Obama orders full review of elections hacking

The left are so stupid they can't figure out they lost because of their insane hyperbole.

Watching FOX News? They probably have decided not to report on it yet. But your President Elect has decided he won't be busy enough just being President, and has decided to continue being the producer of the T.V. Reality show, the Celebrity Apprentice. According to his physco--babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, who stated that Trump can do this in his "spare time." Maybe, if you're lucky he'll figure out a way to run the Miss Universe contest out of the Oval office too.

I don't know if you're in any way with familiar with the U.S. Constitution, but this is solid grounds for impeachment. A President cannot have a conflict of interest, and I would say this is a conflict of interest.
Donald Trump to continue to be paid as executive producer of new 'Apprentice'

The man is amazing. He certainly has more energy than anyone that age I know. He's everywhere.

He's about 15 years older than I am and he has more energy than me. LOL!
You people laughing at Obama and the GOP Senate investigations of Russia tampering of the Dems and possible election process are really dumb fucks.
You folks could care less if a foreign power is attacking your country via a cyber war because this attack may have resulted in your hero's win in November.
One major concern for country is if a foreign power can accomplish what they have accomplished, the US's security is a highly possible target and that is a huge concern to our military.
Now if you still think this is a joke, you fuckers are unpatriotic as hell or unbelievably stupid. Take you pick!

I can't believe these jokers.... If it was Trump that was hacked they would be so out of control for a recount...

If Russia is hacking any software then we need to do something about it...
Once again for the slow stupid and moronic the voting process on election day is NOT hooked up to the internet at all NO ONE can hack it from afar. Further the ONLY proven attempt to hack voting files was the Homeland Security attempt to hack Georgia's files.

Are you really this stupid? Comrade Trump's blind allegiance to Putin has now blinded you.
So you don't like facts ehh.

To hack a voting machine remotely, you might think it has to be plugged in to the Internet. Most voting machines are never plugged directly into the Internet. But all voting machines must accept electronic input files from other computers: these “ballot definition files” tell the vote-counting program which candidates are on the ballot. These files are transferred to the voting machine, before each election, by inserting a cartridge or memory card into the voting machine. These cartridges are prepared on an Election Management System (EMS) computer. If that computer is hacked, then it can prepare fraudulent ballot-definition cartridges. Are those EMS computers ever connected to the Internet? Most of them probably are, from time to time; it’s hard to tell for sure, given the equivocations of many election administrators.

Which voting machines can be hacked through the Internet?
So the the report on Russian hacking is due on January 20 so Stump can't stop it. He will try anything to protect Putin.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

Makes no sense. How do you review this when there is zero indication there was any hacking? Is he going to review the lack of evidence? Or is he just pandering to the ones still crying over the election? This should ensure that they continue to cry 'unfair' forever.

There was evidence of fraud in Michigan where ballots were counted several times. In one box that claimed 306 votes, there were only 50 paper ballots. That is a lot of extra votes per ballot. Shouldn't that be investigated?

SURPRISE! Jill Stein's Recount Just Accidentally Exposed Serious Voter Fraud In...
When did Republicans suddenly decide to worship Putin and Russia?

When they found out he kills journalists and his political enemies?

When they found out he is basically a dictator?

When he invaded neighboring countries?

When they found out he's a racist?

When they found out he forced people to sign over their wealth to him?

When they found out he wants gays dead?

When? The rest of America really wants to know.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

Makes no sense. How do you review this when there is zero indication there was any hacking? Is he going to review the lack of evidence? Or is he just pandering to the ones still crying over the election? This should ensure that they continue to cry 'unfair' forever.

There was evidence of fraud in Michigan where ballots were counted several times. In one box that claimed 306 votes, there were only 50 paper ballots. That is a lot of extra votes per ballot. Shouldn't that be investigated?

SURPRISE! Jill Stein's Recount Just Accidentally Exposed Serious Voter Fraud In...

