is 21.2 ft on a side? Please send a picture. How many is this 'we'?

The numbers from the other post are, of course, from wiki. List of lowest-income counties in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I kind of regretted posting the numbers because in a way it takes away from the human side of poverty.

We are just 2 and the exterior measurement are 20' X 24' with 2" X 6" walls, I buit it myself with the exceptions of the well and septic system. The good part is I own it, no mortage, well the county gets their share come tax time. And no I won't post a photo.
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We will likely see a revenue increase of over a trillion dollars, 8 days? I think you need to take another look at your math.

I hate to burst your progressive bubble, Occupied but the New York Times is estimating that the tax increase would bring in approx. 850 billion OVER TEN YEARS! That's 85 billion per year. Right now we are spending about 10.46 billion per day to run the government. Do the math...

I'm curious...did you REALLY not know this? Or are you just feigning ignorance on the topic?

That's a low end estimate but it's beside the point, Republicans were in a fever to lower the deficit but had so many sacred cows that it was all just an attack on entitlement spending, Democrats on the other hand have no forbidden areas in this deficit cutting fight. It seems that in this case the democrats are willing to go a lot further to reduce the deficit, medicare/aid going to take a hit, food stamps, farm subsidies, unemployment, government employees, all are going to be cut by similar amounts to the tax hikes, are those just as insignificant and useless too?

Really? Are you aware of the letter signed by 38 dem senators that say they won't consider any cuts in medicare, medicade or social security, now or in the future? If you think the dems don't have their own sacred cows your delusional.
"My way or the highway" isnt going to go over too well. Compromise requires both parties to give something. What is Obama prepared to give on?

Entitlements, shit head.

Read the news, sans Fox.

Really so let me get this right. we are suppose to give Obama what he wants now on Taxes, based on his word that he will consider some cuts to MC 10 years from now?


Obama is not willing to compromise on anything, and any fucking idiot saying he is, is a brainwashed fucking lemming.
Frank, what you want and what you get ain't the same.

We will lose the 2014 elections if the GOP misplays this.

You are living in a dream world if you think there is any play the GOP can make that will be a positive for them. Obama is going to get exactly what he wants, and be able to Blame the GOP for all of it. Because apparently well more than Half the American people are fucking Blind idiots.
Frank, what you want and what you get ain't the same.

We will lose the 2014 elections if the GOP misplays this.

You are living in a dream world if you think there is any play the GOP can make that will be a positive for them. Obama is going to get exactly what he wants, and be able to Blame the GOP for all of it. Because apparently well more than Half the American people are fucking Blind idiots.

Apparently the New World Order ain't what you thought it would be. So sad. :(

Regards from Rosie
People like Occupied are why Barack Obama will still be sitting in the Oval Office come Feb.

I don't know whether to be amused or scared to death by the level of ignorance surrounding this topic coming from progressives like him. It's amazing stuff to behold.

Take another shot of your breakfast whiskey and calm the hell down. Republicans started this deficit reduction battle and some pretty good stuff for seniors and the poor is going to be cut deeply, excuse me if I have no pity left for the plight of the wealthy, it's not like they were creating jobs in first place. If you are closer to the bottom than the top as most of us are I would be a lot more concerned about the entitlement cuts than any tax hike.

You are just a brainwashed idiot who can't answer the real question.

If we give you what you want, and raise taxes on the so called rich, It pays for 9 days of Obama's spending.

So WTF is your plan to actually fix things?

Oh wait, nm, We all know you don't fucking have one. Your plan is to agree to what ever Obama wants, Give him credit for anything good that happens, and blame the GOP for all the bad.

because you are a worthless partisan hack.
Moderate Republicans lost in 2008

Moderate Republicans lost in 2012

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein

Insanity: listening to Jake Starkey -- CrusaderFrank
Frank, what you want and what you get ain't the same.

We will lose the 2014 elections if the GOP misplays this.

You are living in a dream world if you think there is any play the GOP can make that will be a positive for them. Obama is going to get exactly what he wants, and be able to Blame the GOP for all of it. Because apparently well more than Half the American people are fucking Blind idiots.

Apparently the New World Order ain't what you thought it would be. So sad. :(

Regards from Rosie

Do you think you are cute or something? Do you ever actually add anything to a debate or do you just make snarky little comments like an immature idiot?

I am perfectly willing to see tax Rates go up on the Rich, But I want you to explain to be what Obama's plan is to make up for the other 1.4 Trillion dollars in Deficit that Raising Taxes on the Rich will not close?

Why am I bother to ask you? You are incapable of independent thought, that much is clear.
Moderate Republicans lost in 2008

Moderate Republicans lost in 2012

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein

Insanity: listening to Jake Starkey -- CrusaderFrank

Mind telling us how the Conservative tea Party Candidates for Senate and House did in 2008, 2010, and 2012? Sorry frank I am a conservative and I think you are fucking Blind. Romney didn't lose because he was to Moderate, he lost because Obama painted him as a right wing fucking loon, and it worked. Period.

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