Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

News from The Associated Press

Uh....hey Cracka Ass.....mind yo own bidness.
There is another thread on this. Mods, please merge so we can focus our hate for Obama into a single hate filled thread. Thanks in advance.
Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

News from The Associated Press

While the government is shut down and we are nearing a fiscal calamity, this fuckstick finds time to worry about the Washington Redskins' name.

He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?
Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

News from The Associated Press

Uh....hey Cracka Ass.....mind yo own bidness.

Oh jimmnie Christmas..

Where does the madness end.

People should worry about their families in their own homes and screw everyone else outside the family

Fences make good neighbors

They could be called the Washington Homo's and it would not bother me the least

Well let's come up with some new names for the team formerly known as the Redskins.

1. "Teabagger slayers". No one of worth about would get offended.
2. "Redcoats" instead of Redskins. No doubt this is offensive to some as well.
3. Just rename the team "Trayvon".
4. "One party rule" because in Washington there is really just one party and they are all having a big party wtih no credit limit.
Well let's come up with some new names for the team formerly known as the Redskins.

1. "Teabagger slayers". No one of worth about would get offended.
2. "Redcoats" instead of Redskins. No doubt this is offensive to some as well.
3. Just rename the team "Trayvon".
4. "One party rule" because in Washington there is really just one party and they are all having a big party wtih no credit limit.

The Washington Liberals

Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, said team names such as the Redskins offend "a sizable group of people." He said that while fans get attached to the names, nostalgia may not be a good enough reason to keep them in place.

News from The Associated Press

Uh....hey Cracka Ass.....mind yo own bidness.

But he prefaced the comment with "if he owned the team".
He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

The link doesn't have it.....who asked the question and how was it phrased?

Here's the transcript:

Transcript: AP Interview With President Obama | KRWG

Q: If I could just ask you one last question on something that's not politically related, but is getting a lot of attention in Washington -- the name of the Washington Redskins football team. There is a lot of people who say it's time to change the name of that team, considering that it's insulting to many Native Americans. What's your position on that?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, Julie, obviously, people get pretty attached to team names, mascots. I don't think there are any Redskins fans that mean offense. I've got to say that if I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team -- even if it had a storied history -- that was offending a sizeable group of people, I'd think about changing it.
He was asked a question, he answered it. He gave the most non-committal, safe answer he possibly could have given.

What exactly are you guys "outraged" about?

The link doesn't have it.....who asked the question and how was it phrased?

Here's the transcript:

Transcript: AP Interview With President Obama | KRWG

Q: If I could just ask you one last question on something that's not politically related, but is getting a lot of attention in Washington -- the name of the Washington Redskins football team. There is a lot of people who say it's time to change the name of that team, considering that it's insulting to many Native Americans. What's your position on that?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, Julie, obviously, people get pretty attached to team names, mascots. I don't think there are any Redskins fans that mean offense. I've got to say that if I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team -- even if it had a storied history -- that was offending a sizeable group of people, I'd think about changing it.

Just a dude giving his opinion....as non-committal as it may be.
Which is fine. he's not the owner and he knows it's not his call to make
The link doesn't have it.....who asked the question and how was it phrased?

Here's the transcript:

Transcript: AP Interview With President Obama | KRWG

Q: If I could just ask you one last question on something that's not politically related, but is getting a lot of attention in Washington -- the name of the Washington Redskins football team. There is a lot of people who say it's time to change the name of that team, considering that it's insulting to many Native Americans. What's your position on that?

THE PRESIDENT: You know, Julie, obviously, people get pretty attached to team names, mascots. I don't think there are any Redskins fans that mean offense. I've got to say that if I were the owner of the team and I knew that there was a name of my team -- even if it had a storied history -- that was offending a sizeable group of people, I'd think about changing it.

Just a dude giving his opinion....as non-committal as it may be.
Which is fine. he's not the owner and he knows it's not his call to make

Maybe he will send Holder and his goons over like he did in Florida. You know, fire the Coach and the arrest the owner :eek:


Just a dude giving his opinion....as non-committal as it may be.
Which is fine. he's not the owner and he knows it's not his call to make

Maybe he will send Holder and his goons over like he did in Florida. You know, fire the Coach and the arrest the owner :eek:


A better ending would be for Condi Rice to buy the team

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