You RWers never lets facts stand in the way of your lies, do you?
Your heart is so rotten with the "With us or against us" crap that you don't even know what (or who) is "with you" and what is "against you". Let me give you a hint ....... national patriotism has NOTHING to do with it.
So you are that stupid. Thanks for clearing that up.
You are an idiot and you are america's enemy within. You are being voluntarily held ransom like the kid who thinks it's a dishonour to the family to admit to his teacher/police that his father is a violent drunkard .................. and it's the father that is the reason why the kid's body has bruises everywhere.

You think it's a dishonour to admit that your government is ravaging its' own people.

No, it seems it's YOU against the United States as you are blinded by hero worship over country.
"TRUTH" is not a hero. It is a necessity. Whoever provides the truth is a hero of the day. Too bad your own people cannot provide the truth in sufficient quantity. If Trump begins to offer you TRUTH on a daily basis then you have finally found yourself a HERO.
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Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

John McCain and Lindsey Graham both Republicans are insisting that Russia ran a lot of interference on this election, to sway it into Trump's lap. SO THIS IS A BI-PARTISAN EXECUTIVE ORDER--because we have Republicans on the Senate Intelligence committee who are all in agreement, that these leaks most certainly coming from Russia. It's really a no brainer, wiki leaks was only attacking DNC databases, not RNC. They wanted Trump bad, they just didn't cover their tracks very well.

The Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles on the news that Trump won. I don't believe they've ever done that before for a U.S. President before.--LOL
Russia revels in Trump victory — and looks to roll back Western sanctions

The next few weeks should be very interesting.

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... SO THIS IS A BI-PARTISAN EXECUTIVE ORDER--because we have Republicans on the Senate Intelligence committee who are all in agreement, that these leaks most certainly coming from Russia. It's really a no brainer, wiki leaks was only attacking DNC databases, not RNC. They wanted Trump bad, they just didn't cover their tracks very well.

FIRST: BULL SHIT. There is as much proof of that as there was about WMD's in Irak, i.e. all false.

SECOND: I hope that you are not waving the flag when you make such accusations. How many national leaders has the CIA assasinated? I lost count.
When did Republicans suddenly decide to worship Putin and Russia?

When they found out he kills journalists and his political enemies?

When they found out he is basically a dictator?

When he invaded neighboring countries?

When they found out he's a racist?

When they found out he forced people to sign over their wealth to him?

When they found out he wants gays dead?

When? The rest of America really wants to know.
Putin has stated that he would prefer Trump than Hitlery as the American President. I also think the US is much better off with Trump than Hitlery. Would you like to investigate me in case I was the one who leaked Hitlery's e-mails to Wikileaks? Anyway, both Putin and I agree on that point. I guess you could say that we both were crossing our fingers for a regime change. That's a good concept for you to learn, "Regime change". Have you ever heard of it?
Let's be honest. Was there anyone here who's vote was affected by the Russians?
Since when did we need the Russian's to tell us hillary is a dufis?
He is probably the most dangerous man to ever enter the White House.
Maybe Nixon was as dangerous.
Only dangerous to you leftists.
Look. I am a “leftist”, myself. Always have been. But leftist philosophy or Socialism means something. It may mean different things to different people but the common denominator is the idea that we should all share in enough of the community benefits so that EVERYONE lives meaningful lives without destitution. Like I said, I am a “leftist”, but I don't give a shit if there are millionaires and gazillionaires just as long as not a single citizen does without an income (a job) with an adequate wage, a roof over his/her head, and food on the table.

So what does Hilary Clinton mean to me? You people call her a “leftist”. Bull shit. She's a self-centred, power-mongering whore who will send her countrymen to war in order to sit in the lap of the heartless and wealthy businessmen and have her head stroked and nose stuffed with cocaine.

Now, you say that Trump is only dangerous to leftists. In a sense yes, he is. He is dangerous to those who call Hillery a “leftist” and who identify with her fucking treachery. But are they (and she) really leftists? I say no. In any case, I know what you want to say and I agree with you.

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