Obama or Putin?

Who is the better leader?

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Putin is also banning Russians from leaving the country. What a great leader.

Controlling Russians Through Travel Bans


And if I were in Russia, I'd object. Sadly, he's still much better than a guy who insists on arming the enemy.

Be specific...... Putin dictator is better than Hitler or Saddam?
How so? I'm not the one desperately trying to prove Putin's popularity, that would be you, chief.

10-3 is clear to me. You reek of desperation.

10-3 is clear of what, exactly? That people like Steve McGarrett, Shootspeeders, Dark Furry and BriPart represent a majority of USMB? I think that should shame half the mods, it has no representation on the views of our country, to think so is the epitome of desparation.

Just the same, you're promoting Putin.

I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

And this represents the future. Talk about we being fucked. Jeez.
How so? I'm not the one desperately trying to prove Putin's popularity, that would be you, chief.

10-3 is clear to me. You reek of desperation.

10-3 is clear of what, exactly? That people like Steve McGarrett, Shootspeeders, Dark Furry and BriPart represent a majority of USMB? I think that should shame half the mods, it has no representation on the views of our country, to think so is the epitome of desparation.

Just the same, you're promoting Putin.

I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

And this represents the future. Talk about we being fucked. Jeez.

It represents cherry picked interviews of stupid people on the street, nothing more.
This thread was successfully derailed by trolls.

Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
What hatred Charred? I am not the one spewing hatred. I am not the one who disrespects the Constitution of the U.S. and the Flag it represents. I am not the one who engages in demagoguery and propaganda to push for the erosion of our rights. It is you who hates America so your stupid post makes no sense. Do what you got to do to promote your lies. You stand for nothing, you are a liar. You are an uninformed idiot who doesn't have a clue how and on what principles this country was founded. You are an ignorant imbecile trolling. Hahaha...

Tell me where I lied. I am a patriotic American standing against aggressors and traitors dog like you. That is what I stand for.
You what do you represent? Hatred to your fellow Americans. Dude you are disgusting.
I want you prove it to me where I lied.
hahaha.. Calm down liar.... hahaha... check your cooling system before you reach total meltdown. So, people who uphold the Constitution are traitors and those who piss on it like you, are the patriots... What are you taking? You are whacked out real good, take a nap.
Putin or Obama?

Without a doubt Putin is a better President than Obama.

Putin is a nationalist who loves his country and people and is straightforward and reliable with his allies.

In contrast, Barack Obama is a weak, indecisive nobody who never should have been elected in the first place!

Since election he has proven to be a complete disaster for America and the world.

We hope he does not inflict more damage before leaving!

Worst President ever, a complete and utter disgrace! :mad-61:
10-3 is clear to me. You reek of desperation.

10-3 is clear of what, exactly? That people like Steve McGarrett, Shootspeeders, Dark Furry and BriPart represent a majority of USMB? I think that should shame half the mods, it has no representation on the views of our country, to think so is the epitome of desparation.

Just the same, you're promoting Putin.

I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

And this represents the future. Talk about we being fucked. Jeez.

It represents cherry picked interviews of stupid people on the street, nothing more.

It represents the average American.

Try it yourself. The vast majority of those that vote have no clue what they are voting for. We have it good in this country - so good in fact that people are fine with virtually ignoring the political system altogether. Those same people could probably have listed the top 2 quarterbacks in the NFL though...

This nation has a problem with priorities.
Find it disgusting that members here that try and pretend they are Americans would side with a war criminal over their own President...

You may have disagreements with Obama on certain issues but Putin is one top class piece of scum... He kills political dissidents... Kills innocent civilians and targets innocent civilians...

Now some of ye have gone so far down the wormhole you can't see how wrong you are... But I suggest any time you speak at anything or address a law enforcement person that you be fair and tell them your name and you support war criminals....

You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

Since when did Putin become a war criminal considering he's never been in a fucking war? One military action in Georgia as compared to the USA?

Mmmm? Let's see how much shit has Obama been involved in? Assisting in overthrowing Mubarak to install the Muslim Brotherhood.

Gee. That worked out swell didn't it? Then Libya. Completely FUBAR'ED now.

Still trying to overthrow Assad. How many have died and been displaced?

Oh and the Ukraine. Overthrowing a duly elected President and his government.

Obama should be brought before Le Hague and sentenced to life in prison along with Clinton for the shit they have pulled.

