Obama orders hospitals to grant same-sex couples visitation rights

It's also about one side righting a wrong and the other side defending the wrong.

No, it's about government power out of control, the opposition is against the president overstepping his authority, it has nothing to do with hospital visitation.

Let me explain something to the right wing

You guys are seriously overplaying your "This is a violation to the Constitution" Card. When you scream "Abuse of Government" every time the President does something, it make it obvious that you have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution

Just because you guys were voted out of power and are pouting, does not mean that everything the Democrats do is unconstitutional

When the President violates the Constitution every time he does something, it makes it obvious HE has no idea of the scope of the US Constitution. When you hotly defend him for it - without ever, curiously enough, showing us exactly where he derives the power to do it from - it shows that YOU have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution.

So instead of mistakenly thinking that, "Look, I say it's this way, and objecting just means you don't know anything" is an argument, how about you put up or shut the fuck up? Make with the evidence, aside from your word for it.

That goes for everyone who thinks, "You're joking. This has been happening for years, everyone knows it" is a sufficient answer to a request for specific examples of ANYONE EVER being denied visitation due to a hospital policy against homosexuals. I've been looking for it for pages now, and have yet to see it. Could that be because you don't have anything to show?
It's also about one side righting a wrong and the other side defending the wrong.

No, it's about government power out of control, the opposition is against the president overstepping his authority, it has nothing to do with hospital visitation.

He didn't overstep his authority so you basically have two choices.....stop pretending you are informed on DHHS Policy Protocol or get informed and argue your position from an educated perch instead of an anchor of assumptions.

Well, THAT certainly puts it to rest. "He didn't because I say he didn't. Stop acting like you know anything, because you disagree with me, which means you don't. Get informed on how to agree with what I say."

No proof yet.
Face it...the Righties posting here are very very upset that Gay Americans are allowed to see their loved ones in the hospital. They do not want Obama or anyone to right THAT wrong.

Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectually dishonest arguments

I'd have more respect for you if you'd just say, "Any means is justified as long as it accomplishes the end of making me feel like I'm the good guy." It's apparent to everyone anyway that you leftists don't give a good goddamn what laws you violate, as long as you get your way and your self-esteem warm fuzzies.
Face it...the Righties posting here are very very upset that Gay Americans are allowed to see their loved ones in the hospital. They do not want Obama or anyone to right THAT wrong.

Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectually dishonest arguments

Oh yes......

"Its not that we oppose gays having visitation rights.....its the principle of the matter"

Actually, it's that no one refused them "visitation rights" - whatever the fuck that's even supposed to be - which only leaves the principle of the thing, which is that you leftists are, once again, lying out your asses about everything.
everyone person has a right to bee seen. and it shouldn't matter if they gay striaght or if there green or orange. so i don't see what the fuck you disagree this is wrong end of story.

obama has the right to do this end of story you moron

Guess you can't read Moron!

I am for their right to visitation. I believe Obama over-stepped the functions of the President as stated in the Constitution... end of story.


believe whatever you want, doesn't make it so, and the facts disagree

Not that you can be bothered to show us any of those facts, other than the fact that YOU think so.
Face it...the Righties posting here are very very upset that Gay Americans are allowed to see their loved ones in the hospital. They do not want Obama or anyone to right THAT wrong.

Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectually dishonest arguments

I'd have more respect for you if you'd just say, "Any means is justified as long as it accomplishes the end of making me feel like I'm the good guy." It's apparent to everyone anyway that you leftists don't give a good goddamn what laws you violate, as long as you get your w
J\ay and your self-esteem warm fuzzies.

Just when you thought you heard the dumbest argument ever, another comes along :cuckoo:
Thirteen pages and not ONE specific example of this bullshit order being needed. Lots and lots of assertions that "Of COURSE it's needed, everyone knows it happens, you're stupid to say it doesn't", but not one actual shred of proof.

I guess that answers the question, doesn't it? Sheer, unmitigated grandstanding and lying, same as always.
I addressed this in post number 161 therefore when you say:

With this:

It proves in fact, that it is you who is the :eusa_liar:

I see you can not handle a friendly debate without stooping to name calling. Grow up.


