Obama or Putin?

Who is the better leader?

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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
Traitors? Traitors are Democrats, they keep ruining their own country. Look what they've done to the areas which they control in USA and you'll see who the real traitors are.

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Conservatives have seriously lost their fucking mind picking two bit authoritarian over POTUS.

Careful what you wish for politico chumps, because before you know it you just may get your very own Putin in the White House.
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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
Traitors? Traitors are Democrats. Look what they've done to the areas which they control in USA and you'll see who the real traitors are.

View attachment 88692

What is Detroit has anything to do with your bullshit?
Dude you are an immigrant here..... where you earn a living to feed yourself. Why don't you go back to your shit hole where you came from.
As I told you previouslyIf I know several Russians and they love and respect this country.
YOU should behave asshole.
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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
Traitors? Traitors are Democrats. Look what they've done to the areas which they control in USA and you'll see who the real traitors are.

View attachment 88692

Lessons from obvious ignoramus and liar? No thanks.

Ignorance: Detroit had all it's eggs in one economic basket which croaked as globalization and stiff competition in automobile manufacturing was happening. It didn't really matter who was in office down there, their sunny days were numbered.

Lying: Democrats are in charge of just about all most densely populated metropolitan areas in United States



to cherry pick specifically one, out of hundreds of cities, that is in economic decline is cherry picking that is at a level of lying...though maybe you actually do believe such blatant bullshit and I'm giving your intelligence too much credit.
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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
Traitors? Traitors are Democrats. Look what they've done to the areas which they control in USA and you'll see who the real traitors are.

View attachment 88692

What is Detroit has anything to do with your bullshit?
Dude you are an immigrant here..... where you earn a living to feed yourself. Why don't you go back to your shit hole where you came from.
As I told you previouslyIf I know several Russians and they love and respect this country.
YOU should behave asshole.

Seriously, if Putin has made Russia so fucking great, go pack up and move back to that Democrat free paradise.

The economy is on track for its longest recession in almost two decades after low oil prices pummeled public finances, prompting spending cutbacks by the government and forcing the central bank to allow the ruble to trade freely. While the International Monetary Fund forecasts GDP will return to growth in 2017 with a gain of 1 percent, President Vladimir Putin has warned that the economy will stagnate near zero if no new growth drivers are found.

Russian Economy Edges Near End of Recession as Contraction Eases
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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
Traitors? Traitors are Democrats. Look what they've done to the areas which they control in USA and you'll see who the real traitors are.

View attachment 88692

Lessons from obvious ignoramus and liar? No thanks.

Ignorance: Detroit had all it's eggs in one economic basket which croaked as globalization and stiff competition in automobile manufacturing was happening. It didn't really matter who was in office down there, their sunny days were numbered.

Lying: Democrats are in charge of just about all most densely populated metropolitan areas in United States

to cherry pick specifically one, out of hundreds of cities, that is in economic decline is cherry picking that is at a level of lying...though maybe you actually do believe such blatant bullshit and I'm giving your intelligence too much credit.

10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level

1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) not since 1984
Cleveland, OH - (4th) not since 1989
Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949
El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908
Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952
Newark, NJ - (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats....... Yet they are still POOR.
What do you like about Putin? How he stands up to the press?
He loves his country. I admire that. Even if they are considered "the enemy". If we had a POTUS like Putin, we would admire him, right? So Russians admire Putin for the same reason. And I do as well because he puts his country first.

He also is a man and acts like one. Secure in himself, strong, a leader. MAN. Not a pussy boy.

Pussy? Really? I mean REALLY?
Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions, install missile system (EIS) right next to Putin ass, last June military exercise right at the border with Russia. Is that what you call it pussy?
Did Pootin did something to counter act? Nothing. Because he is scared.

