Obama orders full review of elections hacking

Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Toda Rudi Guiiani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation and he too shouldn't have had any information. They are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

Checked 3 times, but it's true...

This somehow ended up in Politics instead of Conspiracy Theories.

Go figure
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Toda Rudi Guiiani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation and he too shouldn't have had any information. They are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

Checked 3 times, but it's true...

This somehow ended up in Politics instead of Conspiracy Theories.

Go figure

Are you stupid enough to believe that an executive order is a conspiracy?

"Members of his own party have strongly pointed the finger at Russia, and Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are reportedly leading the charge among Republicans to investigate the hacking, according to The Washington Post, and Graham has told CNN he intends to be unrelenting.

"I'm going after Russia in every way you can go after Russia," Graham told CNN. "I think they're one of the most destabilizing influences on the world stage, I think they did interfere with our elections, and I want Putin personally to pay a price."
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Toda Rudi Guiiani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation and he too shouldn't have had any information. They are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Toda Rudi Guiiani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation and he too shouldn't have had any information. They are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

Checked 3 times, but it's true...

This somehow ended up in Politics instead of Conspiracy Theories.

Go figure

Are you stupid enough to believe that an executive order is a conspiracy?

Are you stupid enough to believe what you posted?

Obama doesn't jump into making decisions?

He jumped into ACA with both feet, and is getting burned.

He jumped into the Stimulus with both feet, and did squat

He jumped into Beergate with both feet, and made a fool of himself

He traded Berdahl for 5 terrorists, and got laughed at.

The list is not endless, but it is lengthy
He leaves office next month, try building some self respect.

as for the EO, what other EOs has he put pen to that has made him a fool?
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Rudi Guiliani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation, and is also a frequent flyer on FOX News.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

And the far left still will refuse to accept, that they are the reason they lost the election.

I guess we will see where this goes, but watching Barack Obama over the last 8 years, someone has had to produce something earth shaking for him to issue an executive order like this.

From what I can gather, they are speculating. They are accusing. The real question will be that even, and I repeat, even were they to find definite proof that Russia hacked something, what will Obama do about it? Draw another red line? I seriously doubt if Putin is quaking in his boots.
The left are so stupid they can't figure out they lost because of their insane hyperbole.

Watching FOX News? They probably have decided not to report on it yet. But your President Elect has decided he won't be busy enough just being President, and has decided to continue being the producer of the T.V. Reality show, the Celebrity Apprentice. According to his physco--babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, who stated that Trump can do this in his "spare time." Maybe, if you're lucky he'll figure out a way to run the Miss Universe contest out of the Oval office too.

I don't know if you're in any way with familiar with the U.S. Constitution, but this is solid grounds for impeachment. A President cannot have a conflict of interest, and I would say this is a conflict of interest.
Donald Trump to continue to be paid as executive producer of new 'Apprentice'
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Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Rudi Guiliani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation, and is also a frequent flyer on FOX News.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

And the far left still will refuse to accept, that they are the reason they lost the election.

I guess we will see where this goes, but watching Barack Obama over the last 8 years, someone has had to produce something earth shaking for him to issue an executive order like this.

From what I can gather, they are speculating. They are accusing. The real question will be that even, and I repeat, even were they to find definite proof that Russia hacked something, what will Obama do about it? Draw another red line? I seriously doubt if Putin is quaking in his boots.

I don't think Obama is doing this for Putin--LOL I think he is going to show that this election was influenced by Russia to get Trump elected.

I found it a little odd that the Kremlin broke out the Champagne bottles on the announcement of Trump winning the election. I doubt that they have done that for too many U.S. Presidents--LOL
Russia shows enthusiasm for Donald Trump's win
I think this is a good idea, they went to Michigan and the Democrats in Michigan said nothing was wrong with the counts. No proof of fraud or tampering so a judge ruled it was pointless. They have found nothing wrong in Wisconsin and Trump increased his vote count.

I think looking into the elections is fine, I worry that Obama and his investigations will turn into witch hunts that just stir up hate, just like Ferguson and Zimmerman.