:lol:Grow up, you don't know the difference between opinion and fact. I may need to grow up, you need to go back to school and learn the difference between the two. :lol:

typical troll, post nonsense, continually ignore other's posts and twist it or focus on a tiny part of it and not the main post, when called out on it, play the "name calling" card. So unoriginal, you all act the same. Seems more childish than anything I've said here

This bullshit coming from a troll?

Get real Gregg.

You can't even hold a friendly discussion without whining. Grow up!

You are the one that sounds like they are whining. Another troll response, say thing about others you know fit you

How can you have a friendly discussion when someone thinks OPINION equals FACTS? GAme over right there, if they are not smart and honest enough to know opinions don't equal facts
Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectually dishonest arguments

I'd have more respect for you if you'd just say, "Any means is justified as long as it accomplishes the end of making me feel like I'm the good guy." It's apparent to everyone anyway that you leftists don't give a good goddamn what laws you violate, as long as you get your w
J\ay and your self-esteem warm fuzzies.

Just when you thought you heard the dumbest argument ever, another comes along :cuckoo:

Yeah, but it's a violation of your First Amendment rights to shut you up, so what can I do but tolerate them and marvel that you can top the last one?
:lol:Grow up, you don't know the difference between opinion and fact. I may need to grow up, you need to go back to school and learn the difference between the two. :lol:

typical troll, post nonsense, continually ignore other's posts and twist it or focus on a tiny part of it and not the main post, when called out on it, play the "name calling" card. So unoriginal, you all act the same. Seems more childish than anything I've said here

This bullshit coming from a troll?

Get real Gregg.

You can't even hold a friendly discussion without whining. Grow up!

You are the one that sounds like they are whining. Another troll response, say thing about others you know fit you

How can you have a friendly discussion when someone thinks OPINION equals FACTS? GAme over right there, if they are not smart and honest enough to know opinions don't equal facts

I agree, but again, you have every right to be stupid and dishonest, so what else can we do?
The amazing fact is that in 2010 the President has to get involved at all. To think that thre are still hospitals out there that would deny visitation to a homosexual partner.

Shows we still have a long way to go
what in the hell does visitation have to do with insurance? that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Hospitals are liable for whom they let into see patients.

If your were in ICU would you want an ex spouse or bill collector coming in to see you?
some hospitals let the patient say who to allow in some patients are not able to make that decision for themselves. Hospitals have an obligation to guard the helpless patients in their care from many things.

hey! obie wan ass kisser,, all you have to do is tell the staff you don't want to see your ex wife,, and she won't get in,, it is unlawful for bill collecter to stalk you in icu.. try again,, it has fuck to do with insurance.

But they let Newt Gingrich into his wifes hospital room when she had cancer to tell her he was divorcing her.

OH YEAH , they were married.

I guess the only way to solve this for good is to allow gays to marry.
:lol:Grow up, you don't know the difference between opinion and fact. I may need to grow up, you need to go back to school and learn the difference between the two. :lol:

typical troll, post nonsense, continually ignore other's posts and twist it or focus on a tiny part of it and not the main post, when called out on it, play the "name calling" card. So unoriginal, you all act the same. Seems more childish than anything I've said here

This bullshit coming from a troll?

Get real Gregg.

You can't even hold a friendly discussion without whining. Grow up!

You are the one that sounds like they are whining. Another troll response, say thing about others you know fit you

How can you have a friendly discussion when someone thinks OPINION equals FACTS? GAme over right there, if they are not smart and honest enough to know opinions don't equal facts

You fool, that is all you have done in this thread is whine. Maybe you can't figure that out?

You are the idiot that claims that I stated anything I said was fact. You put those words in my mouth, not me. You stooped to leftist tactics of putting words in other people's mouths and you have done nothing but whine ever since.

BTW: fool, every time any one of us posts on this site we are posting opinions. I did not state that my opinions were fact. Those were your words, not mine. If you had an ounce of integrity, a quarter ounce of intelligence or any guts at all you would have tried to prove that I was wrong rather than act like the troll you are and whine about something that had absolutely zero to do with the tread.

Go troll somewhere else whiner.

Last edited:
No, it's about government power out of control, the opposition is against the president overstepping his authority, it has nothing to do with hospital visitation.

