Obama or Putin?

Who is the better leader?

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For eight years people said Obama would be a communist dictator. Eight years later and they love the communist dictator because he's not Obama. The right wing has gone ape shit retarded.
For eight years people said Obama would be a communist dictator. Eight years later and they love the communist dictator because he's not Obama. The right wing has gone ape shit retarded.

Yea, they were under the faulty impression that he had balls and not ovaries.
For eight years people said Obama would be a communist dictator. Eight years later and they love the communist dictator because he's not Obama. The right wing has gone ape shit retarded.
I never heard so much cock sucking of Pootin by so called Americans in my life, next to the American Nazi and Communist Party members, uhhuhu, I said member...

The full name of Adolf Hitler's party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National-Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). The shorthand Nazi was formed from the first two syllables of the German pronunciation of the word "national" (IPA: [na-tsi̯-o-ˈnaːl]).
For eight years people said Obama would be a communist dictator. Eight years later and they love the communist dictator because he's not Obama. The right wing has gone ape shit retarded.
I never heard so much cock sucking of Pootin by so called Americans in my life, next to the American Nazi and Communist Party members, uhhuhu, I said member...

I think the official name for these cock suckers is now Trump Republicans.

If Obama or Clinton had the same complimentary relationship with Putin then they'd be called up for treason by wingnuts. Wait, I mean they'd be called up again.

The full name of Adolf Hitler's party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National-Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). The shorthand Nazi was formed from the first two syllables of the German pronunciation of the word "national" (IPA: [na-tsi̯-o-ˈnaːl]).

Yeah, it's still right wing fucknuts who cream for him.

The full name of Adolf Hitler's party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National-Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). The shorthand Nazi was formed from the first two syllables of the German pronunciation of the word "national" (IPA: [na-tsi̯-o-ˈnaːl]).
And how was Hitler first introduced to the party which was already formed when he, should we say, was paid to spy upon?

Your first link is a wiki page about Michael Hastings and you're too much of a pussy to make a direct point about it.

Your second link is from birther central and you're just proving that you really are retarded.
I like Putin. So..if that makes me a traitor....so be it.

Putin has journalists murdered who criticize him. There is nothing about Putin that qualifies him to lead free people. He'd wilt if he had to deal with the criticism that real leaders have to work with.

Who is a better 'leader' is a rather asinine question to ask. Putin is the head of state for a very different nation than the US and there is no way in hell I would want the 'leadership' that Russia has. The comparison between the two makes no sense at all and I have no idea why there are people here that try to do so.

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