From what we've learned about Iraq you can throw in GW too.
A few someones have major butthurt that Putin is liked more than Obama. lol

Too funny.:lol:

What do you like about Putin? How he stands up to the press?
He loves his country. I admire that. Even if they are considered "the enemy". If we had a POTUS like Putin, we would admire him, right? So Russians admire Putin for the same reason. And I do as well because he puts his country first.

He also is a man and acts like one. Secure in himself, strong, a leader. MAN. Not a pussy boy.

Pussy? Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions, install missile system (EIS) right next to Putin ass, last June military exercise right at the border with Russia. Is that what you call it pussy?
Did Pootin did something to counter act? Nothing. Because he is scared.

Let's see.

Crimea asked for help and Putin repatriated the country back to Russia.

Oh and Putin being fed up with Obama's bullshit so called bombing in Syria decided to go in and kick some ISIS ass.

At least Putin has skin in this game with ISIS whereas Obama just wanted ISIS and AQ al Nusra to overthrow Assad and install ANOTHER Muslim Brotherhood government.
This thread was successfully derailed by trolls.

Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
What hatred Charred? I am not the one spewing hatred. I am not the one who disrespects the Constitution of the U.S. and the Flag it represents. I am not the one who engages in demagoguery and propaganda to push for the erosion of our rights. It is you who hates America so your stupid post makes no sense. Do what you got to do to promote your lies. You stand for nothing, you are a liar. You are an uninformed idiot who doesn't have a clue how and on what principles this country was founded. You are an ignorant imbecile trolling. Hahaha...

Tell me where I lied. I am a patriotic American standing against aggressors and traitors dog like you. That is what I stand for.
You what do you represent? Hatred to your fellow Americans. Dude you are disgusting.
I want you prove it to me where I lied.
hahaha.. Calm down liar.... hahaha... check your cooling system before you reach total meltdown. So, people who uphold the Constitution are traitors and those who piss on it like you, are the patriots... What are you taking? You are whacked out real good, take a nap.

You are ignorant moron......... I need you to prove me where I lied. Asshole.
10-3 is clear of what, exactly? That people like Steve McGarrett, Shootspeeders, Dark Furry and BriPart represent a majority of USMB? I think that should shame half the mods, it has no representation on the views of our country, to think so is the epitome of desparation.

Just the same, you're promoting Putin.

I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

And this represents the future. Talk about we being fucked. Jeez.

It represents cherry picked interviews of stupid people on the street, nothing more.

It represents the average American.

Try it yourself. The vast majority of those that vote have no clue what they are voting for. We have it good in this country - so good in fact that people are fine with virtually ignoring the political system altogether. Those same people could probably have listed the top 2 quarterbacks in the NFL though...

This nation has a problem with priorities.

Cherry picking interviews to demonstrate how stupid Americans are is doing nothing but convincing stupid Americans that Americans are stupid.
A few someones have major butthurt that Putin is liked more than Obama. lol

Too funny.:lol:

What do you like about Putin? How he stands up to the press?
He loves his country. I admire that. Even if they are considered "the enemy". If we had a POTUS like Putin, we would admire him, right? So Russians admire Putin for the same reason. And I do as well because he puts his country first.

He also is a man and acts like one. Secure in himself, strong, a leader. MAN. Not a pussy boy.

Pussy? Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions, install missile system (EIS) right next to Putin ass, last June military exercise right at the border with Russia. Is that what you call it pussy?
Did Pootin did something to counter act? Nothing. Because he is scared.

Let's see.

Crimea asked for help and Putin repatriated the country back to Russia.

Oh and Putin being fed up with Obama's bullshit so called bombing in Syria decided to go in and kick some ISIS ass.

At least Putin has skin in this game with ISIS whereas Obama just wanted ISIS and AQ al Nusra to overthrow Assad and install ANOTHER Muslim Brotherhood government.

Putin went to Syria for one reason only. Protect Assad and bomb his enemies, many of whom were also fighting against ISIS.
I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

And this represents the future. Talk about we being fucked. Jeez.

It represents cherry picked interviews of stupid people on the street, nothing more.

It represents the average American.

Try it yourself. The vast majority of those that vote have no clue what they are voting for. We have it good in this country - so good in fact that people are fine with virtually ignoring the political system altogether. Those same people could probably have listed the top 2 quarterbacks in the NFL though...