Let me explain something to the right wing

You guys are seriously overplaying your "This is a violation to the Constitution" Card. When you scream "Abuse of Government" every time the President does something, it make it obvious that you have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution

Just because you guys were voted out of power and are pouting, does not mean that everything the Democrats do is unconstitutional

When the President violates the Constitution every time he does something, it makes it obvious HE has no idea of the scope of the US Constitution. When you hotly defend him for it - without ever, curiously enough, showing us exactly where he derives the power to do it from - it shows that YOU have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution.

So instead of mistakenly thinking that, "Look, I say it's this way, and objecting just means you don't know anything" is an argument, how about you put up or shut the fuck up? Make with the evidence, aside from your word for it.

That goes for everyone who thinks, "You're joking. This has been happening for years, everyone knows it" is a sufficient answer to a request for specific examples of ANYONE EVER being denied visitation due to a hospital policy against homosexuals. I've been looking for it for pages now, and have yet to see it. Could that be because you don't have anything to show?

We have an organization called the US Supreme Court who is empowered by the Constitution to interpret what is covered by the Constitution and what is not. To date, not a single act by the Obama administration has failed to meet Constitutional standards.

Yet, the right wing has declared EVERY action by the Democrats to be Unconstitutional

Hey Republicans....Being voted out of office is not unconstitutional
Face it...the Righties posting here are very very upset that Gay Americans are allowed to see their loved ones in the hospital. They do not want Obama or anyone to right THAT wrong.

Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectual dishonest arguments

You realize this is a total deal breaker for Obama....SOOOOOO many people will not vote for him in 2014 because he lets us visit our loved ones in the hospital.... :doubt:

i predict no one will vote for obama in 2014; not one single ballot will be cast.
Let me explain something to the right wing

You guys are seriously overplaying your "This is a violation to the Constitution" Card. When you scream "Abuse of Government" every time the President does something, it make it obvious that you have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution

Just because you guys were voted out of power and are pouting, does not mean that everything the Democrats do is unconstitutional

When the President violates the Constitution every time he does something, it makes it obvious HE has no idea of the scope of the US Constitution. When you hotly defend him for it - without ever, curiously enough, showing us exactly where he derives the power to do it from - it shows that YOU have no idea of the scope of the US Constitution.

So instead of mistakenly thinking that, "Look, I say it's this way, and objecting just means you don't know anything" is an argument, how about you put up or shut the fuck up? Make with the evidence, aside from your word for it.

That goes for everyone who thinks, "You're joking. This has been happening for years, everyone knows it" is a sufficient answer to a request for specific examples of ANYONE EVER being denied visitation due to a hospital policy against homosexuals. I've been looking for it for pages now, and have yet to see it. Could that be because you don't have anything to show?

We have an organization called the US Supreme Court who is empowered by the Constitution to interpret what is covered by the Constitution and what is not. To date, not a single act by the Obama administration has failed to meet Constitutional standards.

Yet, the right wing has declared EVERY action by the Democrats to be Unconstitutional

Hey Republicans....Being voted out of office is not unconstitutional

The Supreme Court does not randomly decide to rule on things. Subjects are brought up through the court system to them. It takes some time, but I believe there are currently 14 states claiming that the HC bill is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court will eventually have to rule on it.
Yup, and they try to pretend they aren't close minded bigots by making up completely stupid reasons why they don't agree. I'd probably have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like homosexuals and stop trying to bullshit and dance around their ignorance with intellectual dishonest arguments

You realize this is a total deal breaker for Obama....SOOOOOO many people will not vote for him in 2014 because he lets us visit our loved ones in the hospital.... :doubt:

i predict no one will vote for obama in 2014; not one single ballot will be cast.

Touche' Del...I deserve that. :lol::lol::lol:
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You realize this is a total deal breaker for Obama....SOOOOOO many people will not vote for him in 2014 because he lets us visit our loved ones in the hospital.... :doubt:

i predict no one will vote for obama in 2014; not one single ballot will be cast.

Touche' Del...I deserve that. :lol::lol::lol:

i came in late, i shoulda read all the way through.
you had already owned up- i made a mistake once, so don't feel bad


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