I don't think they will find huge issues however it won't silence the left wingnuts.
My question is are they going to look at states Clinton won or just states Trump won.
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I wonder what an "executive investigation" entails and what federal agency initiates it. The FBI is still busy trying to figure out the year old terrorist attack in San Bernadino Ca. Maybe Hussein will direct the IRS to investigate since the director is no longer facing impeachment.
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Toda Rudi Guiiani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation and he too shouldn't have had any information. They are both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

Not at all. Why the rush? Because it's DumBam's team right now to make up crap in effort to make Trumps victory illegitimate in the eyes of the public. Of course it will be all a lie, but that's typical for his administration.

What a waste of taxpayer money and time. Putin and his boys were probably sitting at a bar drinking vodka on election night nowhere near a computer, and now they are laughing as DumBama makes the US look like idiots once again.

It just kills you Democrats that you've been beaten by a guy like Donald Trump. With all your insults and belittling of the guy, he beat your pants off and it's driving you batty.
Obama orders an executive investigation into Russia's influence into the 2016 election. Barack Obama is extremely cautious on the decisions he makes. as we have seen over the past 8 years. You literally have to convince him by 110% of something before he'll make a move on anything. Many people have called him slow to react on a lot of things, and have gotten frustrated with him over his pondering.

So something over the last 4 weeks, or since the election, has been produced to him, that has caused him to issue this executive order. What's even more disturbing is he wants this DONE prior to Trump's inauguration.

Obama orders review of Russian election-related hacking - CNNPolitics.com


Something else may be cooking also. Rudi Guiliani suddenly dropped off the list for Trump's Secretary of State today. Guiliani as former mayor of New York, with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, appeared to know about emails on Anthony Weiners laptop (who is being investigated out of the New York FBI office) long before FBI director James Comey did. He shouldn't have had that information. James Kalstrom, former director of the FBI office in New York City, may join this investigation, as he was a big recipient of Trump money into his foundation, and is also a frequent flyer on FOX News.

Huma, Clinton's aid, still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop. Of course Guiliani was Trump's campaign adviser, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So over the next few weeks, this might get kind of interesting.

And the far left still will refuse to accept, that they are the reason they lost the election.

I guess we will see where this goes, but watching Barack Obama over the last 8 years, someone has had to produce something earth shaking for him to issue an executive order like this.

From what I can gather, they are speculating. They are accusing. The real question will be that even, and I repeat, even were they to find definite proof that Russia hacked something, what will Obama do about it? Draw another red line? I seriously doubt if Putin is quaking in his boots.

I don't think Obama is doing this for Putin--LOL I think he is going to show that this election was influenced by Russia to get Trump elected.

I found it a little odd that the Kremlin broke out the Champagne bottles on the announcement of Trump winning the election. I doubt that they have done that for too many U.S. Presidents--LOL
Russia shows enthusiasm for Donald Trump's win

Well, Putin himself said that if Hillary was elected, she would start WWIII. Putin doesn't want war with the United States. Only someone who is insane would want that.
First step toward His nullification of the election and remaining in office under Martial Law until the investigation - which may take decades - is complete?

Consider the "?" before frothing at the mouth.
You DO know what a "?" is, doncha?
Like I say, I don't believe our cyber experts have any proof of the Russian hacking else someone would give that information to CNN to put out there. I don't really believe we have any cyber experts capable of determing who hacked anything at all.
The left are so stupid they can't figure out they lost because of their insane hyperbole.

Watching FOX News? They probably have decided not to report on it yet. But your President Elect has decided he won't be busy enough just being President, and has decided to continue being the producer of the T.V. Reality show, the Celebrity Apprentice. According to his physco--babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, who stated that Trump can do this in his "spare time." Maybe, if you're lucky he'll figure out a way to run the Miss Universe contest out of the Oval office too.

I don't know if you're in any way with familiar with the U.S. Constitution, but this is solid grounds for impeachment. A President cannot have a conflict of interest, and I would say this is a conflict of interest.
Donald Trump to continue to be paid as executive producer of new 'Apprentice'

The man is amazing. He certainly has more energy than anyone that age I know. He's everywhere.

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