Here is Obama bitch slapping the midget:

Russian Economy Edges Near End of Recession as Contraction Eases


Putin wants a fight because he is hoping that no one notices how bad he has run his economy...
Barry don't know jack shit… LOL

Or in other graph (more representative)

View attachment 88691

You problem is Bush drove the bus over the cliff. On top of deficit problems, he had rampant jobs losses, banking crisis and GOP who want nothing to do in helping the country......

As usual, it took a little bit of time this time, but Democrats clean up GOP mess... And what is your answer? Well you didn't fix it up quick enough....

Well next time don't fuck it up so badly...
The problem Started long before Bush probably right around the Woodrow Wilson era, deficit is a meaningless word. Debt is the keyword right now we have been paying the debt with more debt for decades, if you are in the red you're in debt deficits mean nothing. Socialist entitlement programs is where the real debt is at. And like a Richter scale we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. The only chart needed it is red or black the career politicians federal government has been in the red for a very long time and have not even come close to being in the black.
The problem Started long before Bush probably right around the Woodrow Wilson era, deficit is a meaningless word. Debt is the keyword

This just in - Debt is actually a function of annual deficits.

WOOT? How crazy! Can you believe it?
A few someones have major butthurt that Putin is liked more than Obama. lol

Too funny.:lol:

What do you like about Putin? How he stands up to the press?
He loves his country. I admire that. Even if they are considered "the enemy". If we had a POTUS like Putin, we would admire him, right? So Russians admire Putin for the same reason. And I do as well because he puts his country first.

He also is a man and acts like one. Secure in himself, strong, a leader. MAN. Not a pussy boy.

You don't think Obama loves his country? Obama loves his country more, like every other President that we have more freedoms, more economic capital and more success than your average Russian citizens. I have no idea why anyone would want to live in Russia over the US or would want to live in a country run by someone like Putin where you're only allowed to say so much.

Putin represents everything America is better than.

But that's not any thanks to Obama, tbh. That's just the moral backbone that keeps his sorry ass in check.

Russia's population is declining both from birth and migrations. About 350k Russians left the country in 2015 for better life, Putin is facing a brain drain crisis, you cannot even protest, no political opponents.............. What a fuck up leadership. But he is worth $200 billions.

Putin Faces Growing Exodus as Russia's Banking, Tech Pros Flee

Sounds like he's very Clintonian.
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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
What hatred Charred? I am not the one spewing hatred. I am not the one who disrespects the Constitution of the U.S. and the Flag it represents. I am not the one who engages in demagoguery and propaganda to push for the erosion of our rights. It is you who hates America so your stupid post makes no sense. Do what you got to do to promote your lies. You stand for nothing, you are a liar. You are an uninformed idiot who doesn't have a clue how and on what principles this country was founded. You are an ignorant imbecile trolling. Hahaha...
How so? I'm not the one desperately trying to prove Putin's popularity, that would be you, chief.

10-3 is clear to me. You reek of desperation.

10-3 is clear of what, exactly? That people like Steve McGarrett, Shootspeeders, Dark Furry and BriPart represent a majority of USMB? I think that should shame half the mods, it has no representation on the views of our country, to think so is the epitome of desparation.

Just the same, you're promoting Putin.

I could go out on the street and find similar results. Anyhow, don't shed too many tears.
You might very well be able to do so. How do you think that this bolsters your argument though?

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Well well well defcon. With your hatred im not surprised you are part of traitor group.
What hatred Charred? I am not the one spewing hatred. I am not the one who disrespects the Constitution of the U.S. and the Flag it represents. I am not the one who engages in demagoguery and propaganda to push for the erosion of our rights. It is you who hates America so your stupid post makes no sense. Do what you got to do to promote your lies. You stand for nothing, you are a liar. You are an uninformed idiot who doesn't have a clue how and on what principles this country was founded. You are an ignorant imbecile trolling. Hahaha...

Tell me where I lied. I am a patriotic American standing against aggressors and traitors dog like you. That is what I stand for.
You what do you represent? Hatred to your fellow Americans. Dude you are disgusting.
I want you prove it to me where I lied.

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