This nation has a problem with priorities.

Cherry picking interviews to demonstrate how stupid Americans are is doing nothing but convincing stupid Americans that Americans are stupid.

That is why I said try it yourself. I have and I was surprised and saddened by the results.
A few someones have major butthurt that Putin is liked more than Obama. lol

Too funny.:lol:

What do you like about Putin? How he stands up to the press?
He loves his country. I admire that. Even if they are considered "the enemy". If we had a POTUS like Putin, we would admire him, right? So Russians admire Putin for the same reason. And I do as well because he puts his country first.

He also is a man and acts like one. Secure in himself, strong, a leader. MAN. Not a pussy boy.

Pussy? Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions, install missile system (EIS) right next to Putin ass, last June military exercise right at the border with Russia. Is that what you call it pussy?
Did Pootin did something to counter act? Nothing. Because he is scared.

Let's see.

Crimea asked for help and Putin repatriated the country back to Russia.

Oh and Putin being fed up with Obama's bullshit so called bombing in Syria decided to go in and kick some ISIS ass.

At least Putin has skin in this game with ISIS whereas Obama just wanted ISIS and AQ al Nusra to overthrow Assad and install ANOTHER Muslim Brotherhood government.

1. Russia invaded Ukraine. Period. That is why Obama slap him with crippling sanctions.
2. People of Syria are tired of dictatorship. Either we get involved or not civil war is inevitable.
3. Putin goal in Syria is to make sure Assad remain in power. Assad support terrorism murdering his own people with the help of Putin. Putin entered Syria Sept. 15. with the goal to eliminate ISIS in Syria. One year later ISIS still in Syria. ISIS Continue to produce oil by the millions of gallons selling it to Syria.
Tell me again what is Putin thug accomplishment in Syria? Except murdering civilians. Putin and Assad should be charge of war crimes. Try again.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months
This thread was successfully derailed by trolls.

Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
What hatred Charred? I am not the one spewing hatred. I am not the one who disrespects the Constitution of the U.S. and the Flag it represents. I am not the one who engages in demagoguery and propaganda to push for the erosion of our rights. It is you who hates America so your stupid post makes no sense. Do what you got to do to promote your lies. You stand for nothing, you are a liar. You are an uninformed idiot who doesn't have a clue how and on what principles this country was founded. You are an ignorant imbecile trolling. Hahaha...

Tell me where I lied. I am a patriotic American standing against aggressors and traitors dog like you. That is what I stand for.
You what do you represent? Hatred to your fellow Americans. Dude you are disgusting.
I want you prove it to me where I lied.
hahaha.. Calm down liar.... hahaha... check your cooling system before you reach total meltdown. So, people who uphold the Constitution are traitors and those who piss on it like you, are the patriots... What are you taking? You are whacked out real good, take a nap.

You are ignorant moron......... I need you to prove me where I lied. Asshole.
Calm down lying troll.
That does not excuse you from being a traitor. Move to Russia.

You support an islamofascist. I don't know that you were ever a proud American to call you a traitor; but you ain't on the side of good.

Where in my piss that I show support to any of your moronic bullshit.
I am very patriotic American a defender from people like you. You and your buddy is nothing but traitor trash. Are you even an American? Or Russian.
That does not excuse you from being a traitor. Move to Russia.

You support an islamofascist. I don't know that you were ever a proud American to call you a traitor; but you ain't on the side of good.

Where in my piss that I show support to any of your moronic bullshit.
I am very patriotic American a defender from people like you. You and your buddy is nothing but traitor trash. Are you even an American? Or Russian.

Spare me, islamofascist.
That does not excuse you from being a traitor. Move to Russia.

You support an islamofascist. I don't know that you were ever a proud American to call you a traitor; but you ain't on the side of good.

Where in my piss that I show support to any of your moronic bullshit.
I am very patriotic American a defender from people like you. You and your buddy is nothing but traitor trash. Are you even an American? Or Russian.
I'd rather get shitfaced with an honest Russian than with a lying POS like you...any time...
That does not excuse you from being a traitor. Move to Russia.

You support an islamofascist. I don't know that you were ever a proud American to call you a traitor; but you ain't on the side of good.

Where in my piss that I show support to any of your moronic bullshit.
I am very patriotic American a defender from people like you. You and your buddy is nothing but traitor trash. Are you even an American? Or Russian.

They are Russian wannabes.

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